
Carl Pomerance

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15EEJuan A. Garay, Carl Pomerance: Timed Fair Exchange of Standard Signatures: [Extended Abstract]. Financial Cryptography 2003: 190-207
14EECarl Pomerance, Igor Shparlinski: Smooth Orders and Cryptographic Applications. ANTS 2002: 338-348
13 Andrew Granville, Carl Pomerance: Two contradictory conjectures concerning Carmichael numbers. Math. Comput. 71(238): 883-908 (2002)
12 John Friedlander, Carl Pomerance, Igor Shparlinski: Period of the power generator and small values of Carmichael's function. Math. Comput. 70(236): 1591-1605 (2001)
11 Richard E. Crandall, Karl Dilcher, Carl Pomerance: A search for Wieferich and Wilson primes. Math. Comput. 66(217): 433-449 (1997)
10EECarl Pomerance, John Michael Robson, Jeffrey Shallit: Automaticity II: Descriptional Complexity in the Unary Case. Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(1-2): 181-201 (1997)
9 Carl Pomerance, Jonathan Sorenson: Counting the Integers Factorable via Cyclotomic Methods. J. Algorithms 19(2): 250-265 (1995)
8 W. R. Alford, Andrew Granville, Carl Pomerance: On the difficulty of finding reliable witnesses. ANTS 1994: 1-16
7 Carl Pomerance: Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '87, A Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 16-20, 1987, Proceedings Springer 1988
6 Pierre Beauchemin, Gilles Brassard, Claude Crépeau, Claude Goutier, Carl Pomerance: The Generation of Random Numbers that Are Probably Prime. J. Cryptology 1(1): 53-64 (1988)
5 Carl Pomerance, Jeffrey W. Smith, Randy Tuler: A Pipeline Architecture for Factoring Large Integers with the Quadratic Sieve Algorithm. SIAM J. Comput. 17(2): 387-403 (1988)
4 Noga Alon, Daniel J. Kleitman, Carl Pomerance, Michael E. Saks, Paul D. Seymour: The smallets n-uniform hypergraph with positive discrepancy. Combinatorica 7(2): 151-160 (1987)
3EECarl Pomerance: The Quadratic Sieve Factoring Algorithm. EUROCRYPT 1984: 169-182
2 Carl Pomerance, Jeffrey W. Smith, Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr.: New Ideas for Factoring Large Integers. CRYPTO 1983: 81-85
1 Carl Pomerance: Collinear Subsets of Lattice Point Sequences - An Analog of Szemerédi's Theorem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 28(2): 140-149 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1W. R. Alford [8]
2Noga Alon [4]
3Pierre Beauchemin [6]
4Gilles Brassard [6]
5Richard E. Crandall [11]
6Claude Crépeau [6]
7Karl Dilcher [11]
8John Friedlander [12]
9Juan A. Garay [15]
10Claude Goutier [6]
11Andrew Granville [8] [13]
12Daniel J. Kleitman [4]
13John Michael Robson [10]
14Michael E. Saks [4]
15Paul D. Seymour [4]
16Jeffrey Shallit [10]
17Igor Shparlinski [12] [14]
18Jeffrey W. Smith [2] [5]
19Jonathan Sorenson [9]
20Randy Tuler [5]
21Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr. [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)