Yuefeng Li, Mark Looi, Ning Zhong (Eds.):
Advances in Intelligent IT - Active Media Technology 2006, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Active Media Technology, AMT 2006, June 7-9, 2006, Brisbane, Australia.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 138 IOS Press 2006, ISBN 978-1-58603-615-7 BibTeX
Regular Papers
- Wei-Chun Chang, Wei-Cheng Teo, Cheng-Chang Oh Yang:
Web Service Request Transformatter.
19-24 BibTeX
- Frank Loewenich, Frédéric Maire:
A Head-Tracker Based on the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Algorithm.
25-30 BibTeX
- Li-Tung Weng, Yue Xu, Yuefeng Li, Richi Nayak:
A Fair Peer Selection Algorithm for an Ecommerce-Oriented Distributed Recommender System.
31-37 BibTeX
- Kevin Curran, Gary Gumbleton:
Intelligent Decision Making with the Semantic Web.
38-43 BibTeX
- Xujuan Zhou, Yuefeng Li, Yue Xu, Raymond Lau:
Relevence Assessment of Topic Ontology.
44-51 BibTeX
- Xiaoying Gao, Mengjie Zhang:
Information Extraction from A Whole Web Site.
52-57 BibTeX
- Jia Hu, Ning Zhong, Yong Shi:
Developing Grid-based E-finance Portals for Intelligent Risk Management and Decision Making.
58-66 BibTeX
- Richi Nayak:
Process of applying data mining techniques to XML data.
67-72 BibTeX
- Jianhan Zhu, Marc Eisenstadt, Dawei Song, Chris Denham:
Exploiting Semantic Association To Answer 'Vague Queries'.
73-78 BibTeX
- Dongyao Ji, Dengguo Feng:
Fault-tolerate Multiparty Electronic Contract Signing Protocol.
79-85 BibTeX
- Kevin Curran, Gary Cullen:
Location Based Predictive Handoff Algorithm for Mobile Networks.
86-91 BibTeX
- Zoheir Ezziane:
Designing Peer-To-Peer Agent Auctions Using Object-Process Methodology.
92-98 BibTeX
- Wanzhong Yang, Yuefeng Li, Yue Xu, Hang Liu:
Rough Set Model for Constraint-based Multi-dimensional Association Rule Mining.
99-105 BibTeX
- Shichao Zhang, Yongsong Qin, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang:
Kernel-Based Multi-Imputation for Missing Data.
106-111 BibTeX
- Yanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang:
Efficient Frequent Itemsets Mining by Sampling.
112-117 BibTeX
- Zhenxing Qin, Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang:
Missing or absent? A Question in Cost-sensitive Decision Tree.
118-125 BibTeX
- Kunio Sakamoto, Yuko Iwaze:
KIDS table: Interactive tabletop Display Systems.
126-131 BibTeX
- Wen-Poh Su, Binh Pham, Aster Wardhani:
Generating Believable Personality-Rich Story Characters Using Body Languages.
132-137 BibTeX
- Jason Dowling, Wageeh W. Boles, Anthony J. Maeder:
Simulated Artificial Human Vision: The Effects of Spatial Resolution and Frame Rate on Mobility.
138-143 BibTeX
- Olivier Lartillot:
Pattern Mining in Discrete Time Series and Application to Music Mining.
144-149 BibTeX
- Masatoshi Arikawa, Toru Hayashi, Kaoru Sezaki:
Weblog-based Egocentric Mapping with Track Backs on Spatial Relations.
150-155 BibTeX
- Hideyuki Fujita, Masatoshi Arikawa:
Spatial Label Sharing and Development among Photographs.
156-161 BibTeX
- Heungkyu Lee, June Kim:
Speech Recognition Interface Using Dual Channel Post-Filter Based on Transfer Function Estimation for Noise Reduction.
162-167 BibTeX
- Jahanzeb Ahmad, Usman Ali, Syed Naveed Hussain Shah:
Gabor Filter Based Efficient Thermal and Visual Face Recognition Using Fusion Architectures.
168-175 BibTeX
- Manish Chhabra, Hongen Lu:
Wrapping Software Agents into Web Services.
176-181 BibTeX
- Vagram Vareljian, Ju Jia Zou:
Intelligent Elevator Control by Application of Computer Vision.
