San Francisco,
USA - Volume 1
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '90,
The Conference on Computer Communications,
Ninth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies,
The Multiple Facets of Integration,
June 3-7,
Hotel Nikko,
San Francisco,
ISBN 0-8186-2049-8
1A. LAN Token Rings I
1B. Flow and Congestion Control
1C. Network Management and Planning
1D. PANEL - High Speed Interconnect
2A. Coding and Error Control
2B. ATM Switch Performance I
2C. MANs
- Andrea Baiocchi, Marco Carosi, Marco Listanti, Giovanni Pacifici, Aldo Roveri, Roberto Winkler:
The ACCI Access Protocol for a Twin Bus ATM Metropolitan Area Network.
165-174 BibTeX
- Ellen L. Hahne, Abhijit K. Choudhury, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Improving the Fairness of Distributed-Queue-Dual-Bus Networks.
175-184 BibTeX
- Hans R. Müller, Mehdi Nassehi, Johnny W. Wong, Erwin A. Zurfluh, Werner Bux, Pitro Zafiropulo:
DQMA and CRMA: New Access Schemes for Gbit/s LANs and MANs.
185-191 BibTeX
- Terence D. Todd, Allan M. Bignell:
Performance Modeling of the SIGnet MAN Backbone.
192-199 BibTeX
2D. Network Design and Capacity Planning
3A. LANs I
3B. Polling
3C. Switching I
3D. Panel:
Gigabit Network Applications
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:24:04 2009
by Michael Ley (