
Manfred Tscheligi

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83EEJohann Schrammel, Michael Leitner, Manfred Tscheligi: Semantically structured tag clouds: an empirical evaluation of clustered presentation approaches. CHI 2009: 2037-2040
82EEAstrid Weiss, Daniela Wurhofer, Michael Lankes, Manfred Tscheligi: Autonomous vs. tele-operated: how people perceive human-robot collaboration with hrp-2. HRI 2009: 257-258
81EEAstrid Weiss, Roland Buchner, Thomas Scherndl, Manfred Tscheligi: I would choose the other card: humanoid robot gives an advice. HRI 2009: 259-260
80EEAstrid Weiss, Thomas Scherndl, Manfred Tscheligi, Aude Billard: Evaluating the ICRA 2008 HRI challenge. HRI 2009: 261-262
79EEMichael Leitner, Özge Subasi, Norman Höller, Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi: User requirement analysis for a railway ticketing portal with emphasis on semantic accessibility for older users. W4A 2009: 114-122
78 Manfred Tscheligi, Marianna Obrist, Artur Lugmayr: Changing Television Environments, 6th European Conference, EuroITV 2008, Salzburg, Austria, July 3-4, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
77EEMichael Lankes, Stefan Riegler, Astrid Weiss, Thomas Mirlacher, Michael Pirker, Manfred Tscheligi: Facial expressions as game input with different emotional feedback conditions. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 253-256
76EEPeter Wolkerstorfer, Manfred Tscheligi, Reinhard Sefelin, Harald Milchrahm, Zahid Hussain, Martin Lechner, Sara Shahzad: Probing an agile usability process. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2151-2158
75EEMarianna Obrist, David Geerts, Petter Bae Brandtzæg, Manfred Tscheligi: Design for creating, uploading and sharing user generated content. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2391-2394
74EERegina Bernhaupt, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Florian Mueller, Manfred Tscheligi, Dennis R. Wixon: Evaluating user experiences in games. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3905-3908
73EEWolfgang Reitberger, Manfred Tscheligi, Boris E. R. de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulos: Surrounded by ambient persuasion. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3989-3992
72EEMarianna Obrist, Elke Beck, Sara Kepplinger, Regina Bernhaupt, Manfred Tscheligi: Local Communities: Back to Life (Live) Through IPTV. EuroITV 2008: 148-157
71EEMarianna Obrist, Sara Kepplinger, Elke Beck, Manfred Tscheligi, Paul Muzak: Usability & User Experience: Preliminary Results from Evaluating an IPTV Community Platform. EuroITV 2008: 303-307
70EERegina Bernhaupt, David Wilfinger, Astrid Weiss, Manfred Tscheligi: An Ethnographic Study on Recommendations in the Living Room: Implications for the Design of iTV Recommender Systems. EuroITV 2008: 92-101
69EEMichael Leitner, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: Mobile multimedia: identifying user values using the means-end theory. Mobile HCI 2008: 167-175
68EEArjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Norman Höller, Manfred Tscheligi, Markus Mayer: Always-on information: services and applications on the mobile desktop. Mobile HCI 2008: 23-32
67EEMichael Leitner, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Manfred Tscheligi: How online communities support human values. NordiCHI 2008: 503-506
66EEChristoph Obermair, Wolfgang Reitberger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Michael Lankes, Manfred Tscheligi: perFrames: Persuasive Picture Frames for Proper Posture. PERSUASIVE 2008: 128-139
65EEAlexander Meschtscherjakov, Wolfgang Reitberger, Michael Lankes, Manfred Tscheligi: Enhanced shopping: a dynamic map in a retail store. UbiComp 2008: 336-339
64EERegina Bernhaupt, Marianna Obrist, Astrid Weiss, Elke Beck, Manfred Tscheligi: Trends in the living room and beyond: results from ethnographic studies using creative and playful probing. Computers in Entertainment 6(1): (2008)
63 Masa Inakage, Newton Lee, Manfred Tscheligi, Regina Bernhaupt, Stéphane Natkin: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2007, Salzburg, Austria, June 13-15, 2007 ACM 2007
62 Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris E. R. de Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile H. L. Aarts, Alejandro P. Buchmann: Ambient Intelligence, European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
