
Øivind Kure

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18EEVinh Pham, Erlend Larsen, Øivind Kure, Paal E. Engelstad: Cost metric algorithm for transit routing in MANETs with internet connectivity. MoMM 2008: 58-66
17EETor Kjetil Moseng, Øivind Kure: QoS Architecture in Ad Hoc Networks: Effects of Shadow Classes and ECN to Regulate the Load. WCNC 2008: 2450-2455
16EEMona Holsve Ofigsbø, Anne Marie Hegland, Pål Spilling, Øivind Kure, Leif Nilsen: Scalable Revocation in Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks: The SHARL Scheme. JNW 3(6): 82-92 (2008)
15EELars Landmark, Knut Øvsthus, Øivind Kure: Alternative Packet Forwarding for Otherwise Discarded Packets. FGCN (1) 2007: 8-15
14EEVinh Pham, Erlend Larsen, Knut Øvsthus, Paal E. Engelstad, Øivind Kure: Rerouting Time and Queueing in Proactive Ad Hoc Networks. IPCCC 2007: 160-169
13EEAnne Marie Hegland, Eli Winjum, Pål Spilling, Chunming Rong, Øivind Kure: Analysis of IBS for MANET Security in Emergency and Rescue Operations. AINA (2) 2006: 155-159
12EETor Kjetil Moseng, Øivind Kure: DiffServ in Ad Hoc Networks. EuroNGI Workshop 2006: 113-125
11EEEli Winjum, Anne Marie Hegland, Øivind Kure, Pål Spilling: Replay Attacks in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Protecting the OLSR Protocol. ICN (2) 2005: 471-479
10EELars Landmark, Øivind Kure, Knut Øvsthus: Performance analysis of the AODV ad hoc routing protocol in a dual radio network. WMuNeP 2005: 106-112
9 Frank Yong Li, Andreas Hafslund, Mariann Hauge, Paal Engelstad, Øivind Kure, Pål Spilling: Dilemma of using high datarate in IEEE 802.11B based multihop ad hoc networks. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 56-62
8EEMariann Hauge, Øivind Kure: Multicast in 3G networks: : employment of existing IP multicast protocols in UMTS. WOWMOM 2002: 96-103
7 Tarik Cicic, Stein Gjessing, Øivind Kure: Tree Recovery in PIM Sparse Mode. Telecommunication Systems 19(3-4): 443-460 (2002)
6EETarik Cicic, Stein Gjessing, Øivind Kure: Performance Evaluation of PIM-SM Recovery. ICN (1) 2001: 488-497
5 Per Gunningberg, Øivind Kure: ATM as a memory interconnect in a desk area network. HPN 1995: 45-56
4 Øivind Kure, Kjersti Moldeklev: An ATM Network Interface for an SCI-based System. INDC 1994: 203-215
3 Kjersti Moldeklev, Espen Klovning, Øivind Kure: TCP/IP Behavior in a High-Speed Local ATM Network Environment. LCN 1994: 176-185
2 Øivind Kure, Ingvild Sorteberg: XTP over ATM. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(3): 253-262 (1993)
1 Øivind Kure: File Migration in Distributed File Systems without Replication. SIGMETRICS 1989: 229

Coauthor Index

1Tarik Cicic [6] [7]
2Paal E. Engelstad (Paal Engelstad) [9] [14] [18]
3Stein Gjessing [6] [7]
4Per Gunningberg [5]
5Andreas Hafslund [9]
6Mariann Hauge [8] [9]
7Anne Marie Hegland [11] [13] [16]
8Espen Klovning [3]
9Lars Landmark [10] [15]
10Erlend Larsen [14] [18]
11Frank Yong Li [9]
12Kjersti Moldeklev [3] [4]
13Tor Kjetil Moseng [12] [17]
14Leif Nilsen [16]
15Mona Holsve Ofigsbø [16]
16Knut Øvsthus [10] [14] [15]
17Vinh Pham [14] [18]
18Chunming Rong [13]
19Ingvild Sorteberg [2]
20Pål Spilling [9] [11] [13] [16]
21Eli Winjum [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)