
Honesty C. Young

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34EESang Kyun Cha, P. Anandan, Meichun Hsu, C. Mohan, Rajeev Rastogi, Vishal Sikka, Honesty C. Young: Globalization: Challenges to Database Community. VLDB 2006: 1140
33EEWindsor W. Hsu, Alan Jay Smith, Honesty C. Young: The automatic improvement of locality in storage systems. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 23(4): 424-473 (2005)
32EEWindsor W. Hsu, Alan Jay Smith, Honesty C. Young: I/O reference behavior of production database workloads and the TPC benchmarks - an analysis at the logical level. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 26(1): 96-143 (2001)
31EEYu-lung Lo, Kien A. Hua, Honesty C. Young: GeMDA: A Multidimensional Data Partitioning Technique for Multiprocessor Database Systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases 9(3): 211-236 (2001)
30EEWindsor W. Hsu, Alan Jay Smith, Honesty C. Young: Characteristics of production database workloads and the TPC benchmarks. IBM Systems Journal 40(3): 781-802 (2001)
29EEYing Chen, Windsor W. Hsu, Honesty C. Young: Logging RAID - An Approach to Fast, Reliable, and Low-Cost Disk Arrays. Euro-Par 2000: 1302-1312
28EEWindsor W. Hsu, Alan Jay Smith, Honesty C. Young: Projecting the Performance of Decision Support Workloads on Systems with Smart Storage (SmartSTOR). ICPADS 2000: 417-425
27 Yu-lung Lo, Kien A. Hua, Honesty C. Young: A General Multidimensional Data Allocation Method for Multicomputer Database Systems. DEXA 1997: 357-366
26 Jih-Kwon Peir, Windsor W. Hsu, Honesty C. Young, Shauchi Ong: Improving Cache Performance with Balanced Tag and Data Paths. ASPLOS 1996: 268-278
25 James Zijun Wang, Kien A. Hua, Honesty C. Young: SEP: A Space Efficient Pipelining Technique for Managing Disk Buffers in Multimedia Servers. ICMCS 1996: 598-607
24EEJyh-Herng Chow, Yong-Fong Lee, Kalyan Muthukumar, Vivek Sarkar, Mauricio J. Serrano, Iris Garcia, John Hsu, Shauchi Ong, Honesty C. Young: Optimized code restructuring of OS/2 executables. CASCON 1995: 12
23EEKien A. Hua, Wallapak Tavanapong, Honesty C. Young: A Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Techniques for Join Operations on Multicomputer Database Systems. ICDE 1995: 44-51
22EEHonesty C. Young, Arun N. Swami: The parameterized Round-Robin partitioned algorithm for parallel external sort. IPPS 1995: 213-
21EEMing-Syan Chen, Ming-Ling Lo, Philip S. Yu, Honesty C. Young: Applying Segmented Right-Deep Trees to Pipelining Multiple Hash Joins. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(4): 656-668 (1995)
20 Kien A. Hua, Yu-lung Lo, Honesty C. Young: Optimizer-Assisted Load Balancing Techniques for Multicomputer Database Management Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 25(1): 42-57 (1995)
19 Antoine N. Mourad, Robert J. T. Morris, Arun N. Swami, Honesty C. Young: Limits of Parallelism in Hash Join Algorithms. Perform. Eval. 20(1-3): 301-316 (1994)
18 Honesty C. Young, Eugene J. Shekita: An Intelligent I-Cache Prefetch Mechanism. ICCD 1993: 44-49
17 Arun N. Swami, Honesty C. Young: Online Algorithms for Handling Skew in Parallel Joins. ICPP 1993: 253-257
16EEKien A. Hua, Yu-lung Lo, Honesty C. Young: Including the Load Balancing Issue in the Optimization of Multi-way Join Queries for Shared-Nothing Database Computers. PDIS 1993: 74-83
15EEEugene J. Shekita, Honesty C. Young, Kian-Lee Tan: Multi-Join Optimization for Symmetric Multiprocessors. VLDB 1993: 479-492
14EEJames W. Stamos, Honesty C. Young: A Symmetric Fragment and Replicate Algorithm for Distributed Joins. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(12): 1345-1354 (1993)
13 Kien A. Hua, Chiang Lee, Honesty C. Young: Data partitioning for multicomputer datbase systems: a cell-based approach. Inf. Syst. 18(5): 329-342 (1993)
12EEKien A. Hua, Yu-lung Lo, Honesty C. Young: Considering Data Skew Factor in Multi-Way Join Query Optimization for Parallel Execution VLDB J. 2(3): 303-330 (1993)
11 Kien A. Hua, Chiang Lee, Honesty C. Young: An Efficient Load Balancing Strategy for Shared-Nothing Database Systems. DEXA 1992: 469-474
10 Arun N. Swami, Honesty C. Young: Algorithms for Handling Skew in Parallel Task Scheduling. RIDE-TQP 1992: 61-68
9EEMing-Syan Chen, Ming-Ling Lo, Philip S. Yu, Honesty C. Young: Using Segmented Right-Deep Trees for the Execution of Pipelined Hash Joins. VLDB 1992: 15-26
8 Arun N. Swami, Honesty C. Young, Ashish Gupta: Algorithms for Handling Skew in Parallel Task Scheduling. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 16(4): 363-377 (1992)
7 Kien A. Hua, Chiang Lee, Honesty C. Young: A Cell-Based Data Partitioning Strategy for Efficient Load Balancing in A Distributed Memory Multicomputer Database System. ICPP (1) 1991: 479-483
6 Raymond A. Lorie, Jean-Jacques Daudenarde, James W. Stamos, Honesty C. Young: Exploiting database parallelism in a message-passing multiprocessor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(5): 681-696 (1991)
5EERaymond A. Lorie, Honesty C. Young: A Low Communication Sort Algorithm for a Parallel Database Machine. VLDB 1989: 125-134
4EERaymond A. Lorie, Jean-Jacques Daudenarde, Gary Hallmark, James W. Stamos, Honesty C. Young: Adding Intra-transaction Parallelism to an Existing DBMS: Early Experience. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 12(1): 2-8 (1989)
3 Honesty C. Young, James R. Goodman: The Design of a Queue-Based Vector Supercomputer. ICPP 1986: 483-486
2 James R. Goodman, Honesty C. Young: Comments on ``A Massive Memory Machine''. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(10): 907-910 (1986)
1 James R. Goodman, Jian-tu Hsieh, Koujuch Liou, Andrew R. Pleszkun, P. B. Schechter, Honesty C. Young: PIPE: A VLSI Decoupled Architecture. ISCA 1985: 20-27

