
Shu Li

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16EEShu Li, Tong Zhang: Improving multi-level NAND flash memory storage reliability using concatenated TCM-BCH coding. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 499-504
15EEShu Li, Tong Zhang: Exploratory study on circuit and architecture design of very high density diode-switch phase change memories. ISQED 2009: 424-429
14EELi-Bo Li, Shu-Hong He, Shu Li, Jie-Hong Xu, Li-Lin Rao: A closer look at the Russian roulette problem: A re-examination of the nonlinearity of the prospect theory's decision weight pi. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 50(3): 515-520 (2009)
13EEDongliang Zhang, Changjun Jiang, Shu Li: Research on Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Transportation Simulations. APPT 2007: 560-568
12EEShu Li, Tong Zhang: Hybrid resistor/FET-logic demultiplexer architecture design for hybrid CMOS/nanodevice circuits. ICCD 2007: 574-579
11EEShu Li, John E. Taplin, Yuching Zhang: The equate-to-differentiate's way of seeing the prisoner's dilemma. Inf. Sci. 177(6): 1395-1412 (2007)
10EEYingna Deng, Hong Zhu, Shu Li, Tao Wang: Signature Verification Method Based on the Combination of Shape and Dynamic Feature. FSKD (2) 2005: 285-288
9 Li Deng, Wenyong Zhang, Haiyan Xu, Ruihong Wang, Zhengfeng Huang, Shu Li: A New Algorithm for Reducing Communication Cost of Time-dependent Monte Carlo Transport. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2005: 657-662
8EEShu Li: A Behavioral Choice Model When Computational Ability Matters. Appl. Intell. 20(2): 147-163 (2004)
7EERen-Ren Liu, Song-Qiao Chen, Jian-Er Chen, Shu Li: Some Results on the Minimal Coverings of Precomplete Classes in Partial k-Valued Logic Functions. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(6): 981- (2004)
6EEShu Li, Rami G. Melhem, Taieb Znati: An efficient algorithm for constructing delay bounded minimum cost multicast trees. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(12): 1399-1413 (2004)
5 Shibin Qiu, Shu Li: Efficient Search of Multimedia Metadata on XML Database Systems using Information Retrieval Approach. Applied Informatics 2003: 1239-1244
4EELi Deng, Jie Liu, Wenyong Zhang, Guoxing Yuan, Zhengfeng Huang, Haiyan Xu, Ruihong Wang, Shu Li: The Parallel Communication of Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Transport. ICPP Workshops 2003: 223-229
3EEShu Li: Violations of conjoint independence in binary choices: The equate-to-differentiate interpretation. European Journal of Operational Research 148(1): 65-79 (2003)
2EEShu Li, Rami G. Melhem, Taieb Znati: On the Performance of STAR: An Efficient Delay-Bound, Low-Cost Multicast Algorithm. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 11-19
1EEShu Li: Marked event method in discrete event simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 719-728

Coauthor Index

1Jian-Er Chen [7]
2Song-Qiao Chen [7]
3Li Deng [4] [9]
4Yingna Deng [10]
5Shu-Hong He [14]
6Zhengfeng Huang [4] [9]
7Changjun Jiang [13]
8Li-Bo Li [14]
9Jie Liu [4]
10Ren-Ren Liu [7]
11Rami G. Melhem [2] [6]
12Shibin Qiu [5]
13Li-Lin Rao [14]
14John E. Taplin [11]
15Ruihong Wang [4] [9]
16Tao Wang [10]
17Haiyan Xu [4] [9]
18Jie-Hong Xu [14]
19Guoxing Yuan [4]
20Dongliang Zhang [13]
21Tong Zhang [12] [15] [16]
22Wenyong Zhang [4] [9]
23Yuching Zhang [11]
24Hong Zhu [10]
25Taieb Znati [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)