61EERegina Bernhaupt, Manfred Eckschlager, Manfred Tscheligi: Methods for evaluating games: how to measure usability and user experience in games? Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 309-310
60EERegina Bernhaupt, Andreas Boldt, Thomas Mirlacher, David Wilfinger, Manfred Tscheligi: Using emotion in games: emotional flowers. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 41-48
59EEMichael Lankes, Regina Bernhaupt, Manfred Tscheligi: An experimental setting to measure contextual perception of embodied conversational agents. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 56-59
58EEWolfgang Reitberger, Christoph Obermair, Bernd Ploderer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi: Enhancing the Shopping Experience with Ambient Displays: A Field Study in a Retail Store. AmI 2007: 314-331
57EEJohann Schrammel, Arjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: "Look!": using the gaze direction of embodied agents. CHI 2007: 1187-1190
56EEDavid Geerts, Marianna Obrist, Manfred Tscheligi, Petter Bae Brandtzæg: Supporting non-professional users in the new media landscape. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2849-2852
55EERegina Bernhaupt, Marianna Obrist, Astrid Weiss, Elke Beck, Manfred Tscheligi: Trends in the Living Room and Beyond. EuroITV 2007: 146-155
54EEMarianna Obrist, Regina Bernhaupt, Elke Beck, Manfred Tscheligi: Focusing on Elderly: An iTV Usability Evaluation Study with Eye-Tracking. EuroITV 2007: 66-75
53EERegina Bernhaupt, Astrid Weiss, Marianna Obrist, Manfred Tscheligi: Playful Probing: Making Probing More Fun. INTERACT (1) 2007: 606-619
52EEArjan Geven, Peter Strassl, Bernhard Ferro, Manfred Tscheligi, Harald Schwab: Experiencing real-world interaction: results from a NFC user experience field trial. Mobile HCI 2007: 234-237
51EEKristijan Mihalic, Manfred Tscheligi: 'Divert: mother-in-law': representing and evaluating social context on mobile devices. Mobile HCI 2007: 257-264
50EEWolfgang Reitberger, Bernd Ploderer, Christoph Obermair, Manfred Tscheligi: The PerCues Framework and Its Application for Sustainable Mobility. PERSUASIVE 2007: 92-95
49EERegina Bernhaupt, Marianna Obrist, Manfred Tscheligi: Usability and usage of iTV services: lessons learned in an Austrian field trial. Computers in Entertainment 5(2): (2007)
48EEManfred Tscheligi: The importance of HCI for solving societal challenges. Interactions 14(5): 24-25 (2007)
47EEManfred Tscheligi, Wolfgang Reitberger: Persuasion as an ingredient of societal interfaces. Interactions 14(5): 41-43 (2007)
46EEChristoph Obermair, Bernd Ploderer, Wolfgang Reitberger, Manfred Tscheligi: Cues in the environment: a design principle for ambient intelligence. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1157-1162
45EEArjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: Depth and breadth away from the desktop: the optimal information hierarchy for mobile use. Mobile HCI 2006: 157-164
44EETobias Herrmann, Manfred Tscheligi: Institutionalizing mobile user experience: key success factors, strategic positioning, and sustainable organisational implementations. Mobile HCI 2006: 285-286
43EEKristijan Mihalic, Manfred Tscheligi, Pertti Huuskonen: "Innovative mobile applications of context". Mobile HCI 2006: 289-290
42EEArjan Geven, Johann Schrammel, Manfred Tscheligi: Interacting with embodied agents that can see: how vision-enabled agents can assist in spatial tasks. NordiCHI 2006: 135-144
41EEManfred Tscheligi, Wolfgang Reitberger, Christoph Obermair, Bernd Ploderer: perCues: Trails of Persuasion for Ambient Intelligence. PERSUASIVE 2006: 203-206
40EEBruno von Niman, Manfred Tscheligi: Introduction. Interactions 13(4): 22-23 (2006)
39EEManfred Tscheligi, Reinhard Sefelin: Mobile navigation support for pedestrians: can it work and does it pay off? Interactions 13(4): 31-33 (2006)
38 Manfred Tscheligi, Regina Bernhaupt, Kristijan Mihalic: Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Mobile HCI 2005, 2005, Salzburg, Austria, September 19-22, 2005 ACM 2005
37EEManfred Eckschlager, Regina Bernhaupt, Manfred Tscheligi: NEmESys: neural emotion eliciting system. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1347-1350
