
Hossam Afifi

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40EEBastien Mainaud, Mariem Zekri, Hossam Afifi: Improving Routing Reliability on Wireless Sensors Network with Emergency Paths. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 545-550
39EEMohamed Chedly Ghedira, Walid Ben-Ameur, Hossam Afifi: A Novel Route Guidance Algorithm with Maximum Coverage and Minimum Handover for Vehicular Networks. ICN 2008: 692-697
38EEKhaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: An Identity-Based Key Management Framework for Personal Networks. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 537-543
37EEAhmad Ahmad, Khaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: Efficient Group Management For Inter-PN Access Control. ICC 2007: 3148-3153
36EEKhaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: A Cross-layer Aware Imprinting Protocol for Personal Networks. ICNS 2007: 51
35EEMehdi Sabeur, Ghazi Al Sukkar, Badii Jouaber, Djamal Zeghlache, Hossam Afifi: A new Routing & Mobility Management Solution for Wireless Mesh Network. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-3
34EEGhazi Al Sukkar, Hossam Afifi, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci: Lightweight and Distributed Algorithms for Efficient Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-3
33EEGhazi Al Sukkar, Mehdi Sabeur, Hossam Afifi, Badii Jouaber, Djamal Zeghlache, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci: Performance Evaluation of Party Protocol. VTC Fall 2007: 61-65
32EESepideh Fouladgar, Hossam Afifi: A Simple Privacy Protecting Scheme Enabling Delegation and Ownership Transfer for RFID Tags. JCM 2(6): 6-13 (2007)
31EEMounis Khatib, Khaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: An On-demand Key Establishment Protocol for MANETs. AINA (2) 2006: 924
30EESepideh Fouladgar, Bastien Mainaud, Khaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: Tiny 3-TLS: A Trust Delegation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ESAS 2006: 32-42
29EEKaouthar Sethom, Olfa Hamza, Hossam Afifi, Guy Pujolle: Adaptative Architecture for Internet Access in Mobile Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
28EEAhmed Meddahi, Hossam Afifi: "Packet-E-Model": E-Model for VoIP quality evaluation. Computer Networks 50(15): 2659-2675 (2006)
27EEKaouthar Sethom, Hossam Afifi: A new solution for micro-mobility management in next generation networks. Computers & Electrical Engineering 32(1-3): 22-36 (2006)
26EEKaouthar Sethom, Hossam Afifi, Guy Pujolle: A distributed and secured architecture to enhance smooth handoffs in wide area wireless IP infrastructures. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 10(3): 46-57 (2006)
25EEKaouthar Sethom, Khaled Masmoudi, Hossam Afifi: A secure P2P architecture for location management. Mobile Data Management 2005: 22-26
24EEKamel Haddadou, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Marc Girod-Genet, Ahmed Meddahi, Laurent Bernard, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Hossam Afifi, Nazim Agoulmine: Toward Feasibility and Scalability of Session Initiation and Dynamic QoS Provisioning in Policy-Enabled Networks. NETWORKING 2005: 277-288
23EEArtur Hecker, Houda Labiod, Guy Pujolle, Hossam Afifi, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Pascal Urien: A New Access Control Solution for a Multi-Provider Wireless Environment. Telecommunication Systems 29(2): 131-152 (2005)
22EEAhmed Meddahi, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Hossam Afifi: Smart Profile: A New Method for Minimising SIP Messages. ICT 2004: 688-697
21EEAbdelbasset Trad, Qiang Ni, Hossam Afifi: Adaptive VoIP Transmission over Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks. MIPS 2004: 25-36
20EEKaouthar Sethom, Hossam Afifi, Guy Pujolle: Wireless MPLS: a new layer 2.5 micro-mobility scheme. Mobility Management & Wireless Access Protocols 2004: 64-71
