
Jarallah AlGhamdi

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9EEJarallah AlGhamdi, Raimi A. Rufai, Sohel M. Khan: OOMeter: A Software Quality Assurance Tool. CSMR 2005: 190-191
8EEMoataz Ahmed, Moshood Omolade Saliu, Jarallah AlGhamdi: Adaptive fuzzy logic-based framework for software development effort prediction. Information & Software Technology 47(1): 31-48 (2005)
7EERaimi A. Rufai, Muslim Bozyigit, Jarallah AlGhamdi, Moataz Ahmed: Multithreaded Parallelism with Openmp. Parallel Processing Letters 15(4): 367-378 (2005)
6 Jarallah AlGhamdi, Moshood Omolade Saliu: Analysis and Theoretical Validation of Object-oriented Coupling Metrics. Applied Informatics 2003: 1145-1152
5EEPaul D. Manuel, Jarallah AlGhamdi: A data-centric design for n-tier architecture. Inf. Sci. 150(3-4): 195-206 (2003)
4 Jarallah AlGhamdi, Muhammad Sarfraz, Ali Jaoua, Moataz Ahmed: Software Engineering: Systems and Tools - Preface. Inf. Sci. 140(3-4): 193-194 (2002)
3 Jarallah AlGhamdi, Mahmoud O. Elish, Moataz Ahmed: A tool for measuring inheritance coupling in object-oriented systems. Inf. Sci. 140(3-4): 217-227 (2002)
2EEMuhammad Sarfraz, Muhammed Al-Mulhem, Jarallah AlGhamdi, Mohammed Abdul Raheem: Modelling by a Rational Spline with Interval Shape Control. Computer Graphics International 1998: 730-
1EEJarallah AlGhamdi, Joseph E. Urban: Comparing and Assessing Programming Languages: Basis for a Qualitative Methodology. SAC 1993: 222-229

Coauthor Index

1Moataz Ahmed [3] [4] [7] [8]
2Muhammed Al-Mulhem [2]
3Muslim Bozyigit [7]
4Mahmoud O. Elish [3]
5Ali Jaoua [4]
6Sohel M. Khan [9]
7Paul D. Manuel [5]
8Mohammed Abdul Raheem [2]
9Raimi A. Rufai [7] [9]
10Moshood Omolade Saliu [6] [8]
11Muhammad Sarfraz [2] [4]
12Joseph E. Urban [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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