
Andre B. Bondi

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18 Andre B. Bondi: Automating the Analysis of Load Test Results to Assess the Scalability and Stability of a Component-. Int. CMG Conference 2007: 133-146
17EEAndre B. Bondi: Best Practices for Writing and Managing Performance, Reliability, and Availability Requirements. WICSA 2007: 42
16EEAlberto Avritzer, Andre B. Bondi, Elaine J. Weyuker: Ensuring system performance for cluster and single server systems. Journal of Systems and Software 80(4): 441-454 (2007)
15EEAlberto Avritzer, Andre B. Bondi, Michael Grottke, Kishor S. Trivedi, Elaine J. Weyuker: Performance Assurance via Software Rejuvenation: Monitoring, Statistics and Algorithms. DSN 2006: 435-444
14EESteve Masticola, Andre B. Bondi, Mark Hettish: Model-Based Scalability Estimation in Inception-Phase Software Architecture. MoDELS 2005: 355-366
13EEAlberto Avritzer, Andre B. Bondi, Elaine J. Weyuker: Ensuring stable performance for systems that degrade. WOSP 2005: 43-51
12EEAndre B. Bondi: Characteristics of scalability and their impact on performance. Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 195-203
11 Andre B. Bondi: A Nonblocking Mechanism for Regulating the Transmission of Network Management Polls. Integrated Network Management 1997: 565-580
10EEAndre B. Bondi, Victoria Jin: A Performance Model of a Design for a Minimally Replicated Distributed Database for Database-Driven Telecommunications Services. Distributed and Parallel Databases 4(4): 295-317 (1996)
9 Andre B. Bondi, Wai Sum Lai: The Influence of Cell Loss Patterns and Overheads on Retransmission Choices in Broadband ISDN. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(5): 585-598 (1994)
8 Andre B. Bondi: A Study of a State-Dependent Job Admission Policy in a Computer System with Restricted Memory Partitions. Perform. Eval. 15(3): 133-153 (1992)
7 Andre B. Bondi: Problems in Expediting Protocol Processing: Performance Analysis of Kernel Mode Priority Scheduling and Front and Protocol Processors. Perform. Eval. 13(4): 253-265 (1991)
6EEAndre B. Bondi: An analysis of finite capacity queues with priority scheduling and common or reserved waiting areas. Computers & OR 16(3): 217-233 (1989)
5 Andre B. Bondi, Yie-Min Chuang: A New MVA-Based Approximation for Closed Queueing Networks with a Preemptive Priority Server. Perform. Eval. 8(3): 195-221 (1988)
4EEAndre B. Bondi: Decomposition approaches to modelling LAN contention and host computer performance. Computer Communications 10(2): 70-78 (1987)
3 Andre B. Bondi, Ward Whitt: The Influence of Service-Time Variability in a Closed Network of Queues. Perform. Eval. 6(3): 219-234 (1986)
2 Andre B. Bondi: Modeling the Effect of Local Area Network Contention on the Performance of Host Computers. Performance 1984: 303-318
1 Andre B. Bondi, Jeffrey P. Buzen: The Response Times of Priority Classes Under Preemptive Resume in M/G/m Queues. SIGMETRICS 1984: 195-201

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Avritzer [13] [15] [16]
2Jeffrey P. Buzen [1]
3Yie-Min Chuang [5]
4Michael Grottke [15]
5Mark Hettish [14]
6Victoria Jin [10]
7Wai Sum Lai [9]
8Steve Masticola [14]
9Kishor S. Trivedi [15]
10Elaine J. Weyuker [13] [15] [16]
11Ward Whitt [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)