36EERegina Bernhaupt, Bernd Ploderer, Manfred Tscheligi: Relevance of Prior Experience in MHP Based Interactive TV Services. INTERACT 2005: 1150-1153
35EEReinhard Sefelin, Michael Bechinie, Regine Müller, Verena Seibert-Giller, Peter Messner, Manfred Tscheligi: Landmarks: yes; but which?: five methods to select optimal landmarks for a landmark- and speech-based guiding system. Mobile HCI 2005: 287-290
34EEManfred Tscheligi: Context in mobile HCI. Mobile HCI 2005: 355-356
33EEManfred Tscheligi: What else?: people, disciplines, contexts, stories, occurrences. Interactions 12(2): 62-63 (2005)
32EEManfred Tscheligi: More experiences: other sides of the profession story. Interactions 12(3): 48-49 (2005)
31EEManfred Tscheligi: Introduction. Interactions 12(4): 20-21 (2005)
30EEManfred Tscheligi, Regina Bernhaupt: HCI education at the ICT&S Human-Computer Interaction as a cornerstone between technology and society. Interactions 12(5): 34-36 (2005)
29 Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Manfred Tscheligi: Extended abstracts of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2004, Vienna, Austria, April 24 - 29, 2004 ACM 2004
28 Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Manfred Tscheligi: Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2004, Vienna, Austria, April 24 - 29, 2004 ACM 2004
27EEManfred Tscheligi, Regina Bernhaupt: Advanced studies and research in information and communication technologies & society: The ICT&S-Center. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1067-1068
26EEReinhard Sefelin, Verena Seibert-Giller, Manfred Tscheligi: Xaudio: Results from a Field Trial Study on a Technology Enhancing Radio Listeners' User Experience. Mobile HCI 2004: 351-355
25EEReinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller: Paper prototyping - what is it good for?: a comparison of paper- and computer-based low-fidelity prototyping. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 778-779
24EEFabio Paternò, Manfred Tscheligi: Design of usable multi-platform interactive systems. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 872-873
23 Manfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller, Peter Fröhlich: The European Usability Forum: Fostering the Strategic Value of Usability. INTERACT 2003
22EEVerena Giller, Rudolf Melcher, Johann Schrammel, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: Usability Evaluations for Multi-device Application Development Three Example Studies. Mobile HCI 2003: 302-316
21EEBert Paepen, Jan Engelen, Markus W. Schranz, Manfred Tscheligi: OMNIPAPER: Bringing Electronic News Publishing to a Next Level Using XML and Artificial Intelligence. ELPUB 2002
20 Markus W. Schranz, Bert Paepen, Manfred Tscheligi: OmniPaper: Modern Approaches for an Intelligent European News Archive. ICWI 2002: 495-500
19EEAnu Mäkelä, Verena Giller, Manfred Tscheligi, Reinhard Sefelin: Joking, storytelling, artsharing, expressing affection: a field trial of how children and their social network communicate with digital images in leisure time. CHI 2000: 548-555
18 Verena Giller, Manfred Tscheligi: Effective accessibility engineering: breaking organisational habits. HCI (2) 1999: 828-832
17EEVerena Giller, Manfred Tscheligi, Reinhard Sefelin, Anu Mäkelä, Aapo Puskala, Kristiina Karvonen, Victor Joseph: Maypole highlights: image makers. Interactions 6(6): 12-15 (1999)
16 Verena Giller, Günter Haring, Manfred Tscheligi: Scriptless Behaviour Definition of Visual Objects. SEKE 1996: 499-505
15EEManfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller: The gear model of HCI education. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 125-126
14EEManfred Tscheligi, Stephanie Houde, Raghu Kolli, Aaron Marcus, Michael Muller, Kevin E. Mullet: Creative prototyping tools: what interaction designers really need to produce advanced user interface concepts. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 170-171
13 Thomas T. Hewett, Manfred Tscheligi: Advanced interaction in university based education. INTERACT 1995: 423-426
12 Sabine Musil, Georg Pigel, Manfred Tscheligi: Der Reisesupermarkt: Design und Entwicklung einer Interaktionsphilosophie für die Beratung in Reisebüros. Software-Ergonomie 1995: 281-292
11EEManfred Tscheligi, Sabine Musil: An Information Manipulation Environment for Monitoring Parallel Programs. Advanced Visual Interfaces 1994: 246-248
