
Daniel Panario

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33EEDaniel Panario, David Thomson: Efficient p th root computations in finite fields of characteristic p. Des. Codes Cryptography 50(3): 351-358 (2009)
32EEConrado Martínez, Lucia Moura, Daniel Panario, Brett Stevens: Algorithms to Locate Errors Using Covering Arrays. LATIN 2008: 504-519
31EEMaria Christopoulou, Theodoulos Garefalakis, Daniel Panario, David Thomson: The trace of an optimal normal element and low complexity normal bases. Des. Codes Cryptography 49(1-3): 199-215 (2008)
30EEAriane M. Masuda, Lucia Moura, Daniel Panario, David Thomson: Low Complexity Normal Elements over Finite Fields of Characteristic Two. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(7): 990-1001 (2008)
29EEMichael Dewar, Lucia Moura, Daniel Panario, Brett Stevens, Qiang Wang: Division of trinomials by pentanomials and orthogonal arrays. Des. Codes Cryptography 45(1): 1-17 (2007)
28EEPhilippe Jacquet, Daniel Panario, Wojciech Szpankowski: Preface. Algorithmica 46(3-4): 247-248 (2006)
27EEMohamed Omar, Daniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond, Jacki Whitely: Asymptotics of Largest Components in Combinatorial Structures. Algorithmica 46(3-4): 493-503 (2006)
26EEPhilippe Flajolet, Éric Fusy, Xavier Gourdon, Daniel Panario, Nicolas Pouyanne: A Hybrid of Darboux's Method and Singularity Analysis in Combinatorial Asymptotics. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
25EEAriane M. Masuda, Daniel Panario, Qiang Wang: The Number of Permutation Binomials over F4p+1 where p and 4p+1 are Primes. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
24EEM.-R. Sadeghi, Amir H. Banihashemi, Daniel Panario: Low-Density Parity-Check Lattices: Construction and Decoding Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4481-4495 (2006)
23EEZhicheng Gao, Daniel Panario: Degree distribution of the greatest common divisor of polynomials over Fq. Random Struct. Algorithms 29(1): 26-37 (2006)
22 Daniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond, Martha Yip: A Simple Primality Test and th rth Smallest Prime Factor. ALENEX/ANALC 2004: 185-193
21EEConrado Martinez, Daniel Panario, Alfredo Viola: Adaptive sampling for quickselect. SODA 2004: 447-455
20EEEdward A. Bender, Atefeh Mashatan, Daniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond: Asymptotics of combinatorial structures with large smallest component. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 107(1): 117-125 (2004)
19EEMichael Dewar, Daniel Panario: Mutual Irreducibility of Certain Polynomials. International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications 2003: 59-68
18EEDaniel Panario: What Do Random Polynomials over Finite Fields Look Like? International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications 2003: 89-108
17 Michael Dewar, Daniel Panario: Linear transformation shift registers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(8): 2047-2052 (2003)
16 Michael Drmota, Daniel Panario: A Rigorous Proof of the Waterloo Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem. Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 229-241 (2002)
15EETheodoulos Garefalakis, Daniel Panario: Polynomials over finite fields free from large and small degree irreducible factors. J. Algorithms 44(1): 98-120 (2002)
14EEDaniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond: Smallest Components in Decomposable Structures: Exp-Log Class. Algorithmica 29(1): 205-226 (2001)
13EEDaniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond: Exact Largest and Smallest Size of Components. Algorithmica 31(3): 413-432 (2001)
12 Philippe Flajolet, Xavier Gourdon, Daniel Panario: The Complete Analysis of a Polynomial Factorization Algorithm over Finite Fields. J. Algorithms 40(1): 37-81 (2001)
11 Joachim von zur Gathen, Daniel Panario: Factoring Polynomials Over Finite Fields: A Survey. J. Symb. Comput. 31(1/2): 3-17 (2001)
10 Theodoulos Garefalakis, Daniel Panario: The index calculus method using non-smooth polynomials. Math. Comput. 70(235): 1253-1264 (2001)
9 Daniel Panario, Boris Pittel, L. Bruce Richmond, Alfredo Viola: Analysis of Rabin's irreducibility test for polynomials over finite fields. Random Struct. Algorithms 19(3-4): 525-551 (2001)
8 Gaston H. Gonnet, Daniel Panario, Alfredo Viola: LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics, 4th Latin American Symposium, Punta del Este, Uruguay, April 10-14, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
7 Shuhong Gao, Joachim von zur Gathen, Daniel Panario, Victor Shoup: Algorithms for Exponentiation in Finite Fields. J. Symb. Comput. 29(6): 879-889 (2000)
6EEDaniel Panario, Xavier Gourdon, Philippe Flajolet: An Analytic Approach to Smooth Polynominals over Finite Fields. ANTS 1998: 226-236
5EEDaniel Panario, Alfredo Viola: Analysis of Rabin's Polynomial Irreducability Test. LATIN 1998: 1-10
4 Shuhong Gao, Joachim von zur Gathen, Daniel Panario: Gauss periods: orders and cryptographical applications. Math. Comput. 67(221): 343-352 (1998)
3 Daniel Panario, L. Bruce Richmond: Analysis of Ben-Or's polynomial irreducibility test. Random Struct. Algorithms 13(3-4): 439-456 (1998)
2 Philippe Flajolet, Xavier Gourdon, Daniel Panario: Random Polynomials and Polynomial Factorization. ICALP 1996: 232-243
1 Shuhong Gao, Joachim von zur Gathen, Daniel Panario: Gauss Periods and Fast Exponentiation in Finite Fields (Extended Abstract). LATIN 1995: 311-322

Coauthor Index

1Amir H. Banihashemi [24]
2Edward A. Bender [20]
3Maria Christopoulou [31]
4Michael Dewar [17] [19] [29]
5Michael Drmota [16]
6Philippe Flajolet [2] [6] [12] [26]
7Éric Fusy [26]
8Shuhong Gao [1] [4] [7]
9Zhicheng Gao [23]
10Theodoulos Garefalakis [10] [15] [31]
11Joachim von zur Gathen [1] [4] [7] [11]
12Gaston H. Gonnet [8]
13Xavier Gourdon [2] [6] [12] [26]
14Philippe Jacquet [28]
15Conrado Martínez (Conrado Martinez) [21] [32]
16Atefeh Mashatan [20]
17Ariane M. Masuda [25] [30]
18Lucia Moura [29] [30] [32]
19Mohamed Omar [27]
20Boris Pittel [9]
21Nicolas Pouyanne [26]
22L. Bruce Richmond [3] [9] [13] [14] [20] [22] [27]
23M.-R. Sadeghi [24]
24Victor Shoup [7]
25Brett Stevens [29] [32]
26Wojciech Szpankowski [28]
27David Thomson [30] [31] [33]
28Alfredo Viola [5] [8] [9] [21]
29Qiang Wang [25] [29]
30Jacki Whitely [27]
31Martha Yip [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)