
Meghanad D. Wagh

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23EEXingdong Dai, Meghanad D. Wagh: An MDCT Hardware Accelerator for MP3 Audio. SASP 2008: 121-125
22EEMeghanad D. Wagh, Ning Chen, Zhiyuan Yan: Cyclotomic FFT of Length 2047 Based on a Novel 11-point Cyclic Convolution CoRR abs/0812.2971: (2008)
21 Osman Guzide, Meghanad D. Wagh: Enhanced butterfly: A cayley graph with node degree 5. ISCA PDCS 2007: 224-229
20EEViswanath Annampedu, Meghanad D. Wagh: Reconfigurable approximate pattern matching architectures for nanotechnology. Microelectronics Journal 38(3): 430-438 (2007)
19EEPradeep Arkachar, Meghanad D. Wagh: Criticality of lateral inhibition for edge enhancement in neural systems. Neurocomputing 70(4-6): 991-999 (2007)
18EEVenkatram Muddhasani, Meghanad D. Wagh: Bilinear algorithms for discrete cosine transforms of prime lengths. Signal Processing 86(9): 2393-2406 (2006)
17 Osman Guzide, Meghanad D. Wagh: Enhanced de Bruijn Graphs. AMCS 2005: 23-28
16 Osman Guzide, Meghanad D. Wagh: Extended Butterfly Networks. ISCA PDCS 2005: 109-113
15EEMeghanad D. Wagh, Osman Guzide: Mapping Cycles and Trees on Wrap-Around Butterfly Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 741-765 (2005)
14EEMeghanad D. Wagh, Prakash Math, Osman Guzide: Cyclic-cubes and wrap-around butterflies. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(1-2): 25-27 (2000)
13EEMeghanad D. Wagh, Chien-In Henry Chen: High-level design synthesis with redundancy removal for high speed testable adders. ISCAS (6) 1999: 358-361
12EEMeghanad D. Wagh, Jianchen Mo: Hamilton Cycles in Trivalent Cayley Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(4): 177-181 (1996)
11EERaja Neogi, Meghanad D. Wagh: Parallel processing algorithms and architecture for multimedia on-demand servers. IPPS 1995: 798-804
10 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Parallel Recursive Computations Where Both Recombination and Partition Overheads are Problem-Dependent. ICPP (3) 1994: 21-24
9EEFevzi O. Ozbek, Meghanad D. Wagh: A parallel Hough transform algorithm for nonuniform images. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(3): 253-259 (1994)
8 Mukesh Sharma, Meghanad D. Wagh: Decremental Scattering for Data Transport Between Host and Hypercube Nodes. ICPP 1993: 82-85
7 Harish Sethu, Meghanad D. Wagh: Design of Time-Optimal Hardware-Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms. ICPP (3) 1992: 237-240
6 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Algorithms for Determining Optimal Partitions in Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Computations. ICPP (3) 1991: 75-82
5 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Performance Analysis of Banyan Networks Based on Buffers of Various Sizes. INFOCOM 1990: 157-164
4 Meghanad D. Wagh, Salvatore D. Morgera: A new structured design method for convolutions over finite fields, Part I. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(4): 583-594 (1983)
3 Meghanad D. Wagh, H. Ganesh: A New Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform of Arbitrary Number of Points. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(4): 269-277 (1980)
2 Hemachandra B. Kekre, Meghanad D. Wagh, Sharad V. Kanetkar: On Group Theoretic Transforms and the Automorphism Groups Information and Control 41(2): 147-155 (1979)
1 Sharad V. Kanetkar, Meghanad D. Wagh: Group Character Tables in Discrete Transform Theory. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 19(3): 211-221 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Viswanath Annampedu [20]
2Pradeep Arkachar [19]
3Chien-In Henry Chen [13]
4Ning Chen [22]
5Xingdong Dai [23]
6H. Ganesh [3]
7Osman Guzide [14] [15] [16] [17] [21]
8Sharad V. Kanetkar [1] [2]
9Hemachandra B. Kekre [2]
10Prakash Math [14]
11Jianchen Mo [12]
12Salvatore D. Morgera [4]
13Venkatram Muddhasani [18]
14Raja Neogi [11]
15Fevzi O. Ozbek [9]
16Arindam Saha [5] [6] [10]
17Harish Sethu [7]
18Mukesh Sharma [8]
19Zhiyuan Yan [22]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)