2009 | ||
88 | EE | Zhenjiao Chen, Xi Zhang, Dingtao Zhao: Encouraging Knowledge Sharing in Global Virtual Teams: The Interaction Effect of Individual Difference and Perceived Sharing Benefits. HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
87 | EE | Xi Zhang, Doug Vogel, Zhenjiao Chen, Chuanjie Guo: Exploring 3D Virtual World Strategies in the Chinese Environment: An Institutional-Based View. HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
86 | EE | Xi Zhang, Zhenjiao Chen, Chuanjie Guo: The Opening "Black Box" between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Psychological Engagement Theory Perspective. HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
85 | EE | Ron Sun, Xi Zhang, Robert Mathews: Capturing human data in a letter counting task: Accessibility and action-centeredness in representing cognitive skills. Neural Networks 22(1): 15-29 (2009) |
2008 | ||
84 | EE | Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, Xi Zhang: Optimal camera selection for target localization in camera sensor networks. CISS 2008: 140-145 |
83 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Channel-hopping based single transceiver MAC for cognitive radio networks. CISS 2008: 197-202 |
82 | EE | Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, Huadong Ma: Percolation-theory based density derivations of wireless sensor network nodes for preventing exposure paths. CISS 2008: 836-841 |
81 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Battery-Aware TDMA Scheduling Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 448-452 |
80 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: On Rate Adaptation for Video Multicast with Layered Coding over Multirate Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 5128-5132 |
79 | EE | Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, Huadong Ma: Bond-Percolation Based Optimal Density for Exposure-Path Prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 5490-5494 |
78 | EE | Xi Zhang, Guiqing Li, Yunhui Xiong, Fenghua He: 3D Mesh Segmentation Using Mean-Shifted Curvature. GMP 2008: 465-474 |
77 | EE | Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel, Zhongyun Zhou, Xi Zhang, Huaping Chen: Chaos Theory as a Model for Interpreting Weblog Traffic. HICSS 2008: 289 |
76 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Fixed/variable Power Multicast over Heterogeneous Fading Channels in Cellular Networks. ICC 2008: 2182-2186 |
75 | EE | Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, Xi Zhang: On Directional K-Coverage Analysis of Randomly Deployed Camera Sensor Networks. ICC 2008: 2707-2711 |
74 | EE | Xi Zhang, Jan Chomicki: On the semantics and evaluation of top-k queries in probabilistic databases. ICDE Workshops 2008: 556-563 |
73 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kosuke Ohno: Lossless image compression using 2D allpass filters. ICIP 2008: 1033-1036 |
72 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Resource Allocation for Downlink Statistical Multiuser QoS Provisionings in Cellular Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 2405-2413 |
71 | EE | Xi Zhang, Waiming Tsang, Xiaodong Tian, Kazuo Yamazaki, Masahiko Mori: Automatic Segmentation of the Apparent Contour for 3D Modeling of Cutting Tools from Single View. ISVC (2) 2008: 772-781 |
70 | EE | Wai Ming Tsang, Xi Zhang, Kazuo Yamazaki, Xiaodong Tian, Masahiko Mori: An Experimental Study of Reconstruction of Tool Cutting Edge Features Using Space Carving Method. ISVC (2) 2008: 869-878 |
69 | EE | Xi Zhang, Alma Riska, Erik Riedel: Characterization of the E-commerce Storage Subsystem Workload. QEST 2008: 297-306 |
68 | Xi Zhang, Jan Chomicki: Profiling Sets for Preference Querying. SEBD 2008: 34-44 | |
67 | EE | Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, Xi Zhang: Collaborative Target Localization in Camera Sensor Networks. WCNC 2008: 2403-2407 |
66 | EE | Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, Xi Zhang: Analysis for Localization-Oriented Coverage in Camera Sensor Networks. WCNC 2008: 2579-2584 |
65 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Power-delay tradeoff over wireless networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-12 |
64 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: CREAM-MAC: An efficient Cognitive Radio-enAbled Multi-Channel MAC protocol for wireless networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-8 |
63 | EE | Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, Huadong Ma: Localization-oriented coverage based on Bayesian estimation in camera sensor networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-8 |
62 | EE | Xi Zhang, Jan Chomicki: Semantics and Evaluation of Top-k Queries in Probabilistic Databases CoRR abs/0811.2250: (2008) |
61 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer Based Opportunistic MAC Protocols for QoS Provisionings Over Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(1): 118-129 (2008) |
60 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer-Model Based Adaptive Resource Allocation for Statistical QoS Guarantees in Mobile Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(6): 2318-2328 (2008) |
59 | EE | Jinghao Zhu, Xi Zhang: On global optimizations with polynomials. Optimization Letters 2(2): 239-249 (2008) |
58 | EE | Xi Zhang: Design of maximally flat IIR filters with flat group delay responses. Signal Processing 88(7): 1792-1800 (2008) |
57 | EE | Xi Zhang, Jia Tang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen: Space-time diversity-enhanced QoS provisioning for real-time service over MC-DS-CDMA based wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(6): 733-744 (2008) |
