
Gabriel Wittum

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10EEChristoph Reisinger, Gabriel Wittum: Efficient Hierarchical Approximation of High-Dimensional Option Pricing Problems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 29(1): 440-458 (2007)
9EEJ. P. Eberhard, A. Wanner, Gabriel Wittum: NeuGen: A tool for the generation of realistic morphology of cortical neurons and neural networks in 3D. Neurocomputing 70(1-3): 327-342 (2006)
8EEStefan Lang, Gabriel Wittum: Large-scale density-driven flow simulations using parallel unstructured Grid adaptation and local multigrid methods. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(11): 1415-1440 (2005)
7EEMo Zeyao, Shen Longjun, Gabriel Wittum: Parallel adaptive multigrid algorithm for 2-d 3-t diffusion equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(3): 361-374 (2004)
6EENicolas Neuss, W. Jäger, Gabriel Wittum: Homogenization and Multigrid. Computing 66(1): 1-26 (2001)
5 Wolfgang Hoffmann, Alfred H. Schatz, Lars B. Wahlbin, Gabriel Wittum: Asymptotically exact a posteriori estimators for the pointwise gradient error on each element in irregular meshes. Part 1: A smooth problem and globally quasi-uniform meshes. Math. Comput. 70(235): 897-909 (2001)
4EEP. Bastian, Wolfgang Hackbusch, Gabriel Wittum: Additive and Multiplicative Multi-Grid - A Comparison. Computing 60(4): 345-364 (1998)
3EEW. Weiler, Gabriel Wittum: Parallel Frequency Filtering. Computing 58(4): 303-316 (1997)
2EEStefan Sauter, Gabriel Wittum: A multigrid method for the computation of eigenmodes of closed water basins. IMPACT Comput. Sci. Eng. 4(2): 124-152 (1992)
1EEGabriel Wittum: Linear iterations as smoothers in multigrid methods: Theory with applications to incomplete decompositions. IMPACT Comput. Sci. Eng. 1(2): 180-215 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1P. Bastian [4]
2J. P. Eberhard [9]
3Wolfgang Hackbusch [4]
4Wolfgang Hoffmann [5]
5W. Jäger [6]
6Stefan Lang [8]
7Shen Longjun [7]
8Nicolas Neuss [6]
9Christoph Reisinger [10]
10Stefan Sauter [2]
11Alfred H. Schatz [5]
12Lars B. Wahlbin [5]
13A. Wanner [9]
14W. Weiler [3]
15Mo Zeyao [7]

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