
Alex Biryukov

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72EEDmitry Khovratovich, Alex Biryukov, Ivica Nikolic: Speeding up Collision Search for Byte-Oriented Hash Functions. CT-RSA 2009: 164-181
71EEIvica Nikolic, Alex Biryukov: Collisions for Step-Reduced SHA-256. FSE 2008: 1-15
70EEDeike Priemuth-Schmid, Alex Biryukov: Slid Pairs in Salsa20 and Trivium. INDOCRYPT 2008: 1-14
69 Alex Biryukov: Fast Software Encryption, 14th International Workshop, FSE 2007, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, March 26-28, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
68EEAlex Biryukov, Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Timo Kasper: Collision Attacks on AES-Based MAC: Alpha-MAC. CHES 2007: 166-180
67EEAlex Biryukov, Dmitry Khovratovich: Two New Techniques of Side-Channel Cryptanalysis. CHES 2007: 195-208
66EEAlexander Maximov, Alex Biryukov: Two Trivial Attacks on Trivium. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2007: 36-55
65EEAlex Biryukov: Block and Stream Ciphers and the Creatures in Between. Symmetric Cryptography 2007
64EEJongsung Kim, Alex Biryukov, Bart Preneel, Seokhie Hong: On the Security of HMAC and NMAC Based on HAVAL, MD4, MD5, SHA-0 and SHA-1 (Extended Abstract). SCN 2006: 242-256
63EEAlex Biryukov: The Design of a Stream Cipher LEX. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2006: 67-75
62EEAlex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Analysis of the Non-linear Part of Mugi. FSE 2005: 320-329
61EEJongsung Kim, Alex Biryukov, Bart Preneel, Sangjin Lee: On the Security of Encryption Modes of MD4, MD5 and HAVAL. ICICS 2005: 147-158
60EEAlex Biryukov, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Palash Sarkar: Improved Time-Memory Trade-Offs with Multiple Data. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 110-127
59EEHirotaka Yoshida, Alex Biryukov: Analysis of a SHA-256 Variant. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 245-260
58EEAlex Biryukov: Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
57EEAlex Biryukov: Adaptive Chosen Plaintext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
56EEAlex Biryukov: Adaptive Chosen Plaintext and Chosen Ciphertext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
55EEAlex Biryukov: Boomerang Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
54EEAlex Biryukov: Chosen Ciphertext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
53EEAlex Biryukov: Chosen Plaintext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
52EEAlex Biryukov: Chosen Plaintext and Chosen Ciphertext Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
51EEAlex Biryukov: Ciphertext-Only Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
50EEAlex Biryukov: Codebook Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
49EEAlex Biryukov: DES-X (or DESX). Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
48EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière: Data encryption standard (DES). Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
47EEAlex Biryukov: Dictionary Attack (I). Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
46EEAlex Biryukov: Differential-Linear Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
45EEAlex Biryukov: Feistel Cipher. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
44EEAlex Biryukov: IDEA. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
43EEAlex Biryukov: IPES. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
42EEAlex Biryukov: Impossible Differential Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
41EEAlex Biryukov: Known plaintext attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
40EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière: Linear Cryptanalysis for Block Ciphers. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
39EEAlex Biryukov: Meet-in-the-Middle Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
38EEAlex Biryukov: Miss-in-the-Middle Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
37EEAlex Biryukov: Multiple Encryption. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
36EEAlex Biryukov: Multiset Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
35EEAlex Biryukov: Product Cipher, Superencryption. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
34EEAlex Biryukov: Related Key Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
33EEAlex Biryukov: Resynchronization Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
32EEAlex Biryukov: Skipjack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
31EEAlex Biryukov: Slide Attack. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
30EEAlex Biryukov: Structural Cryptanalysis. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