2007 | ||
56 | Mohsen Guizani, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Xi Zhang: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IWCMC 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 12-16, 2007 ACM 2007 | |
55 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Opportunistic MAC Protocols for Cognitive Radio Based Wireless Networks. CISS 2007: 363-368 |
54 | EE | Lin Xie, Xi Zhang: Cross-layer Resource Allocation Strategies for Quality-of-Service Driven Opportunistic Routing Over Wireless Relay Networks. CISS 2007: 7-12 |
53 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Cognitive Radio Based Multi-Channel MAC Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 4857-4861 |
52 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer Design Based Rate Control for Mobile Multicast in Cellular Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5180-5184 |
51 | EE | Xi Zhang, Krishna Chaitanya Tadi: Modeling Virus and Antivirus Spreading Over Hybrid Wireless Ad Hoc and Wired Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 951-955 |
50 | EE | Lin Xie, Xi Zhang: Opportunistic Cooperation for Quality of Service Provisionings Over Wireless Relay Networks. ICC 2007: 254-259 |
49 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: A Spreading Code MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2007: 3590-3595 |
48 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Joint Power and Constellation Size Adaptation for Mobile Multicast Employing MQAM Over Wireless Fading Channels. ICC 2007: 5945-5950 |
47 | EE | Xi Zhang, Dong Fang Ge: Hilbert Transform Pairs of Orthonormal Symmetric Wavelet Bases using Allpass Filters. ICIP (1) 2007: 425-428 |
46 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: An Efficient Single-Transceiver CDMA-Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 1487-1495 |
45 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Parallel Fading Channels With Imperfect Channel Estimations in Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 62-70 |
44 | EE | Amol Ghoting, Gregory Buehrer, Matthew Goyder, Shirish Tatikonda, Xi Zhang, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz: Knowledge and Cache Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Mining Algorithms. IPDPS 2007: 1-6 |
43 | EE | Xi Zhang, Xiaodong Tian, Kazuo Yamazaki, Makoto Fujishima: 3D Reconstruction and Pose Determination of the Cutting Tool from a Single View. ISVC (2) 2007: 377-386 |
42 | EE | Tahsin M. Kurç, Xi Zhang, Manish Parashar, Hector Klie, Mary F. Wheeler, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Joel H. Saltz: Dynamic Data-Driven Systems Approach for Simulation Based Optimizations. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 1213-1221 |
41 | EE | Junaid Ansari, Xi Zhang, Petri Mähönen: Multi-radio medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2007: 403-404 |
40 | EE | Jianping Chen, Xi Zhang, Ariel Fernández: Molecular basis for specificity in the druggable kinome: sequence-based analysis. Bioinformatics 23(5): 563-572 (2007) |
39 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Cross-layer resource allocation over wireless relay networks for quality of service provisioning. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(4): 645-656 (2007) |
38 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Quality-of-service driven power and rate adaptation for multichannel communications over wireless links. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4349-4360 (2007) |
37 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Cross-layer modeling for quality of service guarantees over wireless links. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4504-4512 (2007) |
36 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Quality-of-Service Driven Power and Rate Adaptation over Wireless Links. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(8): 3058-3068 (2007) |
35 | EE | Ron Sun, Xi Zhang, Paul Slusarz, Robert Mathews: The interaction of implicit learning, explicit hypothesis testing learning and implicit-to-explicit knowledge extraction. Neural Networks 20(1): 34-47 (2007) |
2006 | ||
34 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen: Cluster-Based DSRC Architecture for QoS Provisioning over Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2006 |
33 | EE | Xi Zhang, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz, Srinivasan Parthasarathy: Design and analysis of a multi-dimensional data sampling service for large scale data analysis applications. IPDPS 2006 |
32 | EE | Gregory Buehrer, Amol Ghoting, Xi Zhang, Shirish Tatikonda, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz: I/O conscious algorithm design and systems support for data analysis on emerging architectures. IPDPS 2006 |
31 | EE | Hang Su, Xi Zhang: Optimal Transmission Range for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks With Mixed Communication Modes. WOWMOM 2006: 244-250 |
30 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer Resource-Consumption Optimization for Mobile Multicast in Wireless Networks. WOWMOM 2006: 368-376 |
29 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer Resource-Consumption Optimization for Mobile Multicast in Wireless Networks. WOWMOM 2006: 59-65 |
28 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Transmit selection diversity with maximal-ratio combining for multicarrier DS-CDMA wireless networks over Nakagami-m fading channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(1): 104-112 (2006) |