10EEMartina Manhartsberger, Manfred Tscheligi: Wizard: non-wimp oriented prototyping of direct manipulative behavior. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 111-112
9EEManfred Tscheligi, Sabine Musil: INHOUSE: an information manipulation environment for monitoring parallel programs. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 135-136
8EEManfred Tscheligi, Sabine Musil: Breaking the chains: how to design non-standard interaction environments. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 417-418
7 W. Kerstner, Georg Pigel, Manfred Tscheligi: The FeelMouse: Making Computer Screens Feelable. ICCHP 1994: 106-113
6 Thomas Grechenig, Manfred Tscheligi: Human Computer Interaction, Vienna Conference, VCHCI '93, Fin de Siècle, Vienna, Austria, September 20-22, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
5EEFranz Penz, Manfred Tscheligi: The FeelMouse: an interaction device with force feedback. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 121-122
4 Martina Manhartsberger, Franz Penz, Manfred Tscheligi: N/JOY - Ein Designbeispiel für eine direkt manipulative, objektbasierte Benutzerschnittstelle. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 8(1): 23-34 (1993)
3 Günter Haring, Manfred Tscheligi: N/JOY - An Object Oriented System of Office Workbenches: Tools instead of Menus. IFIP Congress (3) 1992: 47-53
2 Manfred Tscheligi, Franz Penz, Martina Manhartsberger: N/JOY - The World of Objects. VL 1991: 126-131
1 Franz Penz, Manfred Tscheligi, Günter Haring, Martina Manhartsberger: The power of parameterizable objects in modern user interfaces. INTERACT 1990: 469-472

Coauthor Index

1Emile H. L. Aarts [62]
2Michael Bechinie [35]
3Elke Beck [54] [55] [64] [71] [72]
4Regina Bernhaupt [27] [30] [36] [37] [38] [49] [53] [54] [55] [59] [60] [61] [63] [64] [70] [72] [74]
5Aude Billard [80]
6Andreas Boldt [60]
7Petter Bae Brandtzæg [56] [75]
8Alejandro P. Buchmann [62]
9Roland Buchner [81]
10Anind K. Dey [62]
11Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson [28] [29]
12Manfred Eckschlager [37] [61]
13Jan Engelen [21]
14Bernhard Ferro [52]
15Peter Fröhlich [23]
16David Geerts [56] [75]
17Hans-Werner Gellersen (Hans Gellersen) [62]
18Arjan Geven [42] [45] [52] [57] [68] [79]
19Verena Giller [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [25]
20Thomas Grechenig [6]
21Günter Haring [1] [3] [16]
22Tobias Herrmann [44]
23Thomas T. Hewett [13]
24Norman Höller [68] [79]
25Stephanie Houde [14]
26Zahid Hussain [76]
27Pertti Huuskonen [43]
28Wijnand IJsselsteijn (Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn) [74]
29Masa Inakage [63]
30Victor Joseph [17]
31Kristiina Karvonen [17]
32Sara Kepplinger [71] [72]
33W. Kerstner [7]
34Raghu Kolli [14]
35Michael Lankes [59] [65] [66] [77] [82]
36Martin Lechner [76]
37Newton Lee [63]
38Michael Leitner [67] [69] [79] [83]
39Artur Lugmayr [78]
40Anu Mäkelä [17] [19]
41Martina Manhartsberger [1] [2] [4] [10]
42Aaron Marcus [14]
43Panos Markopoulos [73]
44Markus Mayer [68]
45Rudolf Melcher [22]
46Alexander Meschtscherjakov [58] [65] [66]
47Peter Messner [35]
48Kristijan Mihalic [38] [43] [51]
49Harald Milchrahm [76]
50Thomas Mirlacher [60] [77]
51Florian Mueller [74]
52Michael Muller [14]
53Regine Müller [35]
54Kevin E. Mullet [14]
55Sabine Musil [8] [9] [11] [12]
56Paul Muzak [71]
57Stéphane Natkin [63]
58Bruno von Niman [40]
59Christoph Obermair [41] [46] [50] [58] [66]
60Marianna Obrist [49] [53] [54] [55] [56] [64] [71] [72] [75] [78]
61Bert Paepen [20] [21]
62Fabio Paternò [24]
63Franz Penz [1] [2] [4] [5]
64Georg Pigel [7] [12]
65Michael Pirker [77]
66Bernd Ploderer [36] [41] [46] [50] [58]
67Aapo Puskala [17]
68Wolfgang Reitberger [41] [46] [47] [50] [58] [65] [66] [73]
69Stefan Riegler [77]
70Boris E. R. de Ruyter [62] [73]
71Thomas Scherndl [80] [81]
72Bernt Schiele [62]
73Johann Schrammel [22] [42] [57] [83]
74Markus W. Schranz [20] [21]
75Harald Schwab [52]
76Reinhard Sefelin [17] [19] [22] [25] [26] [35] [39] [45] [57] [68] [69] [76]
77Verena Seibert-Giller [26] [35]
78Sara Shahzad [76]
79Peter Strassl [52]
80Özge Subasi [79]
81Astrid Weiss [53] [55] [64] [70] [77] [80] [81] [82]
82Reiner Wichert [62]
83David Wilfinger [60] [70]
84Dennis R. Wixon [74]
85Peter Wolkerstorfer [67] [69] [76]
86Daniela Wurhofer [82]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)