
Wayne D. Dominick

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12 Bill Z. Manaris, Wayne D. Dominick: NALIGE: A User Interface Management System for the Development of Natural Language Interfaces. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38(6): 891-921 (1993)
11EEDennis R. Moreau, Wayne D. Dominick: Object-oriented graphical information systems: Research plan and evaluation metrics. Journal of Systems and Software 10(1): 23-28 (1989)
10 Mohammad U. Farooq, Wayne D. Dominick: A Survey of Formal Tools and Models for Developing User Interfaces. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(5): 479-496 (1988)
9EEWayne D. Dominick: A performance measurement and evaluation environment for information systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(1): 7-15 (1987)
8 Terry M. Walker, Wayne D. Dominick: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Annual Conference on Computer Science, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1985 ACM 1985
7 Susan Darling Urban, Joseph E. Urban, Wayne D. Dominick: Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(7): 598-605 (1985)
6EESusan Darling Urban, Joseph E. Urban, Wayne D. Dominick: Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System. ICDE 1984: 348-355
5EEChristie D. Michelsen, Wayne D. Dominick, Joseph E. Urban: A methodology for the objective evaluation of the user/system interfaces of the MADAM system using software engineering principles. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1980: 103-109
4EEW. David Penniman, Wayne D. Dominick: Monitoring and evaluation of on-line information system usage. Inf. Process. Manage. 16(1): 17-35 (1980)
3EEWayne D. Dominick, W. David Penniman: Automated Monitoring to Support the Analysis and Evaluation of Information Systems. SIGIR 1979: 2-9
2 Lorraine Borman, Wayne D. Dominick, Richard Hay Jr., Peter Kron, Benjamin Mittman: Personalized Management and Graphical Display of Data: An Extensible System Approach. Data Bases for Interactive Design 1975: 36-44
1EEBenjamin Mittman, Wayne D. Dominick: Developing monitoring techniques for an on-line information retrieval system. Information Storage and Retrieval 9(6): 297-307 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Lorraine Borman [2]
2Mohammad U. Farooq [10]
3Richard Hay Jr. [2]
4Peter Kron [2]
5Bill Z. Manaris [12]
6Christie D. Michelsen [5]
7Benjamin Mittman [1] [2]
8Dennis R. Moreau [11]
9W. David Penniman [3] [4]
10Joseph E. Urban [5] [6] [7]
11Susan Darling Urban [6] [7]
12Terry M. Walker [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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