182-187 BibTeX
- Jeffrey G. Sumrall, Ramya Chakravarthy, Maryam S. Chaudry:
Brain Injury Detection and Monitoring through fMRI Time Series Data Mining.
188-195 BibTeX
- Xue Xiao, Dai Dan, Xiang Lizhi:
A Framework for Blending Agent Oriented Methodologies.
196-204 BibTeX
- Chunsheng Li:
MAHIS-Based Analysis and Design of Petroleum Reservoir Characterisation System.
205-210 BibTeX
- Chinnu Subramaniam, Jiyuan An, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen:
Microarray Analysis for Gene Expression that involves Trace Metals.
211-216 BibTeX
- Sung Ho Ha, Boo-Sik Kang:
An Intelligent Process Monitoring System in Complex Manufacturing Environment.
217-222 BibTeX
- Siak Chuan Tan, On Wong:
Location aware applications for smart cities with Google maps and GIS tools.
223-228 BibTeX
- Kai Zhang, Lejian Liao, Yuanda Cao, Liehuang Zhu:
Multi-Media Retrieval with Semantic Web: A Case Study in Airport Security Inspection Applications.
229-235 BibTeX
- Heungkyu Lee, Ohil Kwon, June Kim:
Online Feature Compensation Using Modified Quantile Based Noise Estimation for Robust Speech Recognition.
236-242 BibTeX
- Hui Wang, Chang Liu:
Neighbourhood Counting Metric for Sequences.
243-248 BibTeX
- Shuang Yu, Xueyuan Zhou, Chunping Li:
Semi-Supervised Text Classification Using Positive and Unlabeled Data.
249-254 BibTeX
- Peng Wen, Yan Li:
Deadline fault tolerance in a networked real-time system.
255-260 BibTeX
- Yanhui Zhou, Zili Zhang:
Fuzzy Logic Based Metric in Software Testing.
261-267 BibTeX
- Li Li, Baolin Wu, Yun Yang:
Formulating Agent Interaction for Ontology Evolution.
268-273 BibTeX
Short Papers
- Kunio Sakamoto, Tsukasa Nishida:
Field-lens Display: Headtracking enables 3D image viewing at any position.
277-280 BibTeX
- Christopher J. Pavlovski, Stella Mitchell, Braam Smith, Richard Xu:
Error Rate in Multimodal Mobility Systems.
281-284 BibTeX
- Bok Keun Sun, Kwang-Min Lee, Je Ryu, Kwang-Rok Han:
OPC Client for Data Management of Incompatible Automation Equipments.
285-288 BibTeX
- Ling Xing, Jianguo Ma, Youping Li, Zhiwen Liu:
A Mechanism of Active Services for Network based on UCL.
289-292 BibTeX
- Yong Yang, Guoyin Wang, Peijun Chen:
An Emotion Recognition System Based on Rough Set Theory.
293-297 BibTeX
- Yongjun Jing, Shaochun Zhong, Xin Li, Jian Li:
Design of a Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System.
298-301 BibTeX
- Jiyuan An, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen:
Depth First Rule Generation for Text Categorization.
302-306 BibTeX
- Wenchuan Yang, Qiong Wu, Ping Hou, Fei Cui:
The Research of a Processing Prototype for NGN Congestion.
307-310 BibTeX
- Daniel Dusinski, Piotr S. Szczepaniak:
Fourier Domain Scoring with Document Structure Consideration.
311-316 BibTeX
- Katarzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska:
Statistical classification of Search Engines interrogated by the Meta-Search System.
317-322 BibTeX
- Richi Nayak, Magnus Haugaasen:
A Web data extraction approach to harvesting data from online sources.
323-326 BibTeX
- Dongyao Ji, Dengguo Feng:
Efficient Anonymous Electronic Metering Scheme.
327-330 BibTeX
- Wenchuan Yang, Xiao Liao, Cong Zhao, Chengyu Liang:
The Research of an Agent-based Handoff Performance on WLAN.
331-334 BibTeX
- Haibo Yu, Qi Xie, Haiyan Che:
Research on Description Logic Based Conflict Detection Methods for RB-RBAC Model.
