
Izhak Shafran

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5EEIzhak Shafran: Multi-stream Fusion for Speaker Classification. Speaker Classification (1) 2007: 298-312
4EEJohn Hale, Izhak Shafran, Lisa Yung, Bonnie J. Dorr, Mary P. Harper, Anna Krasnyanskaya, Matthew Lease, Yang Liu, Brian Roark, Matthew G. Snover, Robin Stewart: PCFGs with Syntactic and Prosodic Indicators of Speech Repairs. ACL 2006
3EEDouglas W. Oard, Jianqiang Wang, Gareth J. F. Jones, Ryen W. White, Pavel Pecina, Dagobert Soergel, Xiaoli Huang, Izhak Shafran: Overview of the CLEF-2006 Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Track. CLEF 2006: 744-758
2EEHenry C. Lin, Izhak Shafran, Todd E. Murphy, Allison M. Okamura, David D. Yuh, Gregory D. Hager: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Robot-Assisted Surgical Motions. MICCAI 2005: 802-810
1EEIzhak Shafran, Mari Ostendorf: Acoustic model clustering based on syllable structure. Computer Speech & Language 17(4): 311-328 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Bonnie J. Dorr [4]
2Gregory D. Hager [2]
3John Hale [4]
4Mary P. Harper [4]
5Xiaoli Huang [3]
6Gareth J. F. Jones [3]
7Anna Krasnyanskaya [4]
8Matthew Lease [4]
9Henry C. Lin [2]
10Yang Liu [4]
11Todd E. Murphy [2]
12Douglas W. Oard [3]
13Allison M. Okamura [2]
14Mari Ostendorf [1]
15Pavel Pecina [3]
16Brian Roark [4]
17Matthew G. Snover [4]
18Dagobert Soergel [3]
19Robin Stewart [4]
20Jianqiang Wang [3]
21Ryen W. White (Ryen White) [3]
22David D. Yuh [2]
23Lisa Yung [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)