
Zhendong Su

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36EEJedidiah R. Crandall, John Brevik, Shaozhi Ye, Gary Wassermann, Daniela A. S. de Oliveira, Zhendong Su, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Frederic T. Chong: Putting Trojans on the Horns of a Dilemma: Redundancy for Information Theft Detection. Transactions on Computational Science 4: 244-262 (2009)
35EEGary Wassermann, Zhendong Su: Static detection of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. ICSE 2008: 171-180
34EEMark Gabel, Lingxiao Jiang, Zhendong Su: Scalable detection of semantic clones. ICSE 2008: 321-330
33EEMark Gabel, Zhendong Su: Symbolic mining of temporal specifications. ICSE 2008: 51-60
32EEGary Wassermann, Dachuan Yu, Ajay Chander, Dinakar Dhurjati, Hiroshi Inamura, Zhendong Su: Dynamic test input generation for web applications. ISSTA 2008: 249-260
31EEDaniela A. S. de Oliveira, Jedidiah R. Crandall, Gary Wassermann, Shaozhi Ye, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Zhendong Su, Frederic T. Chong: Bezoar: Automated virtual machine-based full-system recovery from control-flow hijacking attacks. NOMS 2008: 121-128
30EEMark Gabel, Zhendong Su: Javert: fully automatic mining of general temporal properties from dynamic traces. SIGSOFT FSE 2008: 339-349
29EELingxiao Jiang, Zhendong Su: Profile-guided program simplification for effective testing and analysis. SIGSOFT FSE 2008: 48-58
28EEMatthew Van Gundy, Hao Chen, Zhendong Su, Giovanni Vigna: Feature Omission Vulnerabilities: Thwarting Signature Generation for Polymorphic Worms. ACSAC 2007: 74-85
27EELingxiao Jiang, Zhendong Su: Context-aware statistical debugging: from bug predictors to faulty control flow paths. ASE 2007: 184-193
26EELingxiao Jiang, Zhendong Su, Edwin Chiu: Context-based detection of clone-related bugs. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 55-64
25EELingxiao Jiang, Ghassan Misherghi, Zhendong Su, Stephane Glondu: DECKARD: Scalable and Accurate Tree-Based Detection of Code Clones. ICSE 2007: 96-105
24EEGary Wassermann, Zhendong Su: Sound and precise analysis of web applications for injection vulnerabilities. PLDI 2007: 32-41
23EEGary Wassermann, Carl Gould, Zhendong Su, Premkumar T. Devanbu: Static checking of dynamically generated queries in database applications. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 16(4): (2007)
22EEFrancis Hsu, Hao Chen, Thomas Ristenpart, Jason Li, Zhendong Su: Back to the Future: A Framework for Automatic Malware Removal and System Repair. ACSAC 2006: 257-268
21EEDaniela A. S. de Oliveira, Jedidiah R. Crandall, Gary Wassermann, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Zhendong Su, Frederic T. Chong: ExecRecorder: VM-based full-system replay for attack analysis and system recovery. ASID 2006: 66-71
20EEJedidiah R. Crandall, Gary Wassermann, Daniela A. S. de Oliveira, Zhendong Su, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Frederic T. Chong: Temporal search: detecting hidden malware timebombs with virtual machines. ASPLOS 2006: 25-36
19EEGary Wassermann, Zhendong Su: Validity Checking for Finite Automata over Linear Arithmetic Constraints. FSTTCS 2006: 405-416
18EEGhassan Misherghi, Zhendong Su: HDD: hierarchical Delta Debugging. ICSE 2006: 142-151
17EELingxiao Jiang, Zhendong Su: Osprey: a practical type system for validating dimensional unit correctness of C programs. ICSE 2006: 262-271
