2009 |
62 | EE | Stefan Lucks,
Andreas Schuler,
Erik Tews,
Ralf-Philipp Weinmann,
Matthias Wenzel:
Attacks on the DECT Authentication Mechanisms.
CT-RSA 2009: 48-65 |
61 | EE | Ewan Fleischmann,
Christian Forler,
Michael Gorski,
Stefan Lucks:
Twister- A Framework for Secure and Fast Hash Functions.
ISPEC 2009: 257-273 |
60 | EE | Ewan Fleischmann,
Michael Gorski,
Stefan Lucks:
Memoryless Related-Key Boomerang Attack on the Full Tiger Block Cipher.
ISPEC 2009: 298-309 |
59 | EE | Ewan Fleischmann,
Michael Gorski,
Stefan Lucks:
Memoryless Related-Key Boomerang Attack on 39-Round SHACAL-2.
ISPEC 2009: 310-323 |
2008 |
58 | | Stefan Lucks,
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi,
Christopher Wolf:
Research in Cryptology, Second Western European Workshop, WEWoRC 2007, Bochum, Germany, July 4-6, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2008 |
57 | EE | Michael Gorski,
Stefan Lucks,
Thomas Peyrin:
Slide Attacks on a Class of Hash Functions.
ASIACRYPT 2008: 143-160 |
56 | EE | Stefan Lucks,
Erik Zenner,
André Weimerskirch,
Dirk Westhoff:
Concrete Security for Entity Recognition: The Jane Doe Protocol.
INDOCRYPT 2008: 158-171 |
55 | EE | Michael Gorski,
Stefan Lucks:
New Related-Key Boomerang Attacks on AES.
INDOCRYPT 2008: 266-278 |
54 | EE | Sebastian Faust,
Emilia Käsper,
Stefan Lucks:
Efficient Simultaneous Broadcast.
Public Key Cryptography 2008: 180-196 |
2007 |
53 | | Eli Biham,
Helena Handschuh,
Stefan Lucks,
Vincent Rijmen:
Symmetric Cryptography, 07.01. - 12.01.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007 |
52 | EE | Eli Biham,
Helena Handschuh,
Stefan Lucks,
Vincent Rijmen:
07021 Abstracts Collection -- Symmetric Cryptography.
Symmetric Cryptography 2007 |
51 | EE | Eli Biham,
Helena Handschuh,
Stefan Lucks,
Vincent Rijmen:
07021 Executive Summary -- Symmetric Cryptography.
Symmetric Cryptography 2007 |
50 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
A Collision-Resistant Rate-1 Double-Block-Length Hash Function.
Symmetric Cryptography 2007 |
2006 |
49 | EE | John Kelsey,
Stefan Lucks:
Collisions and Near-Collisions for Reduced-Round Tiger.
FSE 2006: 111-125 |
48 | EE | Zinaida Benenson,
Lexi Pimenidis,
Felix C. Freiling,
Stefan Lucks:
Authenticated Query Flooding in Sensor Networks.
PerCom Workshops 2006: 644-647 |
47 | EE | Zinaida Benenson,
Felix C. Freiling,
Ernest Hammerschmidt,
Stefan Lucks,
Lexi Pimenidis:
Authenticated Query Flooding in Sensor Networks.
SEC 2006: 38-49 |
2005 |
46 | | Christopher Wolf,
Stefan Lucks,
Po-Wah Yau:
WEWoRC 2005 - Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology, July 5-7, 2005, Leuven, Belgium
GI 2005 |
45 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
A Failure-Friendly Design Principle for Hash Functions.
ASIACRYPT 2005: 474-494 |
44 | EE | Ulrich Kühn,
Klaus Kursawe,
Stefan Lucks,
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi,
Christian Stüble:
Secure Data Management in Trusted Computing.
CHES 2005: 324-338 |
43 | EE | Zinaida Benenson,
Ulrich Kühn,
Stefan Lucks:
Cryptographic Attack Metrics.
Dependability Metrics 2005: 133-156 |
42 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
Two-Pass Authenticated Encryption Faster Than Generic Composition.
FSE 2005: 284-298 |
41 | | Stefan Lucks,
Erik Zenner,
André Weimerskirch,
Dirk Westhoff:
Entity Recognition for Sensor Network Motes.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 145-149 |
40 | | Stefan Lucks,
Nico Schmoigl,
Emin Islam Tatli:
Issues on Designing a Cryptographic Compiler.
WEWoRC 2005: 109-122 |
2004 |
39 | EE | Frederik Armknecht,
Stefan Lucks:
Linearity of the AES Key Schedule.
AES Conference 2004: 159-169 |
38 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
Ciphers Secure against Related-Key Attacks.
FSE 2004: 359-370 |
2003 |
37 | EE | Niels Ferguson,
Doug Whiting,
Bruce Schneier,
John Kelsey,
Stefan Lucks,
Tadayoshi Kohno:
Helix: Fast Encryption and Authentication in a Single Cryptographic Primitive.
FSE 2003: 330-346 |
36 | | Stefan Lucks,
Rüdiger Weis:
How to turn a PIN into an Iron Beam.
