PDPTA 2002:
Las Vegas,
USA - Volume 1
Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.):
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA '02, June 24 - 27, 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 1.
CSREA Press 2002, ISBN 1-892512-87-4 BibTeX
editor = {Hamid R. Arabnia},
title = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA '02, June 24 -
27, 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 1},
booktitle = {PDPTA},
publisher = {CSREA Press},
year = {2002},
isbn = {1-892512-87-4},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Parallel and Distributed Image Processing
- Tom Hintz, Phil Sheridan:
Resolution and Rotation in the Spiral Architecture.
3-6 BibTeX
- Phil Sheridan:
Supervised Learning of Complex Visual Tasks: Implementation of a Principle that Connects Visual Search with Visual Learning.
7-13 BibTeX
- Aizhong Lin, Xiangjian He:
Monitor Distributed Image Recognition Environment Using Intelligent Agents.
14-20 BibTeX
- Xiangjian He, Tom Hintz, Qiang Wu:
Neural Network Based Image Edge Detection Within Spiral Architecture.
21-27 BibTeX
- Qiang Wu, Xiangjian He, Tom Hintz:
Scaling Factor Computation in Image Partitioning on Spiral Architecture.
28-33 BibTeX
- Qimei Hu, Xiangjian He, Jun Zhou:
Concurrent Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Spiral Architecture Using Linux.
34-39 BibTeX
- Michel Salomon, Guy-René Perrin, Fabrice Heitz:
Parallel Sampling with Stochastic Differential Equations for 3D Deformable Matching of Medical Images.
40-48 BibTeX
Distributed Shared Memory Systems (DSMS)
- William Evan Speight, Martin Burtscher:
Delphi: Predition-based Page Prefetching to Improve the Performance of Shared Virtual Memory Systems.
49-55 BibTeX
- Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Martin K. Purvis:
Selection-based Weak Sequential Consistency Models for Distributed Shared Memory.
56-62 BibTeX
- Norman S. Matloff:
PerlDSM: A Distributed Shared Memory System for Perl.
63-68 BibTeX
- William Evan Speight:
PermaNT: Persistent Shared Memory for Windows NT/2000 Clusters.
69-75 BibTeX
- Ron Feigen, Alan Skousen, Donald Miller:
Reduction of Software Development Costs Under the Sombrero Distributed Single Address Space Operating System.
76-82 BibTeX
- Mainak Chaudhuri, Daehyun Kim, Mark Heinrich:
Cache Coherence Protocol Design for Active Memory Systems.
83-89 BibTeX
- M. Rasit Eskicioglu:
Software DSM's Are Still Alive and Well!
90-96 BibTeX
- Moritz Wende, Michael Schöttner, Ralph Göckelmann, T. Bindhammer, Peter Schulthess:
Performance Evaluation of a Transactional DSM System.
97-106 BibTeX
High Performance Computing in Computational Sciences and Applications
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering
- Helen S. Du, Xiaohua Jia:
Bridging Distributed Object Computing Technologies and the Web.
143-149 BibTeX
- Leung Cheng, Pui-on Au, Weijia Jia:
Integrating Reliable Multicast Protocol and Mobile Agent.
150-156 BibTeX
- Reginald L. Walker:
Using Nearest Neighbors to Discover Web Page Similarities.
157-163 BibTeX
- Meng Yu, Minyi Guo, Yi Pan, Wanyu Zang, Li Xie:
JAPS-II: A Source to Source Parallelizing Compiler for Java.
164-170 BibTeX
- Keqin Li:
Speedup of Parallel Processing of Divisible Loads on k-dimensional Meshes and Tori.
171-177 BibTeX
- Dora Blanco Heras, Francisco F. Rivera, José Carlos Cabaleiro:
Analytical Description of Locality for the Product of a Sparse Matrix by a Dense Matrix.
178-184 BibTeX
- Serge Moto Mpong, Pierre de Montleau, André Godinas, Anne Marie Habraken:
A Parallel Computing Model for the Acceleration of a Finite Element Software.
185-191 BibTeX
- Tuan-Anh Nguyen, Pierre Kuonen:
A Model of Dynamic Parallel Objects for Metacomputing.
192-198 BibTeX
- Kai Wang, Jun Zhang:
A Class of New Parallel Preconditioning Strategies for Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems.
199-205 BibTeX
- Xiaohong Wang, Sanzheng Qiao:
A Parallel Jacobi Method for the Takagi Factorization.
206-214 BibTeX
Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving
- Masami Takata, Hayaru Shouno, Kazuki Joe:
An Improvement of Program Partitioning Based Genetic Algorithm.
215-221 BibTeX
- Shoichi Saito:
A Genetic Algorithm by Use of Virus Evolutionary Theory for Combinatorial Problems.