27 | EE | Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Yu-Ching Yeh, Xi Zhang, Aiping Huang, Yang Yang, Jie Li, Yang Xiao, Hamid Sharif, A. J. Han Vinck: Generalized pairwise complementary codes with set-wise uniform interference-free windows. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(1): 65-74 (2006) |
26 | EE | LinnAung Pe, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Yoshinori Takei, Xi Zhang, Yasunori Sugita: Reducing Stopband Peak Errors of R-Regular 4th-Band Linear Phase FIR Filters by Superimposing. IEICE Transactions 89-A(2): 615-619 (2006) |
25 | EE | Ron Sun, Xi Zhang: Accounting for a variety of reasoning data within a cognitive architecture. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(2): 169-191 (2006) |
24 | EE | Xi Zhang, Jia Tang: QoS-driven asynchronous uplink subchannel allocation algorithms for space-time OFDM-CDMA systems in wireless networks. Wireless Networks 12(4): 411-425 (2006) |
2005 | ||
23 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kousuke Kawai, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Yoshinori Takei: Lossy to lossless image compression using allpass filters. ICIP (1) 2005: 557-560 |
22 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Effective Bandwidth-Based QoS Provisioning for Real-Time Audio/Video Streaming over MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks. IPDPS 2005 |
21 | Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Shannon Hastings, Kun Huang, Vijay S. Kumar, Tahsin M. Kurç, Stephen Langella, Sivaramakrishnan Narayanan, Scott Oster, Tony Pan, Benjamin Rutt, Xi Zhang, Joel H. Saltz: Supporting Large Scale Medical and Scientific Datasets. PARCO 2005: 3-14 | |
20 | EE | Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang: Adaptive Low-Complexity Erasure-Correcting Code-Based Protocols for QoS-Driven Mobile Multicast Services. QSHINE 2005: 29 |
19 | EE | Jia Tang, Xi Zhang: Cross-Layer Design of Dynamic Resource Allocation with Diverse QoS Guarantees for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks. WOWMOM 2005: 205-212 |
18 | EE | Tahsin M. Kurç, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Xi Zhang, Joel H. Saltz, Ryan Martino, Mary F. Wheeler, Malgorzata Peszynska, Alan Sussman, Christian Hansen, Mrinal K. Sen, Roustam Seifoullaev, Paul L. Stoffa, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Manish Parashar: A simulation and data analysis system for large-scale, data-driven oil reservoir simulation studies. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(11): 1441-1467 (2005) |
2004 | ||
17 | EE | Xi Zhang, Tony Pan, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz: Serving queries to multi-resolution datasets on disk-based storage clusters. CCGRID 2004: 490-498 |
16 | EE | Xi Zhang, Liang Huai Yang, Mong-Li Lee, Wynne Hsu: Scaling SDI Systems via Query Clustering and Aggregation. DASFAA 2004: 208-219 |
15 | EE | Xi Zhang, Tahsin M. Kurç, Tony Pan, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Sivaramakrishnan Narayanan, Pete Wyckoff, Joel H. Saltz: Strategies for Using Additional Resources in Parallel Hash-Based Join Algorithms. HPDC 2004: 4-13 |
14 | EE | Xiaoping He, Liang Wang, Xi Zhang: Discussion of Service Innovation Under the Mode of a Digital Library. ICADL 2004: 670 |
13 | EE | Xi Zhang, Wei Wang, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Yoshinori Takei: Design of iir orthogonal wavelet filter banks using lifting scheme. ICIP 2004: 2511-2514 |
12 | EE | Xi Zhang, Jia Tang: QoS-Driven Asynchronous Uplink Subchannel Allocation Algorithms for Space-Time OFDM-CDMA Systems in Wireless Networks. QSHINE 2004: 27-34 |
11 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin: Markov-chain modeling for multicast signaling delay analysis. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(4): 667-680 (2004) |
2003 | ||
10 | EE | Sivaramakrishnan Narayanan, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Tahsin M. Kurç, Xi Zhang, Joel H. Saltz: Applying Database Support for Large Scale Data Driven Science in Distributed Environments. GRID 2003: 141-148 |
9 | EE | Xi Zhang, Toshinori Yoshikawa: Design of Full Band IIR Digital Differentiators. SIP 2003: 423-427 |
8 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin: Delay analysis of feedback-synchronization signaling for multicast flow control. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11(3): 436-450 (2003) |
2002 | ||
7 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Debanjan Saha, Dilip D. Kandlur: Scalable flow control for multicast ABR services in ATM networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(1): 67-85 (2002) |
2001 | ||
6 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin: Second-Order Rate-Control Based Transport Protocols. ICNP 2001: 342- |
5 | EE | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin: Statistical Analysis of Feedback-Synchronization Signaling Delay for Multicast Flow Control. INFOCOM 2001: 1152-1161 |
2000 | ||
4 | EE | Xi Zhang, Tomonobu Muguruma, Toshinori Yoshikawa: Design of orthonormal symmetric wavelet filters using real allpass filters. Signal Processing 80(8): 1551-1559 (2000) |
1999 | ||
3 | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Debanjan Saha, Dilip D. Kandlur: Scalable Flow Control for Multicast ABR Services. INFOCOM 1999: 837-846 | |
2 | EE | Xi Zhang, Toshinori Yoshikawa: Design of symmetric orthonormal wavelet filters using a single complex allpass filter. ISCAS (3) 1999: 367-370 |
1997 | ||
1 | Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Qin Zheng: Integrated Rate and Credit Feedback Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks. INFOCOM 1997: 1295-1303 |