L. J. Steggles
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
15 | EE | Richard Banks, Victor Khomenko, L. Jason Steggles: A Case for Using Signal Transition Graphs for Analysing and Refining Genetic Networks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 227: 3-19 (2009) |
2007 | ||
14 | EE | L. Jason Steggles, Richard Banks, Oliver Shaw, Anil Wipat: Qualitatively modelling and analysing genetic regulatory networks: a Petri net approach. Bioinformatics 23(3): 336-343 (2007) |
13 | EE | Richard Banks, L. Jason Steggles: A High-Level Petri Net Framework for Genetic Regulatory Networks. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(3): (2007) |
2006 | ||
12 | EE | L. Jason Steggles, Richard Banks, Anil Wipat: Modelling and Analysing Genetic Networks: From Boolean Networks to Petri Nets. CMSB 2006: 127-141 |
11 | EE | Oliver Shaw, L. Jason Steggles, Anil Wipat: Automatic Parameterisation of Stochastic Petri Net Models of Biological Networks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 151(3): 111-129 (2006) |
10 | EE | L. Jason Steggles: Verifying an infinite systolic algorithm using third-order equational methods. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 69(1-2): 75-92 (2006) |
2004 | ||
9 | EE | O. J. Shaw, Colin Harwood, L. Jason Steggles, Anil Wipat: SARGE: a tool for creation of putative genetic networks. Bioinformatics 20(18): 3638-3640 (2004) |
2001 | ||
8 | EE | L. J. Steggles: Rewriting Logic and Elan: Prototyping Tools for Petri Nets with Time. ICATPN 2001: 363-381 |
7 | EE | Karl Meinke, L. J. Steggles: Correctness of dataflow and systolic algorithms using algebras of streams. Acta Inf. 38(1): 45-88 (2001) |
2000 | ||
6 | L. J. Steggles, Piotr Kosiuczenko: A Formal Model for SDL Specifications Based on Timed Rewriting Logic. Autom. Softw. Eng. 7(1): 61-90 (2000) | |
5 | EE | L. J. Steggles: Specifying and Verifying Real-Time Systems using Second-Order Algebraic Methods: A Case Study of the Railroad Crossing Controller. J. UCS 6(4): 460-473 (2000) |
1998 | ||
4 | EE | L. J. Steggles, Piotr Kosiuczenko: A timed rewriting logic semantics for SDL: A case study of alternating bit protocol. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 15: (1998) |
1997 | ||
3 | L. J. Steggles: Parameterised Higher-Order Algebraic Specifications. ALP/HOA 1997: 76-98 | |
1995 | ||
2 | L. J. Steggles: Higher-Order Algebra with Transfinite Types. HOA 1995: 238-263 | |
1993 | ||
1 | Karl Meinke, L. J. Steggles: Specification and Verification in Higher-Order Algebra: A Case Study of Convolution. HOA 1993: 189-222 |
1 | Richard Banks | [12] [13] [14] [15] |
2 | Colin Harwood | [9] |
3 | Victor Khomenko | [15] |
4 | Piotr Kosiuczenko | [4] [6] |
5 | Karl Meinke | [1] [7] |
6 | O. J. Shaw | [9] |
7 | Oliver Shaw | [11] [14] |
8 | Anil Wipat | [9] [11] [12] [14] |