222-227 BibTeX
- Yuusaku Kamura, Mario Nakamori, Yuji Shinano:
Combining Imperfect Components (II) - The Case of Multidimensional Error.
228-232 BibTeX
- Teppei Mizuno, Yuji Shinano, Mario Nakamori:
An Algorithm of the Optimal Order of Component Mounting on an Electronic Circuit Board.
233-238 BibTeX
- H. Shouno, M. Okada:
Analysis of Bidirectional Associative Memory Using SCSNA and Statistical Neurodynamics.
239-245 BibTeX
- Ken-ichi Kurata, Christian Saguez, Gerald Dine, Hiroshi Nakamura:
Rapid Analysis of Specificity of PCR Product on the Whole Genome.
246-252 BibTeX
- Mariko Sasakura:
Concentric Circle Diagrams for Visualizing a Reasoning Process on an Extended Logic Program.
253-259 BibTeX
- Mayumi Oto, Masami Takata, Hiroaki Yoshida, Kazuki Joe:
A Quantum Algorithm for Searching Web Communities.
260-268 BibTeX
Performance Evaluation,
Enhancement and Monitoring Systems
Teaching Java in Advanced Topics Courses
Reliability and Related Issues
Distributed Systems,
Architectures and Applications
- Geoffrey Fox, Shrideep Pallickara:
The Narada Event Brokering System: Overview and Extensions.
353-359 BibTeX
- B. Gupta, Z. Liu, Z. Liang:
A Fast Recovery Scheme for Distributed Systems.
360-366 BibTeX
- Allan K. Y. Wong, May T. W. Ip:
MACSC: A Novel Model for Maintaining the Prescribed Hit-ratio by Adaptive and Optimal Cache Size Control for Internet Applications.
367-373 BibTeX
- Oh-Han Kang, Si-Gwan Kim:
A New Heuristic for Duplication Based Scheduling on a Network of Workstations.
374-379 BibTeX
- Sung-Ho Park, Soon-Ju Kang, Dae-Hwa Seo, Dong-Hwan Park:
Real-time Middleware Supporting Interoperability between LonTalk-based Control Network and IEEE 1394-based A/V Network in Home.
380-386 BibTeX
- O-Hoon Choi, Doo-Kwon Baik:
Modeling and Verification of a CORBA-based Object Management System.
387-393 BibTeX
- Markus Aleksy, Martin Schader, Christoph Tapper:
A Generic Filtering Technique Using Value Types in CORBA-based Applications.
394-398 BibTeX
- Gang Wu, Huaimin Wang, XinJun Mao, Quanyuan Wu:
Growing Distributed System.
399-403 BibTeX
- Mark C. Lewis, Nick Wing:
A Distributed Methodology for Hard Sphere Collisional Simulations.
404-409 BibTeX
- Jerzy Brzezinski, Michal Szychowiak:
Fast and Low Cost Recovery Techniques for Distributed Shared Memory.
410-416 BibTeX
- Rodrigo A. Romero, David H. Williams:
A Framework for Dedicated Distributed Memory Servers.
417-424 BibTeX
Clustering Systems and Applications
- Debasish Ghose:
A Feedback Strategy for Load Allocation in Workstation Clusters with Unknown Network Resource Capabilities Using the DLT Paradigm.
425-428 BibTeX
- Wirachai Yanphanich, K. M. George, Nohpill Park:
Clustering with Mobile Agents.
429-435 BibTeX
- Debasish Ghose, Hyoung Joong Kim:
Large Matrix-vector Product Computations on Multicast Bus-oriented Workstation Clusters.
436-441 BibTeX
- Kuo-Chan Huang, Min Chen, Hsi-Ya Chang, I-Chao Chen, Chun-Yu Chen:
Simulation Analysis of Resource Allocation Policies on Space-sharing PC Clusters and Parallel Computers.
442-448 BibTeX
- Jens Mache, Joshua Bower-Cooley, Jason Guchereau, Paul Thomas, Matthew Wilkinson:
Cost-effective High-performance Disk Access on PC Clusters With Commodity IDE Disks.
449-455 BibTeX
- Jorji Nonaka, Gerson H. Pfitscher, Katsumi Onisi, Hideo Nakano:
An Evaluation of Low Cost Hardware-assisted Internal Clock Synchronization in PC Cluster Environment.
456-461 BibTeX
- Changyeol Choi, Sungsoo Kim, Jyh-Charn Liu:
Adaptive Data Reorganization for Shared Storage Cluster Systems.
462-467 BibTeX
- Kiejin Park, Sungsoo Kim:
Determining Optimal Redundancy Levels for Highly Available (n, k) Cluster Systems Based on Waiting Time Deadline.
468-474 BibTeX
Embedded Systems
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:33:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)