2008 |
9 | EE | Adnan Raja,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Pramod Viswanath:
Bounds on the capacity region of a class of compound interference channels
CoRR abs/0801.3112: (2008) |
8 | EE | Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Krishnan Eswaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Secrecy via Sources and Channels -- A Secret Key - Secret Message Rate Trade-off Region
CoRR abs/0807.0942: (2008) |
7 | EE | Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Rohit Puri,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Colored Gaussian Source-Channel Broadcast for Heterogeneous (Analog/Digital) Receivers.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(4): 1807-1814 (2008) |
2006 |
6 | EE | Jiajun Wang,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Syndrome-Based Robust Video Transmission Over Networks with Bursty Losses.
ICIP 2006: 741-744 |
5 | EE | Alexandros G. Dimakis,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Decentralized Erasure Codes for Distributed Networked Storage
CoRR abs/cs/0606049: (2006) |
4 | EE | Alexandros G. Dimakis,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Decentralized erasure codes for distributed networked storage.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(6): 2809-2816 (2006) |
2005 |
3 | EE | Alexandros G. Dimakis,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Ubiquitous access to distributed data in large-scale sensor networks through decentralized erasure codes.
IPSN 2005: 111-117 |
2 | EE | Stark C. Draper,
Prakash Ishwar,
David Molnar,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran,
Daniel Schonberg,
David Wagner:
An Analysis of Empirical PMF Based Tests for Least Significant Bit Image Steganography.
Information Hiding 2005: 327-341 |
2003 |
1 | | Prakash Ishwar,
Vinod M. Prabhakaran,
Kannan Ramchandran:
Towards a theory for video coding using distributed compression principles.
ICIP (2) 2003: 687-690 |