
Lena Mamykina

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11EEm. c. schraefel, Paul André, Ryen White, Desney Tan, Tim Berners-Lee, Sunny Consolvo, Robert Jacobs, Isaac S. Kohane, Christopher A. Le Dantec, Lena Mamykina, Gary Marsden, Ben Shneiderman, Peter Szolovits, Daniel J. Weitzner: Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3309-3312
10EERebecca Randell, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Wilson, Lena Mamykina, Charlotte Tang: Evaluating new interactions in healthcare: challenges and approaches. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4771-4774
9EELena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Patricia Davidson, Daniel Greenblatt: MAHI: investigation of social scaffolding for reflective thinking in diabetes management. CHI 2008: 477-486
8EELena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt: Investigating and supporting health management practices of individuals with diabetes. HealthNet 2007: 49-54
7EELena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, David R. Kaufman: Investigating health management practices of individuals with diabetes. CHI 2006: 927-936
6EEJames J. Lin, Lena Mamykina, Silvia Lindtner, Gregory Delajoux, Henry B. Strub: Fish'n'Steps: Encouraging Physical Activity with an Interactive Computer Game. Ubicomp 2006: 261-278
5EELena Mamykina, Stuart Goose, David Hedqvist, David V. Beard: CareView: analyzing nursing narratives for temporal trends. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1147-1150
4EELena Mamykina, Jakob Bardram, Ilkka Korhonen, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Wanda Pratt: HCI and homecare: connecting families and clinicians. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1715-1716
3EELena Mamykina, Linda Candy, Ernest A. Edmonds: Collaborative creativity. Commun. ACM 45(10): 96-99 (2002)
2EELena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Michael A. Terry: Time Aura: interfaces for pacing. CHI 2001: 144-151
1EELena Mamykina, Catherine G. Wolf: Evolution of Contact Point: a case study of a help desk and its users. CSCW 2000: 41-48

Coauthor Index

1Paul André [11]
2Jakob E. Bardram (Jakob Bardram) [4]
3David V. Beard [5]
4Tim Berners-Lee [11]
5Linda Candy [3]
6Sunny Consolvo [11]
7Christopher A. Le Dantec [11]
8Patricia Davidson [9]
9Gregory Delajoux [6]
10Ernest A. Edmonds [3]
11Geraldine Fitzpatrick [10]
12Stuart Goose [5]
13Daniel Greenblatt [9]
14David Hedqvist [5]
15Robert Jacobs [11]
16David R. Kaufman [7]
17Isaac S. Kohane [11]
18Ilkka Korhonen [4]
19James J. Lin [6]
20Silvia Lindtner [6]
21Gary Marsden [11]
22Elizabeth D. Mynatt [2] [4] [7] [8] [9]
23Wanda Pratt [4]
24Rebecca Randell [10]
25Monica M. C. Schraefel (m. c. schraefel) [11]
26Ben Shneiderman [11]
27Henry B. Strub [6]
28Peter Szolovits [11]
29Desney Tan [11]
30Charlotte Tang [10]
31Michael A. Terry [2]
32Daniel J. Weitzner [11]
33Ryen W. White (Ryen White) [11]
34Stephanie Wilson [10]
35Catherine G. Wolf [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)