
Josef Dick

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12EEJosef Dick, Harald Niederreiter: On the exact t-value of Niederreiter and Sobol' sequences. J. Complexity 24(5-6): 572-581 (2008)
11EEJosef Dick, Friedrich Pillichshammer, Benjamin J. Waterhouse: The construction of good extensible Korobov rules. Computing 79(1): 79-91 (2007)
10EEJosef Dick, Friedrich Pillichshammer: Strong tractability of multivariate integration of arbitrary high order using digitally shifted polynomial lattice rules. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 436-453 (2007)
9EEJosef Dick, Peter Kritzer, Friedrich Pillichshammer, Wolfgang Ch. Schmid: On the existence of higher order polynomial lattices based on a generalized figure of merit. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 581-593 (2007)
8EEJosef Dick: A note on the existence of sequences with small star discrepancy. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 649-652 (2007)
7EEJosef Dick, Peter Kritzer, Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan: Lattice-Nyström method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with convolution type kernels. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 752-772 (2007)
6EELigia L. Cristea, Josef Dick, Friedrich Pillichshammer: On the mean square weighted L2 discrepancy of randomized digital nets in prime base. J. Complexity 22(5): 605-629 (2006)
5EEJosef Dick, Friedrich Pillichshammer: Multivariate integration in weighted Hilbert spaces based on Walsh functions and weighted Sobolev spaces. J. Complexity 21(2): 149-195 (2005)
4EEJosef Dick, Friedrich Pillichshammer: Diaphony, discrepancy, spectral test and worst-case error. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 70(3): 159-171 (2005)
3EEJosef Dick: On the convergence rate of the component-by-component construction of good lattice rules. J. Complexity 20(4): 493-522 (2004)
2EEJosef Dick, Ian H. Sloan, Xiaoqun Wang, Henryk Wozniakowski: Liberating the weights. J. Complexity 20(5): 593-623 (2004)
1 Josef Dick, Frances Y. Kuo: Reducing the construction cost of the component-by-component construction of good lattice rules. Math. Comput. 73(248): 1967-1988 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ligia L. Cristea [6]
2Peter Kritzer [7] [9]
3Frances Y. Kuo [1] [7]
4Harald Niederreiter [12]
5Friedrich Pillichshammer [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11]
6Wolfgang Ch. Schmid [9]
7Ian H. Sloan [2] [7]
8Xiaoqun Wang [2]
9Benjamin J. Waterhouse [11]
10Henryk Wozniakowski [2]

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