
Arindam Saha

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4EEArindam Saha: A simulator for real-time parallel processing architectures. Annual Simulation Symposium 1995: 74-83
3 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Parallel Recursive Computations Where Both Recombination and Partition Overheads are Problem-Dependent. ICPP (3) 1994: 21-24
2 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Algorithms for Determining Optimal Partitions in Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Computations. ICPP (3) 1991: 75-82
1 Arindam Saha, Meghanad D. Wagh: Performance Analysis of Banyan Networks Based on Buffers of Various Sizes. INFOCOM 1990: 157-164

Coauthor Index

1Meghanad D. Wagh [1] [2] [3]

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