19EEHahnsang Kim, Hossam Afifi: Automation of PIN set-up for Bluetooth security in inter-wireless technology. NOMS (1) 2004: 879-880
18EEHossam Afifi, Guy Pujolle: Forewords. Annales des Télécommunications 58(3-4): 335 (2003)
17EEHossam Afifi, Guy Pujolle: Éditorial. Annales des Télécommunications 58(3-4): 336 (2003)
16EETheodore Pagtzis, Peter T. Kirstein, Stephen Hailes, Hossam Afifi: Proactive seamless mobility management for future IP radio access networks. Computer Communications 26(17): 1975-1989 (2003)
15EEHakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, Hossam Afifi, Hahnsang Kim: A trial towards unifying control protocols: COPS versus Radius/DIAMETER and Mobile IP. MWCN 2002: 537-541
14EESamir Mohamed, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez, Hossam Afifi: Audio Quality Assessment in Packet Networks: An "Inter-Subjectivel" Neural Network Model. ICOIN 2001: 579-586
13EESamir Mohamed, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez, Hossam Afifi: Integrating Networks Measurements and Speech Quality Subjective Scores for Control Purposes. INFOCOM 2001: 641-649
12 Ana Carolina Minaburo, Hossam Afifi: Design and Performance of a QoS Mediation Platform. ICC (2) 2000: 723-727
11EEOmar Elloumi, Nada Golmie, Hossam Afifi, David H. Su: A simulation-based study of TCP dynamics over HFC networks. Computer Networks 32(3): 307-323 (2000)
10EEHossam Afifi, Laurent Toutain: Methods for IPv4-IPv6 Transition. ISCC 1999: 478-484
9EENaceur Lagha, Hossam Afifi: An Architecture for an Interactive Multimedia System Based on MPEG-2. IDMS 1998: 107-112
8EEHossam Afifi, Omar Elloumi: Issues in improving TCP performance over ATM. Computer Communications 21(16): 1434-1445 (1998)
7EEDominique Bonjour, Omar Elloumi, Hossam Afifi: Internet Applications over Native ATM. Computer Networks 30(12): 1097-1110 (1998)
6 L. Lamti, Hossam Afifi, Maher Hamdi: Design and implementation of a flexible traffic controller for ATM connections. HPN 1997: 130-146
5 Omar Elloumi, Hossam Afifi, Maher Hamdi: Improving Congestion Avoidance Algorithms for Asymmetric Networks. ICC (3) 1997: 1417-1421
4 Maher Hamdi, Hossam Afifi, Pierre Rolin, Luis M. Rojas: Designing Point to Point Interactive Video Applications. COST 237 Workshop 1995: 244-258
3 Hossam Afifi, Jean-Chrysostome Bolot: Using Cache Partitioning in X.500 for Faster Name Resolution in X.400. ULPAA 1994: 327-340
2 Jean-Chrysostome Bolot, Hossam Afifi: Evaluating Caching Schemes for the X.500 Directory System. ICDCS 1993: 112-119
1 Hossam Afifi: A Hierarchical Directory Based X.400 Server. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(3): 316-325 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Nazim Agoulmine [24]
2Ahmad Ahmad [37]
3Walid Ben-Ameur [39]
4Laurent Bernard [24]
5Jean-Chrysostome Bolot (Jean Bolot) [2] [3]
6Dominique Bonjour [7]
7Francisco Cervantes-Pérez [13] [14]
8Hakima Chaouchi [15]
9Omar Elloumi [5] [7] [8] [11]
10Sepideh Fouladgar [30] [32]
11Yacine Ghamri-Doudane (Y. M. Ghamri Doudane) [24]
12Mohamed Chedly Ghedira [39]
13Marc Girod-Genet [24]
14Nada Golmie [11]
15Kamel Haddadou [24]
16Stephen Hailes [16]
17Maher Hamdi [4] [5] [6]
18Olfa Hamza [29]
19Artur Hecker [23]
20Badii Jouaber [33] [35]
21Mounis Khatib [31]
22Hahnsang Kim [15] [19]
23Peter T. Kirstein [16]
24Houda Labiod [23]
25Naceur Lagha [9]
26L. Lamti [6]
27Bastien Mainaud [30] [40]
28Khaled Masmoudi [25] [30] [31] [36] [37] [38]
29Ahmed Meddahi [22] [24] [28]
30Ana Carolina Minaburo [12]
31Samir Mohamed [13] [14]
32Qiang Ni [21]
33Theodore Pagtzis [16]
34Guy Pujolle [15] [17] [18] [20] [23] [26] [29]
35Luis M. Rojas [4]
36Pierre Rolin [4]
37Mehdi Sabeur [33] [35]
38Sidi-Mohammed Senouci [33] [34]
39Ahmed Serhrouchni [23]
40Kaouthar Sethom [20] [25] [26] [27] [29]
41David H. Su [11]
42Ghazi Al Sukkar [33] [34] [35]
43Laurent Toutain [10]
44Abdelbasset Trad [21]
45Pascal Urien [23]
46Gilles Vanwormhoudt [22] [24]
47Djamal Zeghlache [33] [35]
48Mariem Zekri [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)