
Joseph E. Urban

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43EEJoseph E. Urban, Jesse M. Heines, Edward A. Fox, Harriet G. Taylor: Panel on revitalized undergraduate computing education. SIGCSE 2009: 69-70
42EEAmir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: The State of Executable Real-Time Specification Languages and the Need for Advancements. ISORC 2008: 577-583
41 Amir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: RealSpec: an Executable Specification Language for Modeling Resources. SEKE 2008: 97-102
40EEChung-Horng Lung, Joseph E. Urban, Gerald T. Mackulak: Analogy-based domain analysis approach to software reuse. Requir. Eng. 12(1): 1-22 (2007)
39EEAmir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: A Framework for the Evaluation of Real-time Specification Techniques. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(6): 987 (2006)
38 Shriram Sankaran, Joseph E. Urban: Software Project Driven Analysis and Development of Process Activities Supporting Web Based Software Engineering Tools. ICEIS (3) 2005: 478-481
37 Tushar Chandra, Gitanjali Gunnam, Joseph E. Urban: Smart Online Placement Examination. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 204-208
36 Chung-Horng Lung, Gerald T. Mackulak, Joseph E. Urban: Analogy Supports for Software Reuse and Knowledge Management. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 275-279
35 Joseph E. Urban, Shriram Sankaran: Supporting Software Process Tracking Through the Internet (invited paper). WITASI 2002: 243-254
34EEAmir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: A Synthesis of Evaluation Criteria for Software Specifications and Specification Techniques. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 12(5): 581- (2002)
33EEChia-Chu Chiang, Joseph E. Urban: Validating Software Specifications against User Claims. COMPSAC 1999: 104-109
32 Daniel E. Cooke, Joseph E. Urban, Scott Hamilton, Ken Thompson: Unix and Beyond: An Interview with Ken Thompson. IEEE Computer 32(5): 58-64 (1999)
31EESung-Koo Lee, Joseph E. Urban: SOORLS: A Software Reuse Approach on the Web. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 9(3): 279-296 (1999)
30 Daniel E. Cooke, Vladik Kreinovich, Joseph E. Urban: A Distributed Version of the SequenceL Language. SRDS 1998: 295-301
29EEDaniel E. Cooke, Joseph E. Urban: Guest Editors' Introduction. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 8(1): 1-2 (1998)
28EEChia-Chu Chiang, Joseph E. Urban: Scalable Templates for Specification Reuse. COMPSAC 1997: 396-401
27 Amir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: A Visual Syntax-Directed Editor for the Descartes Specification Language. Softw., Pract. Exper. 27(6): 651-676 (1997)
26EEChia-Chu Chiang, Joseph E. Urban: Incremental Elicitation and Formalization of User Requirements through Rapid Prototyping via Software Transformations. COMPSAC 1996: 240-245
25EEJoseph E. Urban: Panel Overview-Software Education in the Asia-Pacific Region in the 21st Century. COMPSAC 1996: 530-530
24EERamkumar V. Pichai, Joseph E. Urban: A technique for validating Booch object-oriented designs from extensions to the Descartes specification language. HASE 1996: 40-
23EEChung-Horng Lung, Joseph E. Urban: An Expanded View of Domain Modeling for Software Analogy. COMPSAC 1995: 77-82
22EEJoseph E. Urban, Hankyu Joo: Executable specifications for distributed software systems. FTDCS 1995: 257-265
21 Joseph E. Urban, Daniel E. Cooke, Doris L. Carver, Roland T. Mittermeir: The Future of Software Engineering Education. SEKE 1995: 63
20EEChung-Horng Lung, Joseph E. Urban: An Approach to the Classification of Domain Models in Support of Analogical Reuse. SSR 1995: 169-178
19 Joseph E. Urban: Software Specification of Real-Time Systems. ICPADS 1994: 12-13
18 Thomas L. Casavant, Chi-Yuan Chin, Wen-Tsuen Chen, Kang G. Shin, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr., Joseph E. Urban: What Types of Research Papers Should We Be Writing? ICPADS 1994: 22-23
17EEChung-Horng Lung, Jeffery K. Cochran, Gerald T. Mackulak, Joseph E. Urban: Computer Simulation Software Reuse by Generic/Specific Domain Modeling Approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 4(1): 81-102 (1994)
16EEJarallah AlGhamdi, Joseph E. Urban: Comparing and Assessing Programming Languages: Basis for a Qualitative Methodology. SAC 1993: 222-229
15EEAmir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: Syntax-Directed Editing Environments: Issues and Features. SAC 1993: 230-237
14EEChung-Horng Lung, Joseph E. Urban: Integration of Domain Analysis and Analogical Approach for Software Reuse. SAC 1993: 48-53
13EEYukuh Tung, Amir A. Khwaja, Joseph E. Urban: Multiple views of an executable software specification language. Journal of Systems and Software 21(3): 305-319 (1993)
12EEJoseph E. Urban, Patrick O. Bobbie: The Impact of undergraduate Software Engineering Education on Advancing Case Tools. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2(2): 263-276 (1992)
11 José P. Diaz-Gonzalez, Joseph E. Urban: Language Aspects of Envisager: An Object-Oriented Environment for the Specification of Real-Time Systems. Comput. Lang. 16(1): 19-37 (1991)
10EEJ. P. Diaz-Gonzales, Joseph E. Urban: Language aspects of ENVISAGER: an object-oriented environment for the specification of real-time systems. ICCL 1988: 214-225
9EEPei Hsia, Joseph E. Urban: Guest Editors' Introduction: Computer Languages. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(4): 442-443 (1988)
8 José P. Diaz-Gonzalez, Anne M. Wilson, Joseph E. Urban, E. L. Gensheimer: Software Quality in an Enhanced Development Environment. ICC 1986: 1180-1184
7 Boumediene Belkhouche, Joseph E. Urban: Direct Implementation of Abstract Data Types from Abstract Specifications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(5): 649-661 (1986)
6 Susan Darling Urban, Joseph E. Urban, Wayne D. Dominick: Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(7): 598-605 (1985)
5EESusan Darling Urban, Joseph E. Urban, Wayne D. Dominick: Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System. ICDE 1984: 348-355
4 Charles E. Oglesby, Joseph E. Urban: The Human Resource Task Area. IEEE Computer 16(11): 65-70 (1983)
3EEBoumediene Belkhouche, Joseph E. Urban, Gregory A. Riccardi: Synthesizing abstract data type specifications. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1982: 176-181
2 Joseph E. Urban: Software Development with Executable Functional Specifications. ICSE 1982: 418-419
1EEChristie D. Michelsen, Wayne D. Dominick, Joseph E. Urban: A methodology for the objective evaluation of the user/system interfaces of the MADAM system using software engineering principles. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1980: 103-109