29EEAlex Biryukov: Substitution-Permutation (SP) Network. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
28EEAlex Biryukov: Truncated Differentials. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
27EEAlex Biryukov: Weak keys. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
26EEAlex Biryukov, Joseph Lano, Bart Preneel: Recent attacks on alleged SecurID and their practical implications. Computers & Security 24(5): 364-370 (2005)
25EEEli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Cryptanalysis of Skipjack Reduced to 31 Rounds Using Impossible Differentials. J. Cryptology 18(4): 291-311 (2005)
24EEAlex Biryukov: The Boomerang Attack on 5 and 6-Round Reduced AES. AES Conference 2004: 11-15
23EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Michaël Quisquater: On Multiple Linear Approximations. CRYPTO 2004: 1-22
22EEHirotaka Yoshida, Alex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Joseph Lano, Bart Preneel: Non-randomness of the Full 4 and 5-Pass HAVAL. SCN 2004: 324-336
21EEBart Van Rompay, Alex Biryukov, Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: Cryptanalysis of 3-Pass HAVAL. ASIACRYPT 2003: 228-245
20EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Gustaf Dellkrantz: Cryptanalysis of SAFER++. CRYPTO 2003: 195-211
19EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, An Braeken, Bart Preneel: A Toolbox for Cryptanalysis: Linear and Affine Equivalence Algorithms. EUROCRYPT 2003: 33-50
18EEAlex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière: Block Ciphers and Systems of Quadratic Equations. FSE 2003: 274-289
17EEAlex Biryukov: Analysis of Involutional Ciphers: Khazad and Anubis. FSE 2003: 45-53
16EEAlex Biryukov, Joseph Lano, Bart Preneel: Cryptanalysis of the Alleged SecurID Hash Function. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2003: 130-144
15EEDai Watanabe, Alex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière: A Distinguishing Attack of SNOW 2.0 with Linear Masking Method. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2003: 222-233
14EEAlex Biryukov, Jorge Nakahara Jr., Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: New Weak-Key Classes of IDEA. ICICS 2002: 315-326
13EEAlex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Structural Cryptanalysis of SASAS. EUROCRYPT 2001: 394-405
12EEAlex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Cryptanalytic Time/Memory/Data Tradeoffs for Stream Ciphers. ASIACRYPT 2000: 1-13
11EEAlex Biryukov, David Wagner: Advanced Slide Attacks. EUROCRYPT 2000: 589-606
10EEAlex Biryukov, Adi Shamir, David Wagner: Real Time Cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC. FSE 2000: 1-18
9EEEli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Cryptanalysis of Skipjack Reduced to 31 Rounds Using Impossible Differentials. EUROCRYPT 1999: 12-23
8EEEli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir: Miss in the Middle Attacks on IDEA and Khufu. FSE 1999: 124-138
7EEAlex Biryukov, David Wagner: Slide Attacks. FSE 1999: 245-259
6EEAlex Biryukov, Eyal Kushilevitz: From Differential Cryptoanalysis to Ciphertext-Only Attacks. CRYPTO 1998: 72-88
5EEAlex Biryukov, Eyal Kushilevitz: Improved Cryptanalysis of RC5. EUROCRYPT 1998: 85-99
4EEEli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Orr Dunkelman, Eran Richardson, Adi Shamir: Initial Observations on Skipjack: Cryptanalysis of Skipjack-3XOR. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 362-376
3 Eli Biham, Alex Biryukov: An Improvement of Davies' Attack on DES. J. Cryptology 10(3): 195-206 (1997)
2 Eli Biham, Alex Biryukov: How to Strengthen DES Using Existing Hardware. ASIACRYPT 1994: 398-412
1EEEli Biham, Alex Biryukov: An Improvement of Davies' Attack on DES. EUROCRYPT 1994: 461-467

Coauthor Index

1Eli Biham [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [25]
2Andrey Bogdanov [68]
3An Braeken [19]
4Christophe De Cannière [15] [18] [19] [20] [22] [23] [40] [48]
5Gustaf Dellkrantz [20]
6Orr Dunkelman [4]
7Seokhie Hong [64]
8Timo Kasper [68]
9Dmitry Khovratovich [67] [68] [72]
10Jongsung Kim [61] [64]
11Eyal Kushilevitz [5] [6]
12Joseph Lano [16] [22] [26]
13Sangjin Lee [61]
14Alexander Maximov [66]
15Sourav Mukhopadhyay [60]
16Jorge Nakahara Jr. [14]
17Ivica Nikolic [71] [72]
18Bart Preneel [14] [16] [19] [21] [22] [26] [61] [64]
19Deike Priemuth-Schmid [70]
20Michaël Quisquater [23]
21Eran Richardson [4]
22Bart Van Rompay [21]
23Palash Sarkar [60]
24Adi Shamir [4] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [25] [62]
25Joos Vandewalle [14] [21]
26David Wagner [7] [10] [11]
27Dai Watanabe [15]
28Hirotaka Yoshida [22] [59]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)