SEC 2003: 385-396 |
35 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks,
Andreas Bogk:
Sicherheit von 1024 bit RSA-Schlüsseln gefährdet.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 27(6): (2003) |
2002 |
34 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
A Variant of the Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem for Groups of Unknown Order.
ASIACRYPT 2002: 27-45 |
33 | | Stefan Lucks,
Rüdiger Weis:
Neue Ergebnisse zur Sicherheit des Verschlüsselungsstandards AES.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 26(12): (2002) |
2001 |
32 | EE | Erik Zenner,
Matthias Krause,
Stefan Lucks:
Improved Cryptanalysis of the Self-Shrinking Generator.
ACISP 2001: 21-35 |
31 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
The Saturation Attack - A Bait for Twofish.
FSE 2001: 1-15 |
30 | EE | Paul Crowley,
Stefan Lucks:
Bias in the LEVIATHAN Stream Cipher.
FSE 2001: 211-218 |
29 | EE | Matthias Krause,
Stefan Lucks:
On the Minimal Hardware Complexity of Pseudorandom Function Generators.
STACS 2001: 419-430 |
28 | EE | Scott R. Fluhrer,
Stefan Lucks:
Analysis of the E0 Encryption System.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 38-48 |
27 | EE | Matthias Krause,
Stefan Lucks:
Pseudorandom functions in TC0 and cryptographic limitations to proving lower bounds.
Computational Complexity 10(4): 297-313 (2001) |
26 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
Standardmäßige Wave-LAN Unsicherheit.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 25(11): (2001) |
2000 |
25 | | Stefan Lucks:
Attacking Seven Rounds of Rijndael under 192-bit and 256-bit Keys.
AES Candidate Conference 2000: 215-229 |
24 | | Stefan Lucks,
Rüdiger Weis:
How to Make DES-based Smartcards fit for the 21-st Century.
CARDIS 2000: 93-114 |
23 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
The Sum of PRPs Is a Secure PRF.
EUROCRYPT 2000: 470-484 |
22 | EE | Niels Ferguson,
John Kelsey,
Stefan Lucks,
Bruce Schneier,
Michael Stay,
David Wagner,
Doug Whiting:
Improved Cryptanalysis of Rijndael.
FSE 2000: 213-230 |
21 | EE | Rüdiger Weis,
Jürgen Vogel,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Werner Geyer,
Stefan Lucks:
How to Make a Digital Whiteboard Secure - Using Java-Cards for Multimedia Applications.
IDMS 2000: 187-198 |
20 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Stefan Lucks:
Remotely Keyed Encryption with Java Cards: A Secure and Efficient Method to Encrypt Multimedia Streams.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 537-540 |
19 | EE | Rüdiger Weis,
Bastiaan Bakker,
Stefan Lucks:
Security on Your Hand: Secure Filesystems with a ``Non-Cryptographic'' JAVA-Ring.
Java Card Workshop 2000: 151-162 |
18 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Stefan Lucks:
Combining Authentication and Light-Weight Payment for Active Networks.
SMARTNET 2000: 453-470 |
17 | | Stefan Lucks,
Rüdiger Weis:
Der DES-Nachfolger Rijndael.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(12): (2000) |
16 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks,
Werner Geyer:
Stand der Faktorisierungsforschung.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(3): (2000) |
15 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
Die dritte AES-Konferenz in New York - Vor der Entscheidung über den DES Nachfolger.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(7): (2000) |
14 | | Erik Zenner,
Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
Sicherheit des GSM- Verschlüsselungsstandards A5.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(7): (2000) |
13 | EE | Matthias Krause,
Stefan Lucks:
On Learning versus Distinguishing and the Minimal Hardware Complexity of Pseudorandom Function Generators
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 7(14): (2000) |
1999 |
12 | EE | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
Fast Multimedia Encryption in JAVA: Using Unbalanced Luby/Rackoff Ciphers.
ECMAST 1999: 456-471 |
11 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
Accelerated Remotely Keyed Encruption.
FSE 1999: 112-123 |
10 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
On Security of the 128-Bit Block Cipher DEAL.
FSE 1999: 60-70 |
9 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
Advanced Encryption Standard - Verschlüsselungsstandard für das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 23(9): (1999) |
1998 |
8 | | Rüdiger Weis,
Stefan Lucks:
The Performance of Modern Block Ciphers in Java.
CARDIS 1998: 125-133 |
7 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
Attacking Triple Encryption.
FSE 1998: 239-253 |
1997 |
6 | EE | Stefan Lucks:
On the Security of Remotely Keyed Encryption.
FSE 1997: 219-229 |
5 | | Stefan Lucks:
Open Key Exchange: How to Defeat Dictionary Attacks Without Encrypting Public Keys.
Security Protocols Workshop 1997: 79-90 |
1996 |
4 | | Stefan Lucks:
BEAST: A Fast Block Cipher for Arbitrary Blocksizes.
Communications and Multimedia Security 1996: 144-153 |
3 | | Stefan Lucks:
Faster Luby-Rackoff Ciphers.
FSE 1996: 189-203 |
1995 |
2 | | Stefan Lucks:
How Traveling Salespersons Prove Their Identity.
IMA Conf. 1995: 142-149 |
1994 |
1 | | Stefan Lucks:
How to Exploit the Intractability of Exact TSP for Cryptography.
FSE 1994: 298-304 |