
Yuan Xu

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22EEJialiang Zhang, Beizhi Li, Yuan Xu, Jianguo Yang: Macro-micro Driven Ultra-Precision Positioning Stage for Conventional Grinder. ICIRA (2) 2008: 848-857
21EEYuan Xu: Sobolev orthogonal polynomials defined via gradient on the unit ball. Journal of Approximation Theory 152(1): 52-65 (2008)
20EEYuan Xu: Donald J. Newman (1930-2007). Journal of Approximation Theory 154(1): 37-58 (2008)
19EEWolfgang zu Castell, Noemí Laín Fernández, Yuan Xu: Polynomial interpolation on the unit sphere II. Adv. Comput. Math. 26(1-3): 155-171 (2007)
18EEYuan Xu, Oleg Tischenko, Christoph Hoeschen: Image reconstruction by OPED algorithm with averaging. Numerical Algorithms 45(1-4): 179-193 (2007)
17EEXu Li, Yuan Xu, Bin He: Simulation and experiment study of magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction (MAT-MI) for bioimpedance imaging. ISBI 2006: 1088-1091
16EEYuan Xu: A family of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball. Journal of Approximation Theory 138(2): 232-241 (2006)
15EELen Bos, Marco Caliari, Stefano De Marchi, Marco Vianello, Yuan Xu: Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: The generating curve approach. Journal of Approximation Theory 143(1): 15-25 (2006)
14EEYuan Xu: Monomial orthogonal polynomials of several variables. Journal of Approximation Theory 133(1): 1-37 (2005)
13EEYuan Xu: Polynomial Interpolation on the Unit Sphere and on the Unit Ball. Adv. Comput. Math. 20(1-3): 247-260 (2004)
12EEYuan Xu: Approximation by Means of h-Harmonic Polynomials on the Unit Sphere. Adv. Comput. Math. 21(1-2): 37-58 (2004)
11EEYuan Xu, Christina Yuan Ling Tan, Wen Ping Wang, Francis Eng Hock Tay: Simulation Of Large Membrane Deformation In An Electrochemical Actuator. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(2): 205-210 (2003)
10EEYuan Xu: Lower bound for the number of nodes of cubature formulae on the unit ball. J. Complexity 19(3): 392-402 (2003)
9EEBorislav Bojanov, Yuan Xu: On polynomial interpolation of two variables. Journal of Approximation Theory 120(2): 267-282 (2003)
8EEZhongkai Li, Yuan Xu: Summability of orthogonal expansions of several variables. Journal of Approximation Theory 122(2): 267-333 (2003)
7 Yuan Xu, Dazi Feng, Lihong V. Wang: Exact Frequency-Domain Reconstruction for Thermoacoustic Tomography: I. Planar Geometry. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(7): 823-828 (2002)
6 Yuan Xu, Minghua Xu, Lihong V. Wang: Exact Frequency-Domain Reconstruction for Thermoacoustic Tomography: II. Cylindrical Geometry. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(7): 829-833 (2002)
5EEChaozhen Guo, Qingming Wang, Yuan Xu: Design and Implementation of a Communication Mechanism for WEBGIS Based on a Distributed Component Model. CSCWD 2001: 558-561
4EEYuan Xu: Representation of Reproducing Kernels and the Lebesgue Constants on the Ball. Journal of Approximation Theory 112(2): 295-310 (2001)
3 Sangwoo Heo, Yuan Xu: Constructing fully symmetric cubature formulae for the sphere. Math. Comput. 70(233): 269-279 (2001)
2EEYuan Xu: Polynomial interpolation in several variables, cubature formulae, and ideals[*]Supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS-9802265. Adv. Comput. Math. 12(4): 363-376 (2000)
1EEYuan Xu: Minimal cubature formulae for a family of radial weight functions. Adv. Comput. Math. 8(4): 367-380 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Borislav Bojanov [9]
2Len Bos [15]
3Marco Caliari [15]
4Wolfgang zu Castell [19]
5Dazi Feng [7]
6Noemí Laín Fernández [19]
7Chaozhen Guo [5]
8Bin He [17]
9Sangwoo Heo [3]
10Christoph Hoeschen [18]
11Beizhi Li [22]
12Xu Li [17]
13Zhongkai Li [8]
14Stefano De Marchi [15]
15Christina Yuan Ling Tan [11]
16Francis Eng Hock Tay [11]
17Oleg Tischenko [18]
18Marco Vianello [15]
19Lihong V. Wang [6] [7]
20Qingming Wang [5]
21Wen Ping Wang [11]
22Minghua Xu [6]
23Jianguo Yang [22]
24Jialiang Zhang [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)