
J. Jenny Li

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38EETrung T. Dinh-Trong, Birgit Geppert, J. Jenny Li, Frank Rößler: Looking for More Confidence in Refactoring? How to Assess Adequacy of Your Refactoring Tests. QSIC 2008: 255-263
37EEDavid M. Weiss, J. Jenny Li, J. Hamilton Slye, Trung T. Dinh-Trong, Hongyu Sun: Decision-Model-Based Code Generation for SPLE. SPLC 2008: 129-138
36EEXiao Ma, J. Jenny Li, David M. Weiss: Prioritized Constraints with Data Sampling Scores for Automatic Test Data Generation. SNPD (3) 2007: 1129-1134
35 J. Jenny Li, Birgit Geppert, Frank Rößler, David M. Weiss: Reuse Execution Traces to Reduce Testing of Product Lines. SPLC (2) 2007: 65-72
34 J. Jenny Li, David M. Weiss, J. Hamilton Slye: Automatic Integration Test Generation from Unit Tests of eXVantage Product Family. SPLC (2) 2007: 73-80
33EEHong Zhu, Joseph Robert Horgan, S. C. Cheung, J. Jenny Li: The first international workshop on automation of software test. ICSE 2006: 1028-1029
32EEJ. Jenny Li, David M. Weiss, Howell Yee: Code-coverage guided prioritized test generation. Information & Software Technology 48(12): 1187-1198 (2006)
31EEW. Eric Wong, J. Jenny Li: An Integrated Solution for Testing and Analyzing Java Applications in an Industrial Setting. APSEC 2005: 576-583
30EEJ. Jenny Li: Prioritize Code for Testing to Improve Code Coverage of Complex Software. ISSRE 2005: 75-84
29 J. Jenny Li, W. Eric Wong, Xiao Ma, David M. Weiss: A Constraint Solver for Code-based Test Data Generation. SEKE 2005: 300-305
28EEJ. Jenny Li, Eun Kyo Park: Editorial. Telecommunication Systems 28(3-4): 277-278 (2005)
27EEMark J. Karol, P. Krishnan, J. Jenny Li: VoIP Protection and Performance Improvement. Telecommunication Systems 28(3-4): 351-367 (2005)
26EEMark J. Karol, P. Krishnan, J. Jenny Li: Using Overlay Networks to Improve VoIP Reliability. ATVA 2004: 392-401
25EEJ. Jenny Li, Tangqiu Li, Zongkai Lin, Aditya P. Mathur, Karama Kanoun: Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Software Engineering. COMPSAC 2004: 328
24EEJ. Jenny Li, Howell Yee: Code-Coverage Guided Prioritized Test Generation. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 178-181
23 J. Jenny Li, W. Eric Wong, Weiping Guo: Case study of a multimedia wireless system. ICME 2004: 1815-1818
22EEBirgit Geppert, J. Jenny Li, Frank Rößler, David M. Weiss: Towards Generating Acceptance Tests for Product Lines. ICSR 2004: 35-48
21EEFeng Liu, Wu Chou, Li Li, J. Jenny Li: WSIP - Web Service SIP Endpoint for Converged Multimedia/Multimodal Communication over IP. ICWS 2004: 690-
20EEBirgit Geppert, Charles W. Krueger, J. Jenny Li: SPLiT - Workshop on Software Product Line Testing. SPLC 2004: 325-326
19EEW. Eric Wong, J. Jenny Li: Redesigning Legacy Systems Into The Object-Oriented Paradigm. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 14(3): 255-276 (2004)
18EEFeng Liu, J. Jenny Li, Xueshan Shan, Wu Chou: An Architecture of Wireless Web and Dialogue System Convergence for Multimodal Service Interaction Over Converged Networks. COMPSAC 2003: 513-
17EEJ. Jenny Li, Wu Chou, Xueshan Shan, Feng Liu, W. Eric Wong: An Adaptable Architecture for Secure Delivery of Converged Services. ISADS 2003: 45-52
16EEW. Eric Wong, J. Jenny Li: Redesigning Legacy Systems into the Object-Oriented Paradigm. ISORC 2003: 221-229
15 Mark J. Karol, P. Krishnan, J. Jenny Li: enProtect: Enterprise-Based Network Protection and Performance Improvement. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 605-606
14EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: A scalable tool for efficient protocol validation and testing. Computer Communications 26(7): 766-773 (2003)
13EEW. Eric Wong, Tatiana Sugeta, J. Jenny Li, José Carlos Maldonado: Coverage testing software architectural design in SDL. Computer Networks 42(3): 359-374 (2003)
12EEW. Eric Wong, J. Jenny Li: Editorial: ICCCN 2001. Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(14): 1299-1300 (2003)
11EEJ. Jenny Li, Xueshan Shan: A Case Study of Dependable Software Upgrade with Distributed Components. COMPSAC 2002: 1028-1033
10EEJ. Jenny Li, W. Eric Wong: Automatic Test Generation from Communicating Extended Finite State Machine (CEFSM)-Based Models. Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2002: 181-
9EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: Simulation-Trace-Based Component Performance Prediction. Annual Simulation Symposium 2000: 283-290
8EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: chiProf-SDL: A Tool for Identifying Performance Bottlenecks of Software Architectural Design. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2000: 378-381
7EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: A Tool Suite for Diagnosis and Testing of Software Design Specifications. DSN 2000: 295-304
6EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: Using SDL to Model an Object-Oriented Real-Time Software Architectural Design. ISORC 2000: 288-295
5EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: Applying formal description techniques to software architectural design. Computer Communications 23(12): 1169-1178 (2000)
4EEJ. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: chi-SUDS-SDL: A Tool for Diagnosis and Understanding Software Specifications. APSEC 1999: 274-
3 J. Jenny Li, Joseph Robert Horgan: cSuds-SDL: A Tool for Testing Software Architecture Specifications. Software Quality Journal 8(4): 241-253 (1999)
2 Hiralal Agrawal, James L. Alberi, Joseph Robert Horgan, J. Jenny Li, Saul London, W. Eric Wong, Sudipto Ghosh, Norman Wilde: Mining System Tests to Aid Software Maintenance. IEEE Computer 31(7): 64-73 (1998)
1EEJ. Jenny Li, Hong Liu, Rudolph E. Seviora: Constructing automated protocol testing oracles to accommodate specification nondeterminism. ICCCN 1997: 532-

