
James N. Lyness

J. N. Lyness

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14EEJ. N. Lyness: Numerical evaluation of a fixed-amplitude variable-phase integral. Numerical Algorithms 49(1-4): 235-249 (2008)
13 J. N. Lyness, Tor Sørevik: Four-dimensional lattice rules generated by skew-circulant matrices. Math. Comput. 73(245): 279-295 (2004)
12EEJames N. Lyness: Notes on lattice rules. J. Complexity 19(3): 321-331 (2003)
11 Ronald Cools, James N. Lyness: Three- and four-dimensional K-optimal lattice rules of moderate trigonometric degree. Math. Comput. 70(236): 1549-1567 (2001)
10 J. N. Lyness: Evaluation of minimization software based on performance profile techniques. Quality of Numerical Software 1996: 152-154
9 James N. Lyness, Stephen Joe: Triangular canonical forms for lattice rules of prime-power order. Math. Comput. 65(213): 165-178 (1996)
8EEBurton S. Garbow, J. N. Lyness: Remark on algorithm 662. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 16(4): 405-406 (1990)
7 J. N. Lyness, W. Newman: A Search for Good Lattice Rules Based on the Reciprocal Lattice Generator Matrix. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 271-278
6 J. N. Lyness: Remarks about performance profiles. Problems and Methodologies in Mathematical Software Production 1980: 186-197
5 J. N. Lyness, J. J. Kaganove: A Technique for Comparing Automatic Quadrature Routines. Comput. J. 20(2): 170-177 (1977)
4EEJ. N. Lyness, J. J. Kaganove: Comments on the Nature of Automatic Quadrature Routines. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 2(1): 65-81 (1976)
3 J. N. Lyness: Guidelines for Automatic Quadrature Routines. IFIP Congress (2) 1971: 1351-1355
2 J. N. Lyness: ENTCAF and ENTCRE: Evaluation of Normalized Taylor Coefficients of an Analytic Function [C5] (Algorithm 413). Commun. ACM 14(10): 669-675 (1971)
1EEJ. N. Lyness: Notes on the Adaptive Simpson Quadrature Routine. J. ACM 16(3): 483-495 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Cools [11]
2Burton S. Garbow [8]
3Stephen Joe [9]
4J. J. Kaganove [4] [5]
5W. Newman [7]
6Tor Sørevik [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)