
Travis E. Doom

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21 Sridhar Ramachandran, Travis E. Doom: Validation of the Human Alu phylogeny: a whole-genome analysis. BIOCOMP 2008: 122-128
20EEBenjamin J. Kelly, Paul E. Anderson, Nicholas V. Reo, Nicholas J. DelRaso, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: A Proposed Statistical Protocol for the Analysis of Metabolic Toxicological Data Derived from NMR Spectroscopy. BIBE 2007: 1414-1418
19EEDouglas W. Raiford, Dan E. Krane, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm that Employs a Hybrid Approach for Isolating Codon Usage Bias Indicative of Translational Efficiency. BIBE 2007: 278-285
18 Douglas W. Raiford, Dan E. Krane, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: Isolation and Visualization of Codon Usage Biases. BIBE 2006: 179-183
17 Sridhar Ramachandran, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer, Dan E. Krane: Parsimony approach to test the Evolving Master Gene hypothesis for human Alu repeats. BIBE 2006: 213-219
16EEPaul E. Anderson, Douglas W. Raiford, Deacon J. Sweeney, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: Stochastic Model of Protease-Ligand Reactions. BIBE 2005: 306-310
15EEMichael R. Peterson, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: GA-facilitated KNN classifier optimization with varying similarity measures. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 2514-2521
14EEMichael R. Peterson, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: GA-facilitated classifier optimization with varying similarity measures. GECCO 2005: 1549-1550
13EEG. Cooper, Michael L. Raymer, Travis E. Doom, Don Krane, Natsuhiko Futamura: Indexing Genomic Databases. BIBE 2004: 587-591
12EEMichael R. Peterson, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: GA-Facilitated Knowledge Discovery and Pattern Recognition Optimization Applied to the Biochemistry of Protein Solvation. GECCO (1) 2004: 426-437
11EEDebra T. Burhans, Matt DeJongh, Travis E. Doom, Mark LeBlanc: Bioinformatics in the undergraduate curriculum: opportunities for computer science educators. SIGCSE 2004: 229-230
10 Jason R. Gilder, Don Krane, Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer: Identifying the Patterns in DNA. MAICS 2003: 31-35
9EEJason R. Gilder, Michael R. Peterson, Jason Wright, Travis E. Doom: A versatile tool for student projects: an ASM programming language for the Lego mindstorm. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 3(1): (2003)
8 Michael L. Raymer, Travis E. Doom, Leslie A. Kuhn, William F. Punch III: Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(5): 802-813 (2003)
7EETravis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer, Dan E. Krane, Oscar Garcia: A proposed undergraduate bioinformatics curriculum for computer scientists. SIGCSE 2002: 78-81
6 Jason R. Gilder, Michael L. Raymer, Travis E. Doom: PocketMol: A Molecular Visualization Tool for the PocketPC (short paper). BIBE 2001: 11-14
5 Deacon J. Sweeney, Gerald M. Alter, Michael L. Raymer, Travis E. Doom: Profile Combinatorics for Fragment Selection in Comparative Protein Structure Modeling. BIBE 2001: 271-278
4 Jennifer L. White, Moon-Jung Chung, Anthony S. Wojcik, Travis E. Doom: Efficient Algorithms for Subcircuit Enumeration and Classification for the Module Identification Problem. ICCD 2001: 519-522
3EEJennifer L. White, Anthony S. Wojcik, Moon-Jung Chung, Travis E. Doom: Candidate subcircuits for functional module identification in logic circuits. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 34-38
2EETravis E. Doom, Anthony S. Wojcik, Moon-Jung Chung: Design Recovery for Incomplete Combinational Logic. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 184-187
1EETravis E. Doom, Jennifer L. White, Anthony S. Wojcik, Gregory H. Chisholm: Identifying High-Level Components in Combinational Circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1998: 313-318

Coauthor Index

1Gerald M. Alter [5]
2Paul E. Anderson [16] [20]
3Debra T. Burhans [11]
4Gregory H. Chisholm [1]
5Moon-Jung Chung [2] [3] [4]
6G. Cooper [13]
7Matt DeJongh [11]
8Nicholas J. DelRaso [20]
9Natsuhiko Futamura [13]
10Oscar Garcia [7]
11Jason R. Gilder [6] [9] [10]
12Benjamin J. Kelly [20]
13Dan E. Krane [7] [17] [18] [19]
14Don Krane [10] [13]
15Leslie A. Kuhn [8]
16Mark LeBlanc [11]
17Michael R. Peterson [9] [12] [14] [15]
18William F. Punch (William F. Punch III) [8]
19Douglas W. Raiford (Douglas Raiford) [16] [18] [19]
20Sridhar Ramachandran [17] [21]
21Michael L. Raymer [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
22Nicholas V. Reo [20]
23Deacon J. Sweeney [5] [16]
24Jennifer L. White [1] [3] [4]
25Anthony S. Wojcik [1] [2] [3] [4]
26Jason Wright [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)