
Anthony S. Wojcik

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17 Jennifer L. White, Moon-Jung Chung, Anthony S. Wojcik, Travis E. Doom: Efficient Algorithms for Subcircuit Enumeration and Classification for the Module Identification Problem. ICCD 2001: 519-522
16EEJennifer L. White, Anthony S. Wojcik, Moon-Jung Chung, Travis E. Doom: Candidate subcircuits for functional module identification in logic circuits. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 34-38
15EETravis E. Doom, Anthony S. Wojcik, Moon-Jung Chung: Design Recovery for Incomplete Combinational Logic. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 184-187
14 Gregory H. Chisholm, Anthony S. Wojcik: An Application of Formal Analysis to Software in a Fault-Tolerant Environment. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(10): 1053-1064 (1999)
13EETravis E. Doom, Jennifer L. White, Anthony S. Wojcik, Gregory H. Chisholm: Identifying High-Level Components in Combinational Circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1998: 313-318
12 Anthony S. Wojcik: Reasoning About Digital Systems. ISMVL 1991: 2-6
11 Ahmed E. Barbour, Anthony S. Wojcik: A General, Constructive Approach to Fault-Tolerant Design Using Redundancy. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(1): 15-29 (1989)
10 Joseph Kljaich Jr., Brian T. Smith, Anthony S. Wojcik: Formal Verification of Fault Tolerance Using Theorem-Proving Techniques. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(3): 366-376 (1989)
9 Gregory H. Chisholm, Brian T. Smith, Anthony S. Wojcik: An Automated Reasoning Problem Associated with Proving Claims about Programs Using Floyd-Hoare Inductive Assertin Methods. J. Autom. Reasoning 5(4): 533-540 (1989)
8 Kwang-Ya Fang, Anthony S. Wojcik: Modular Decomposition of Combinational Multiple-Valued Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(10): 1293-1301 (1988)
7EEChing-Farn Eric Wu, Anthony S. Wojcik, Lionel M. Ni: A Rule-Based Circuit Representation for Automated CMOS Design and Verification. DAC 1987: 786-792
6 Nagendra C. E. Srinivas, Anthony S. Wojcik, Ytzhak H. Levendel: An Artificial Intelligence Based Implementation of the P-Algorithm for Test Generation. ITC 1986: 732-739
5 Waldo C. Kabat, Anthony S. Wojcik: Automated Synthesis of Combinational Logic Using Theorem-Proving Techniques. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(7): 610-632 (1985)
4 Witold S. Wojciechowski, Anthony S. Wojcik: Automated Design of Multiple-Valued Logic Circuits by Automatic Theorem Proving Techniques. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(9): 785-798 (1983)
3 Waldo C. Kabat, Anthony S. Wojcik: On the Design of 4-Valued Digital Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(9): 666-671 (1981)
2 Anthony S. Wojcik, Kwang-Ya Fang: On the Design of Three-Valued Asynchronous Modules. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(10): 889-898 (1980)
1EEAnthony S. Wojcik, Gernot Metze: An Analysis of Some Relationships Between Post and Boolean Algebras. J. ACM 21(4): 680-696 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed E. Barbour [11]
2Gregory H. Chisholm [9] [13] [14]
3Moon-Jung Chung [15] [16] [17]
4Travis E. Doom [13] [15] [16] [17]
5Kwang-Ya Fang [2] [8]
6Waldo C. Kabat [3] [5]
7Joseph Kljaich Jr. [10]
8Ytzhak H. Levendel [6]
9Gernot Metze [1]
10Lionel M. Ni [7]
11Brian T. Smith [9] [10]
12Nagendra C. E. Srinivas [6]
13Jennifer L. White [13] [16] [17]
14Witold S. Wojciechowski [4]
15Ching-Farn Eric Wu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)