
Hiroaki Yoshida

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10EEHiroaki Yoshida, Masahiro Fujita: Improving the accuracy of rule-based equivalence checking of system-level design descriptions by identifying potential internal equivalences. ISQED 2009: 366-370
9EEHiroaki Yoshida, Masahiro Fujita: Performance-Constrained Different Cell Count Minimization for Continuously-Sized Circuits. DATE 2008: 1099-1102
8 Masahiro Fujita, Takeshi Matsumoto, Hiroaki Yoshida: A HW/SW Co-Reuse Methodology Based on Design Refinement Templates in UML Diagrams. ICSOFT (SE/MUSE/GSDCA) 2008: 240-245
7EEFujine Yano, Hiroaki Yoshida: Some set partition statistics in non-crossing partitions and generating functions. Discrete Mathematics 307(24): 3147-3160 (2007)
6EEHiroaki Yoshida, Makoto Ikeda, Kunihiro Asada: A Structural Approach for Transistor Circuit Synthesis. IEICE Transactions 89-A(12): 3529-3537 (2006)
5EEUlkuhan Ekinciel, Hiroaki Yamaoka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Makoto Ikeda, Kunihiro Asada: A Performance Driven Module Generator for a Dual-Rail PLA with Embedded 2-Input Logic Cells. IEICE Transactions 88-D(6): 1159-1167 (2005)
4EEHiroaki Yoshida, Kaushik De, Vamsi Boppana: Accurate pre-layout estimation of standard cell characteristics. DAC 2004: 208-211
3 Mayumi Oto, Masami Takata, Hiroaki Yoshida, Kazuki Joe: A Quantum Algorithm for Searching Web Communities. PDPTA 2002: 260-268
2EEHiroaki Yoshida, Hiroaki Yamaoka, Makoto Ikeda, Kunihiro Asada: Logic Synthesis for AND-XOR-OR Type Sense-Amplifying PLA. VLSI Design 2002: 166-171
1EEHiroaki Yoshida, Motohiro Sera, Masao Kubo, Masahiro Fujita: Simultaneous Circuit Transformation and Routing. VLSI Design 2002: 479-483

Coauthor Index

1Kunihiro Asada [2] [5] [6]
2Vamsi Boppana [4]
3Kaushik De [4]
4Ulkuhan Ekinciel [5]
5Masahiro Fujita [1] [8] [9] [10]
6Makoto Ikeda [2] [5] [6]
7Kazuki Joe [3]
8Masao Kubo [1]
9Takeshi Matsumoto [8]
10Mayumi Oto [3]
11Motohiro Sera [1]
12Masami Takata [3]
13Hiroaki Yamaoka [2] [5]
14Fujine Yano [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)