
Bruno von Niman

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11EEMartin Böcker, Karl Ivar Larsson, Bruno von Niman: Increasing the Usability of Text Entry in Mobile Devices for European Languages and Languages Used in Europe. HCI (11) 2007: 13-21
10EEAlejandro Rodríguez-Ascaso, Bruno von Niman, Steve Brown, Torbjørn Sund: Human Factors: User Experience Design Guidelines for Telecare Services. HCI (4) 2007: 413-417
9EEBruno von Niman, Alejandro Rodríguez-Ascaso, Steve Brown, Torbjørn Sund: User experience design guidelines for telecare (e-health) services. Interactions 14(5): 36-40 (2007)
8EEMatthias Schneider-Hufschmidt, David Williams, Martin Böcker, Margareta Flygt, Pekka Ketola, Bruno von Niman, Michael Tate: The right to information: setup of mobile terminals and services. Mobile HCI 2006: 199-202
7EEBruno von Niman, Alejandro Rodríguez-Ascaso, Torbjørn Sund, Steve J. Brown: User experience design guidelines for telecare services. Mobile HCI 2006: 279-280
6EEMartin Böcker, Karl Ivar Larsson, Bruno von Niman: Character repertoires, ordering and assignment to the 12-key keypad supporting European cultural diversity. Mobile HCI 2006: 281-282
5EEBruno von Niman, Manfred Tscheligi: Introduction. Interactions 13(4): 22-23 (2006)
4EEBruno von Niman: Gadgets are here to stay. Interactions 13(5): 24-25 (2006)
3EEMartin Böcker, Bruno von Niman, Karl Ivar Larsson: Increasing text-entry usability in mobile devices for languages used in Europe. Interactions 13(5): 30-35 (2006)
2EEBruno von Niman, Martin Böcker, Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt, Margareta Flygt, Pascale Parodi, Pekka Ketola, David Williams, Michael Tate: Enabling and improving the use of mobile e-services. Mobile HCI 2005: 357-358
1EEBruno von Niman, Catriona Chaplin, Jose-Antonio Collado-Vega, Lutz Groh, Scott McGlashan, Wally Mellors, David van Leeuwen: "Do as I Say! . But Who Says What I Should Say - or Do?" On the Definition of a Standard Spoken Command Vocabulary for ICT Devices and Services. Mobile HCI 2002: 425-430

Coauthor Index

1Martin Böcker [2] [3] [6] [8] [11]
2Steve Brown [9] [10]
3Steve J. Brown [7]
4Catriona Chaplin [1]
5Jose-Antonio Collado-Vega [1]
6Margareta Flygt [2] [8]
7Lutz Groh [1]
8Pekka Ketola [2] [8]
9Karl Ivar Larsson [3] [6] [11]
10David van Leeuwen [1]
11Scott McGlashan [1]
12Wally Mellors [1]
13Pascale Parodi [2]
14Alejandro Rodríguez-Ascaso [7] [9] [10]
15Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt [2] [8]
16Torbjørn Sund [7] [9] [10]
17Michael Tate [2] [8]
18Manfred Tscheligi [5]
19David Williams [2] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)