
G. Craig Murray

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8EEMikhail Bilenko, Ryen W. White, Matthew Richardson, G. Craig Murray: Talking the talk vs. walking the walk: salience of information needs in querying vs. browsing. SIGIR 2008: 705-706
7EEG. Craig Murray: Extending language modeling techniques to models of search and browsing activity in a digital library. SIGIR 2008: 900
6EEG. Craig Murray, Jaime Teevan: Query log analysis: social and technological challenges. SIGIR Forum 41(2): 112-120 (2007)
5EEG. Craig Murray, Bonnie J. Dorr, Jimmy J. Lin, Jan Hajic, Pavel Pecina: Leveraging Reusability: Cost-Effective Lexical Acquisition for Large-Scale Ontology Translation. ACL 2006
4EEG. Craig Murray, Jimmy J. Lin, Abdur Chowdhury: Action modeling: language models that predict query behavior. SIGIR 2006: 681-682
3EEJimmy J. Lin, G. Craig Murray: Assessing the term independence assumption in blind relevance feedback. SIGIR 2005: 635-636
2EEDouglas W. Oard, Dagobert Soergel, David S. Doermann, Xiaoli Huang, G. Craig Murray, Jianqiang Wang, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Martin Franz, Samuel Gustman, James Mayfield, Liliya Kharevych, Stephanie Strassel: Building an information retrieval test collection for spontaneous conversational speech. SIGIR 2004: 41-48
1EEG. Craig Murray, Rebecca Green: Lexical knowledge and human disagreement on a WSD task. Computer Speech & Language 18(3): 209-222 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Mikhail Bilenko [8]
2Abdur Chowdhury [4]
3David S. Doermann [2]
4Bonnie J. Dorr [5]
5Martin Franz [2]
6Rebecca Green [1]
7Samuel Gustman [2]
8Jan Hajic [5]
9Xiaoli Huang [2]
10Liliya Kharevych [2]
11Jimmy J. Lin [3] [4] [5]
12James Mayfield [2]
13Douglas W. Oard [2]
14Pavel Pecina [5]
15Bhuvana Ramabhadran [2]
16Matthew Richardson [8]
17Dagobert Soergel [2]
18Stephanie Strassel [2]
19Jaime Teevan [6]
20Jianqiang Wang [2]
21Ryen W. White (Ryen White) [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)