16EELihua Yuan, Jianning Mai, Zhendong Su, Hao Chen, Chen-Nee Chuah, Prasant Mohapatra: FIREMAN: A Toolkit for FIREwall Modeling and ANalysis. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2006: 199-213
15EEZhendong Su, Gary Wassermann: The essence of command injection attacks in web applications. POPL 2006: 372-382
14EEJedidiah R. Crandall, Zhendong Su, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Frederic T. Chong: On deriving unknown vulnerabilities from zero-day polymorphic and metamorphic worm exploits. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2005: 235-248
13EEJoachim Niehren, Tim Priesnitz, Zhendong Su: Complexity of Subtype Satisfiability over Posets. ESOP 2005: 357-373
12EEZhendong Su, David Wagner: A class of polynomially solvable range constraints for interval analysis without widenings. Theor. Comput. Sci. 345(1): 122-138 (2005)
11EECarl Gould, Zhendong Su, Premkumar T. Devanbu: Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications. ICSE 2004: 645-654
10EECarl Gould, Zhendong Su, Premkumar T. Devanbu: JDBC Checker: A Static Analysis Tool for SQL/JDBC Applications. ICSE 2004: 697-698
9EEZhendong Su, David Wagner: A Class of Polynomially Solvable Range Constraints for Interval Analysis without Widenings and Narrowings. TACAS 2004: 280-295
8EEZhendong Su, Alexander Aiken, Joachim Niehren, Tim Priesnitz, Ralf Treinen: The first-order theory of subtyping constraints. POPL 2002: 203-216
7EEZhendong Su, Alexander Aiken: Entailment with Conditional Equality Constraints. ESOP 2001: 170-189
6EEZhendong Su, Manuel Fähndrich, Alexander Aiken: Projection Merging: Reducing Redundancies in Inclusion Constraint Graphs. POPL 2000: 81-95
5EEAlexander Aiken, Manuel Fähndrich, Zhendong Su: Detecting races in Relay Ladder Logic programs. STTT 3(1): 93-105 (2000)
4EEAnca Muscholl, Doron Peled, Zhendong Su: Deciding Properties for Message Sequence Charts. FoSSaCS 1998: 226-242
3 Manuel Fähndrich, Jeffrey S. Foster, Zhendong Su, Alexander Aiken: Partial Online Cycle Elimination in Inclusion Constraint Graphs. PLDI 1998: 85-96
2EEAlexander Aiken, Manuel Fähndrich, Zhendong Su: Detecting Races in Relay Ladder Logic Programs. TACAS 1998: 184-200
1EEAlexander Aiken, Manuel Fähndrich, Jeffrey S. Foster, Zhendong Su: A Toolkit for Constructing Type- and Constraint-Based Program Analyses. Types in Compilation 1998: 78-96

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Aiken (Alex Aiken) [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2John Brevik [36]
3Ajay Chander [32]
4Hao Chen [16] [22] [28]
5Edwin Chiu [26]
6Frederic T. Chong [14] [20] [21] [31] [36]
7Chen-Nee Chuah [16]
8Jedidiah R. Crandall [14] [20] [21] [31] [36]
9Premkumar T. Devanbu [10] [11] [23]
10Dinakar Dhurjati [32]
11Manuel Fähndrich [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
12Jeffrey S. Foster [1] [3]
13Mark Gabel [30] [33] [34]
14Stephane Glondu [25]
15Carl Gould [10] [11] [23]
16Matthew Van Gundy [28]
17Francis Hsu [22]
18Hiroshi Inamura [32]
19Lingxiao Jiang [17] [25] [26] [27] [29] [34]
20Jason Li [22]
21Jianning Mai [16]
22Ghassan Misherghi [18] [25]
23Prasant Mohapatra [16]
24Anca Muscholl [4]
25Joachim Niehren [8] [13]
26Daniela A. S. de Oliveira [20] [21] [31] [36]
27Doron Peled [4]
28Tim Priesnitz [8] [13]
29Thomas Ristenpart [22]
30Ralf Treinen [8]
31Giovanni Vigna [28]
32David Wagner [9] [12]
33Gary Wassermann [15] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [31] [32] [35] [36]
34Shyhtsun Felix Wu [14] [20] [21] [31] [36]
35Shaozhi Ye [31] [36]
36Dachuan Yu [32]
37Lihua Yuan [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)