
Mukesh Sharma

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4EEBabu Turumella, Mukesh Sharma: Assertion-based verification of a 32 thread SPARCTM CMT microprocessor. DAC 2008: 256-261
3EEMukesh Sharma, Mayank Maheshwari, B. Sengupta, B. P. Shukla: Design of a website for dissemination of air quality index in India. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(5): 405-411 (2003)
2EEMartin S. Schmookler, Michael Putrino, Anh Mather, Jon Tyler, Huy Van Nguyen, Charles Roth, Mukesh Sharma, Mydung N. Pham, Jeff Lent: A Low-Power, High-Speed Implementation of a PowerPC(tm) Microprocessor Vector Extension. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1999: 12-
1 Mukesh Sharma, Meghanad D. Wagh: Decremental Scattering for Data Transport Between Host and Hypercube Nodes. ICPP 1993: 82-85

Coauthor Index

1Jeff Lent [2]
2Mayank Maheshwari [3]
3Anh Mather [2]
4Huy Van Nguyen [2]
5Mydung N. Pham [2]
6Michael Putrino [2]
7Charles Roth [2]
8Martin S. Schmookler [2]
9B. Sengupta [3]
10B. P. Shukla [3]
11Babu Turumella [4]
12Jon Tyler [2]
13Meghanad D. Wagh [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)