Volume 26,
Number 1,
September 1993
- Ian F. Akyildiz, Izhak Rubin, Kazem Sohraby:
Teletraffic Issues in ATM Networks.
1-4 BibTeX
- Imrich Chlamtac, Tao Zhang:
A Counter Based Congestion Control (CBC) for ATM Networks.
5-27 BibTeX
- Ellen L. Hahne, Charles R. Kalmanek, Stephen P. Morgan:
Dynamic Window Flow Control on a High-Speed Wide-Area Data Network.
29-41 BibTeX
- K. Sriram:
Methodologies for Bandwidth Allocation, Transmission Scheduling, and Congestion Avoidance in Broadband ATM Networks.
43-59 BibTeX
- Levent Gün, Roch Guérin:
Bandwidth Management and Congestion Control Framework of the Broadband Betwork Architecture.
61-78 BibTeX
- Guo-Liang Wu, Jon W. Mark:
Discrete Time Analysis of Leaky-Bucket Congestion Control.
79-94 BibTeX
- John F. Meyer, Sergio Montagna, Roberto Paglino:
Dimensioning of an ATM Switch with Shared Buffer and Threshold Priority.
95-108 BibTeX
- Moshe Zukerman, Sammy Chan:
Fairness in ATM Networks.
109-117 BibTeX
- Flavio Bonomi, Sergio Montagna, Roberto Paglino:
A Further Look at Statistical Multiplexing in ATM Networks.
119-138 BibTeX
- Indra Widjaja, Alberto Leon-Garcia, H. T. Mouftah:
The Effect of Cut-Through Switching on the Performance of Buffered Banyan Networks.
139-159 BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 2,
October 1993
- Erwin A. Zurfluh, Roy D. Cideciyan, P. Dill, R. Heller, W. W. Lemppenau, P. Mueller, H. R. Schindler, Pitro Zafiropulo:
The IBM Zurich Research Laboratory's 1.13 Gb/s LAN/MAN Prototype.
163-183 BibTeX
- Chung-Ju Chang, Jung-Hui Chiu, Shyh-Jong Lin:
The Delay Analysis in a Noisy General Cut-Through Switching Network.
185-194 BibTeX
- Bhumip Khasnabish:
A New Method for Evaluating Packet Routing Policies in Supra-High-Speed Metropolitan (or Wide) Area Networks.
195-216 BibTeX
- Walter Fumy, Matthias Leclerc:
Placement of Cryptographic Key Distribution Within OSI: Design Alternatives and Assessment.
217-225 BibTeX
- Yung H. Tsin:
Incremental Distributed Asynchronous Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees.
227-232 BibTeX
- Thierry Massart:
A Collision Problem in OSI Standard Formal Specifications.
233-238 BibTeX
- Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, C. M. Durance, Terry M. Stepien:
An Introduction to the OSI Directory Services.
239-249 BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 3,
November 1993
- Øivind Kure, Ingvild Sorteberg:
XTP over ATM.
253-262 BibTeX
- Susan Barry, Patricia McQuillan, Michael Purser, Jonathan D. Moffett:
Implementing and Proving Security Services for the RARE/COSINE Community.
263-267 BibTeX
- R. Cooper:
269-274 BibTeX
- Mark Handley, Peter T. Kirstein, Martina Angela Sasse:
Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers (MICE): Piloting Activities and the Conference Management and Multiplexing Centre.
275-290 BibTeX
- Bill Tuck, Ruth Moulton:
Using X.400 for Document Delivery.
291-296 BibTeX
- Bernhard Stockman:
Global Connectivity - the Global Internet eXchange (GIX).
297-303 BibTeX
- Erik Huizer, Janneke Abbema, Maria Heijne, Ton Verschuren:
Reaching Out to the End User.
305-310 BibTeX
- Thomas Plagemann, Bernhard Plattner:
X.500 for Non-Technical Users.
311-315 BibTeX
- Hossam Afifi:
A Hierarchical Directory Based X.400 Server.
316-325 BibTeX
- Glenn Mansfield, K. Jayanthi, K. Higuchi, Thomas Johannsen, Yasunoni Nemoto, Shoichi Noguchi:
Mapping Communication Networks in the Directory.
327-335 BibTeX
- Michel Colin, Bernard Sales:
(N)-LMP: An Architecture for the OSI Lower Layers Management.
337-342 BibTeX
- Daniele Bovio, Greg Lloyd:
Monitoring EARN Networking Services.
343-348 BibTeX
- Andrew Myles, David J. Skellern:
Comparing Four IP Based Mobile Host Protocols.
349-355 BibTeX
- Charles E. Perkins:
Providing Continuous Network Access to Mobile Hosts Using TCP/IP.
357-369 BibTeX
- Dheeraj Sanghi, Olafur Gudmundsson, Ashok K. Agrawala:
Study of Network Dynamics.
371-378 BibTeX
- Edmundo Monteiro, Fernando Boavida, Vasco Freitas:
A Fairness Analysis of LAN/WAN Protocol Relays.
379-388 BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 4,
December 1993
Volume 26,
Number 5,
January 1994
Volume 26,
Numbers 6-8,
March 1994
- Harmen R. van As, Harry Rudin:
Media-Access Techniques for High-Speed LANs and MANs.
601-602 BibTeX
- Harmen R. van As:
Media Access Techniques: The Evolution Towards Terabit/s LANs and MANs.
603-656 BibTeX
- Peter Davids, Thomas Meuser, Otto Spaniol:
FDDI: Status and Perspectives.
657-677 BibTeX
- Peter Martini:
Connection Oriented Data Service in DQDB.