Coauthor Index

1Jarallah AlGhamdi [16]
2Boumediene Belkhouche [3] [7]
3Patrick O. Bobbie [12]
4Doris L. Carver [21]
5Thomas L. Casavant [18]
6Tushar Chandra [37]
7Wen-Tsuen Chen [18]
8Chia-Chu Chiang [26] [28] [33]
9Chi-Yuan Chin [18]
10Jeffery K. Cochran [17]
11Daniel E. Cooke [21] [29] [30] [32]
12J. P. Diaz-Gonzales [10]
13José P. Diaz-Gonzalez [8] [11]
14Wayne D. Dominick [1] [5] [6]
15Edward A. Fox [43]
16E. L. Gensheimer [8]
17Gitanjali Gunnam [37]
18Scott Hamilton [32]
19Jesse M. Heines [43]
20Pei Hsia [9]
21Hankyu Joo [22]
22Amir A. Khwaja [13] [15] [27] [34] [39] [41] [42]
23Vladik Kreinovich [30]
24Sung-Koo Lee [31]
25Chung-Horng Lung [14] [17] [20] [23] [36] [40]
26Gerald T. Mackulak [17] [36] [40]
27Christie D. Michelsen [1]
28Roland Mittermeir (Roland T. Mittermeir) [21]
29Charles E. Oglesby [4]
30Ramkumar V. Pichai [24]
31Gregory A. Riccardi [3]
32Shriram Sankaran [35] [38]
33Kang G. Shin [18]
34Earl E. Swartzlander Jr. [18]
35Harriet G. Taylor [43]
36Ken Thompson [32]
37Yukuh Tung [13]
38Susan Darling Urban [5] [6]
39Anne M. Wilson [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)