
Thomas Mirlacher

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2EEMichael Lankes, Stefan Riegler, Astrid Weiss, Thomas Mirlacher, Michael Pirker, Manfred Tscheligi: Facial expressions as game input with different emotional feedback conditions. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 253-256
1EERegina Bernhaupt, Andreas Boldt, Thomas Mirlacher, David Wilfinger, Manfred Tscheligi: Using emotion in games: emotional flowers. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 41-48

Coauthor Index

1Regina Bernhaupt [1]
2Andreas Boldt [1]
3Michael Lankes [2]
4Michael Pirker [2]
5Stefan Riegler [2]
6Manfred Tscheligi [1] [2]
7Astrid Weiss [2]
8David Wilfinger [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)