Coauthor Index

1Hiralal Agrawal [2]
2James L. Alberi [2]
3Shing-Chi Cheung (S. C. Cheung) [33]
4Wu Chou [17] [18] [21]
5Trung T. Dinh-Trong [37] [38]
6Birgit Geppert [20] [22] [35] [38]
7Sudipto Ghosh [2]
8Weiping Guo [23]
9Joseph Robert Horgan (Joseph R. Horgan) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [14] [33]
10Karama Kanoun [25]
11Mark J. Karol [15] [26] [27]
12P. Krishnan [15] [26] [27]
13Charles W. Krueger [20]
14Li Li [21]
15Tangqiu Li [25]
16Zongkai Lin [25]
17Feng Liu [17] [18] [21]
18Hong Liu [1]
19Saul London [2]
20Xiao Ma [29] [36]
21José Carlos Maldonado [13]
22Aditya P. Mathur [25]
23E. K. Park (Eun Kyo Park) [28]
24Frank Rößler [22] [35] [38]
25Rudolph E. Seviora [1]
26Xueshan Shan [11] [17] [18]
27J. Hamilton Slye [34] [37]
28Tatiana Sugeta [13]
29Hongyu Sun [37]
30David M. Weiss [22] [29] [32] [34] [35] [36] [37]
31Norman Wilde [2]
32W. Eric Wong [2] [10] [12] [13] [16] [17] [19] [23] [29] [31]
33Howell Yee [24] [32]
34Hong Zhu [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)