679-694 BibTeX
- Ahmed E. Kamal, Johnny W. Wong, Hossam S. Hassanein:
An Algorithm for Slot Reuse in DQDB Networks with Erasure Nodes.
695-710 BibTeX
- Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini:
E-DCP, an Extension of the Distributed-Control Polling MAC Protocol (DCP) for Integrated Services.
711-719 BibTeX
- Biswanath Mukherjee, Ahmed E. Kamal:
The Continuation-Bit Approach and the pi-Persistent Protocol for Scheduling Variable-Length Messages on Slotted, High-Speed, Fiber Optic LANs/MANs.
721-744 BibTeX
- Greg Watson:
The S++ MAC Protocol.
745-755 BibTeX
- Andrea Baiocchi, Laura Gratta, Marco Listanti, Giovanni Pacifici, Aldo Roveri, Roberto Winkler:
The Adaptive Cycle Cell Insertion MAC Protocol for High Throughput and Fair Multiaccess Networks.
757-770 BibTeX
- J. L. Adams:
771-784 BibTeX
- Kazuo Imai, Tadashi Ito, Hideki Kasahara, Naotaka Morita:
ATMR: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Ring Protocol.
785-798 BibTeX
- Rasti Slosiar, Martin Potts, Reto Beeler:
MD3Q: A Distributed Queueing Protocol with Full Channel Capacity Re-use and Guarantee of Bandwidth.
799-815 BibTeX
- Yoram Ofek:
Overview of the MetaRing Architecture.
817-829 BibTeX
- Harmen R. van As, W. W. Lemppenau, H. R. Schindler, Pitro Zafiropulo:
CRMA-II: A MAC Protocol for Ring-Based Gb/s LANs and MANs.
831-840 BibTeX
- Jack Brassil, Abhijit K. Choudhury, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
The Manhattan Street Network: A High Performance, Highly Reliable Metropolitan Area Network.
841-858 BibTeX
- Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung:
Routing and Flow Control on the MetaNet: An Overview.
859-872 BibTeX
- Marco Ajmone Marsan, Guido Albertengo, Claudio Casetti, Fabio Neri, G. Panizzardi:
On the Performance of Topologies and Access Protocols for High-Speed LANs and MANs.
873-894 BibTeX
- Hung Khei Huang, Tatsuya Suda:
Collision Avoidance Tree Networks.
895-911 BibTeX
- G. N. M. Sudhakar, Mohsen Kavehrad, Nicolas D. Georganas:
Access Protocols for Passive Optical Star Networks.
913-930 BibTeX
- Mark J. Karol, Bernard Glance:
A Collision-Avoidance WDM Optical Star Network.
931-943 BibTeX
- Imrich Chlamtac, Andrea Fumagalli:
Quadro: A Solution to Packet Switching in Optical Transmission Networks.
945-963 BibTeX
- Mario Gerla, Milan Kovacevic, Joseph A. Bannister:
Optical Tree Topologies: Access Control and Wavelength Assignment.
965-983 BibTeX
- Luigi Fratta, Flaminio Borgonovo, Joseph A. Bannister, Mario Gerla:
Routing and Admission Control in the Multihop Wavelength-Division Optical Network.
985-1005 BibTeX
- Arunabha Sen, Pradip Maitra:
A Comparative Study of Shuffle-Exchange, Manhattan Street and Supercube Network for Lightwave Applications.
1007-1022 BibTeX
- Maurizio Decina, Vittorio Trecordi, G. Zanolini, D. Zucca:
Two Simple Techniques for Broadcasting in Deflection Routing Multichannel MANs.
1023-1041 BibTeX
- Stuart D. Elby, Anthony S. Acampora:
Wavelength-Based Cell-Switching in ATM Multihop Lightwave Networks.
1043-1062 BibTeX
- Wing C. Kwong, Paul R. Prucnal:
Ultrafast All-Optical Code-Division Multiple-Access (CDMA) Fiber-Optic Networks.
1063-1086 BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 9,
June 1994
- Hiroshi Saito, Takuya Asaka:
Traffic Aspect of Personal Telecommunications in Intelligent Networks.
1089-1099 BibTeX
- Tommaso Bolognesi, Elie Najm, Paul A. J. Tilanus:
G-LOTOS: A Graphical Language for Concurrent Systems.
1101-1127 BibTeX
- Tee-Hiang Cheng:
Bandwidth Allocation in B-ISDN.
1129-1142 BibTeX
- Ove Færgemand, Anders Olsen:
Introduction to SDL-92.
1143-1167 BibTeX
- Ferit Yegenoglu, Bijan Jabbari:
Characterization and Modeling of Aggregate Traffic for Finite Buffer Statistical Multiplexers.
1169-1185 BibTeX
- Hosein F. Badran, H. T. Mouftah:
ATM Switch Architectures with Input-Output-Buffering: Effect of Input Traffic Correlation, Contention Resolution Policies, Buffer Allocation Strategies and Delay in Backpressure Signal.
1187-1213 BibTeX
- Shyamal K. Chowdhury, Kazem Sohraby:
Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Packet Video in ATM Networks.
1215-1223 BibTeX
- Caroline Fayet, A. Jacques, Guy Pujolle:
High Speed Switching for ATM: The BSS.
1225-1234 BibTeX
- Larry J. Leblanc, Sridhar Narasimhan:
Topological Expansion of Metropolitan Area Networks.
1235-1248 BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 10,
July 1994
Volume 26,
Number 11,
August 1994
Volume 26,
Number 12,
September 1994
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:53:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)