335-339 BibTeX
- Shui Yu, Zhongwen Li, Bin Liu:
Online Algorithm for Application Layer Anycast.
340-345 BibTeX
- S. Menaka, D. Sridharan:
ICMPv6 Cumulative Path Traceback in Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANET).
346-351 BibTeX
- Chengyi Zhang, Houyong Zhou:
Transformation and Entropy for Vague Sets.
352-355 BibTeX
- Kankana Chakrabarty, Sudarsan Nanda:
Yager's Method and IF Default Rules.
356-359 BibTeX
- M. R. Karthik, C. P. Saravana Kumar:
Dynamic Mining of Quantitative and Categorical Attributes with Skewed Support Distribution.
360-365 BibTeX
- C. J. Mitchell, D. J. E. Nunn, M. Cirstea:
Aligning Music Genre Ontologies with Controlled Vocabularies.
366-371 BibTeX
- R. Ponnusamy, T. V. Gopal, S. Vaidyanathan:
A Hierarchical Concept-matrix Patterned Multi-Agent Based Automated Text Classification Method for Digital Libraries.
372-379 BibTeX
- Kevin Curran, Elaine Smyth, Paul McKevitt, Tom Lunney:
MPEG-7 Content-Based Descriptor Audio Applications.
380-383 BibTeX
- David Morrison, Atul Sajjanhar, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen:
Providing Real-Time Information Services for Public Bus Commuters.
384-387 BibTeX
- Ya-Xing Yuan:
The key technology and solution of IPTV.
388-391 BibTeX
- Yongjiang Zhong, Shaochun Zhong, Ju Liu, Xiaolong Liu:
A Physics Instructional Design Platform Based on Information Technology.
392-395 BibTeX
- Jiarui Ni, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang:
Agent Services-Oriented Architectural Design of a Framework for Artificial Stock Markets.
396-399 BibTeX
- Lynda Dib, Zahia Guessoum, Mohamed Tayeb Laskri:
CellMigration System.
400-403 BibTeX
- Qinge Wu, Tuo Wang, YongXuan Huang, JiSheng Li:
Stability of Fuzzy Infinite-state Automaton.
404-407 BibTeX
- Chalita Hiransoog, Lucien Murray-Pitts:
Introduction to Interactive Document Search with Multi-Class Diverse Density.
408-412 BibTeX
- Junzhong Ji, Fan Chen, Chunnian Liu:
A New Method for Classifying Customer Purchasing Power.
413-416 BibTeX
- Qing Mao, Lei Yuan, Jian Huang:
Employ MultiAgent to Make BPM Proactive.
417-420 BibTeX
- Yongjiang Zhong, Shaochun Zhong, Jiaying Tong, Yamei Zhang:
A Kind of Instruction-Learning Model Division Method Based on Information Technology.
421-424 BibTeX
- Jiaying Tong, Shaochun Zhong, Xiying Wang, Yao Wang:
The Application Research of Learning Based on Websites.
425-428 BibTeX
Demo/Industry Papers
- Hironobu Nakayama, Rieko Kimura, Kunio Sakamoto:
Finger Pointing Using a Single Camera.
431-432 BibTeX
- Shoto Taneji, Takae Tawada, Kunio Sakamoto:
Virtual Theremin: Cyber music instrument by human motion capture.
433-435 BibTeX
- Shyh Wei Teng, Kai Ming Ting:
Ehipasiko: A Content-based Image Indexing and Retrieval System.
436-437 BibTeX
- Qinge Wu, Tuo Wang, YongXuan Huang, JiSheng Li:
Fusion of Fuzzy Automata.
438-439 BibTeX
- Kunio Sakamoto, Hironobu Nakayama, Shoto Taneji:
Virtual Draw: Drawing system in the 3D virtual space.
440-442 BibTeX
- Ping Tang:
Bip: Towards a Highly Configurable Business Intelligence Framework.
443-445 BibTeX
- Sheng-Tang Wu:
Knowledge Discovery from Digital Text Documents.
446-447 BibTeX
- Xiaohui Tao:
Associate A User's Goal: Exhaustivity and Specificity Information Retrieval Using Ontology.
448-450 BibTeX
- John D. King:
Large Scale Analysis of Search Engine Content.
451-453 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:57:47 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)