
Joan-Josep Climent

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8EEJoan-Josep Climent, Francisco Ferrández, José-Francisco Vicent, Antonio Zamora: A nonlinear elliptic curve cryptosystem based on matrices. Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(1): 150-164 (2006)
7EEJoan-Josep Climent, E. Gorla, J. Rosenthal: Cryptanalysis of the CFVZ cryptosystem CoRR abs/cs/0602037: (2006)
6EEJoan-Josep Climent, Carmen Perea, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: An overlapped two-way method for solving tridiagonal linear systems in a BSP computer. Applied Mathematics and Computation 161(2): 475-500 (2005)
5EERafael Álvarez, Joan-Josep Climent, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: An efficient binary sequence generator with cryptographic applications. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 16-27 (2005)
4EEJoan-Josep Climent, Carmen Perea, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: A BSP recursive divide and conquer algorithm to solve a tridiagonal linear system. Applied Mathematics and Computation 159(2): 459-484 (2004)
3 Joan-Josep Climent, Carmen Perea, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: Sequential and parallel synchronous alternating iterative methods. Math. Comput. 73(246): 691-717 (2004)
2EERafael Álvarez, Joan-Josep Climent, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: A Pseudorandom Bit Generator Based on Block Upper Triangular Matrices. ICWE 2003: 299-300
1 Joan-Josep Climent, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora: A BSP Recursive Divide and Conquer Algorithm to Compute the Inverse of a Tridiagonal Matrix. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 59(3): 423-444 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Rafael Álvarez [2] [5]
2Francisco Ferrández [8]
3E. Gorla [7]
4Carmen Perea [3] [4] [6]
5J. Rosenthal [7]
6Leandro Tortosa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7José-Francisco Vicent [8]
8Antonio Zamora [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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