
S. A. Sauter

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6EEIvo Babuska, S. A. Sauter: Efficient Solution of Anisotropic Lattice Equations by the Recovery Method. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(5): 2386-2404 (2008)
5EES. A. Sauter, R. Warnke: Composite Finite Elements for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients. Computing 77(1): 29-55 (2006)
4EEWolfgang Hackbusch, M. Löhndorf, S. A. Sauter: Coarsening of Boundary-element Spaces. Computing 77(3): 253-273 (2006)
3EES. A. Sauter: A Refined Finite Element Convergence Theory for Highly Indefinite Helmholtz Problems. Computing 78(2): 101-115 (2006)
2 Wolfgang Dahmen, B. Faermann, Ivan G. Graham, Wolfgang Hackbusch, S. A. Sauter: Inverse inequalities on non-quasi-uniform meshes and application to the mortar element method. Math. Comput. 73(247): 1107-1138 (2004)
1 Ivo Babuska, S. A. Sauter: Algebraic algorithms for the analysis of mechanical trusses. Math. Comput. 73(248): 1601-1622 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ivo Babuska [1] [6]
2Wolfgang Dahmen [2]
3B. Faermann [2]
4Ivan G. Graham [2]
5Wolfgang Hackbusch [2] [4]
6M. Löhndorf [4]
7R. Warnke [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)