
Norman K. Sondheimer

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23EELori A. Clarke, Alan Gaitenby, Ethan Katsh, Matthew Marzilli, Leon J. Osterweil, Daniel Rainey, Borislava I. Simidchieva, Norman K. Sondheimer, Leah Wing, Alexander E. Wise: Using process definitions to drive user interactions with digital government systems. DG.O 2007: 310-311
22EEEthan Katsh, Alan Gaitenby, Norman K. Sondheimer: Law and governance and virtual worlds. DG.O 2007: 328-330
21EEEthan Katsh, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer, Daniel Rainey: Experimental application of process technology to the creation and adoption of online dispute resolution. DG.O 2006: 273-274
20EELori A. Clarke, Alan Gaitenby, Daniel Gyllstrom, Ethan Katsh, Matthew Marzilli, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer, Leah Wing, Alexander E. Wise, Daniel Rainey: A process-driven tool to support online dispute resolution. DG.O 2006: 356-357
19EEEthan Katsh, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer, Daniel Rainey: Early lessons from the application of process technology to online grievance mediation. DG.O 2005: 99-100
18EEEthan Katsh, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer: Process Technology for Achieving Government Online Dispute Resolution. DG.O 2004
17EELee Osterwil, Norman K. Sondheimer, Anthony Butterfield, Lori A. Clarke, Robert Marx, Matthew P. Billmers, Joel Sieh, Bruce Southard, David Su: Trust Resource Management in Digital Government Through Process Modeling. DG.O 2003
16EENorman K. Sondheimer, Susanna Cumming, Robert Albano: How to realize a concept: Lexical selection and the conceptual network in text generation. Machine Translation 5(1): 57-78 (1990)
15 Yigal Arens, Lawrence Miller, Stuart C. Shapiro, Norman K. Sondheimer: Automatic Construction of User-Interface Displays. AAAI 1988: 808-813
14EENorman K. Sondheimer: Natural Language Interfaces: Present And Future. ANLP 1988: 176-177
13 Norman K. Sondheimer, Bernhard Nebel: A Logical-Form and Knowledge-Base Design for Natural Language Generation. AAAI 1986: 612-618
12 Bernhard Nebel, Norman K. Sondheimer: NIGEL Gets To Know Logic. GWAI 1986: 75-86
11EENorman K. Sondheimer, Bernhard Nebel: A Logical-Form and Knowledge-Base Design for Natural Language Generation. HLT 1986
10EEWilliam Mann, Norman K. Sondheimer: Text Generation for Strategic Computing. HLT 1986
9EENorman K. Sondheimer, Ralph M. Weischedel, Robert J. Bobrow: Semantic Interpretation Using KL-ONE. COLING 1984: 101-107
8 Ralph M. Weischedel, Norman K. Sondheimer: Meta-Rules as a Basis for Processing III-Formed Input. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 9(3-4): 161-177 (1983)
7EENathan Relles, Norman K. Sondheimer, Giorgio P. Ingargiola: A unified approach to online assistance. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 383-388
6 Stanley C. Kwasny, Norman K. Sondheimer: Relaxation Techniques for Parsing Grammatically III-Formed Input in Natural Language Understanding Systems. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 7(2): 99-108 (1981)
5EENorman K. Sondheimer, Ralph M. Weischedel: A Rule-Based Approach To Ill-Formed Input. COLING 1980: 46-53
4EEStanley C. Kwasny, Norman K. Sondheimer: Ungrammaticality and Extra-Grammaticality in Natural Language Understanding Systems. ACL 1979
3EEDavid C. Brown, Stanley C. Kwasny, B. Chandrasekaran, Norman K. Sondheimer: An experimental graphics system with natural language input. Computers & Graphics 4(1): 13-22 (1979)
2 Norman K. Sondheimer: Towards a Combined Representation for Spacial and Temporal Reference. IJCAI 1977: 281-282
1 David C. Brown, Stanley C. Kwasny, H. William Buttelmann, B. Chandrasekaran, Norman K. Sondheimer: NLG - Natural Language Graphics. IJCAI 1977: 916

Coauthor Index

1Robert Albano [16]
2Yigal Arens [15]
3Matthew P. Billmers [17]
4Robert J. Bobrow [9]
5David C. Brown [1] [3]
6H. William Buttelmann [1]
7Anthony Butterfield [17]
8B. Chandrasekaran (Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran) [1] [3]
9Lori A. Clarke [17] [20] [23]
10Susanna Cumming [16]
11Alan Gaitenby [20] [22] [23]
12Daniel Gyllstrom [20]
13Giorgio P. Ingargiola [7]
14Ethan Katsh [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
15Stanley C. Kwasny [1] [3] [4] [6]
16William Mann [10]
17Robert Marx [17]
18Matthew Marzilli [20] [23]
19Lawrence Miller [15]
20Bernhard Nebel [11] [12] [13]
21Leon J. Osterweil [18] [19] [20] [21] [23]
22Lee Osterwil [17]
23Daniel Rainey [19] [20] [21] [23]
24Nathan Relles [7]
25Stuart C. Shapiro [15]
26Joel Sieh [17]
27Borislava I. Simidchieva [23]
28Bruce Southard [17]
29David Su [17]
30Ralph M. Weischedel [5] [8] [9]
31Leah Wing [20] [23]
32Alexander E. Wise [20] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)