Coauthor Index

1P. Anandan [34]
2Sang Kyun Cha (Sang K. Cha) [34]
3Ming-Syan Chen [9] [21]
4Ying Chen [29]
5Jyh-Herng Chow [24]
6Jean-Jacques Daudenarde [4] [6]
7Iris Garcia [24]
8James R. Goodman [1] [2] [3]
9Ashish Gupta [8]
10Gary Hallmark [4]
11Jian-tu Hsieh [1]
12John Hsu [24]
13Meichun Hsu [34]
14Windsor W. Hsu [26] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33]
15Kien A. Hua [7] [11] [12] [13] [16] [20] [23] [25] [27] [31]
16Chiang Lee [7] [11] [13]
17Yong-Fong Lee [24]
18Koujuch Liou [1]
19Ming-Ling Lo [9] [21]
20Yu-lung Lo [12] [16] [20] [27] [31]
21Raymond A. Lorie [4] [5] [6]
22C. Mohan [34]
23Robert J. T. Morris [19]
24Antoine N. Mourad [19]
25Kalyan Muthukumar [24]
26Shauchi Ong [24] [26]
27Jih-Kwon Peir [26]
28Andrew R. Pleszkun [1]
29Rajeev Rastogi [34]
30Vivek Sarkar [24]
31P. B. Schechter [1]
32Mauricio J. Serrano [24]
33Eugene J. Shekita [15] [18]
34Vishal Sikka [34]
35Alan Jay Smith [28] [30] [32] [33]
36James W. Stamos [4] [6] [14]
37Arun N. Swami [8] [10] [17] [19] [22]
38Kian-Lee Tan [15]
39Wallapak Tavanapong [23]
40James Zijun Wang (James Z. Wang) [25]
41Philip S. Yu [9] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)