
Arjan Geven

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6EEMichael Leitner, Özge Subasi, Norman Höller, Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi: User requirement analysis for a railway ticketing portal with emphasis on semantic accessibility for older users. W4A 2009: 114-122
5EEArjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Norman Höller, Manfred Tscheligi, Markus Mayer: Always-on information: services and applications on the mobile desktop. Mobile HCI 2008: 23-32
4EEJohann Schrammel, Arjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: "Look!": using the gaze direction of embodied agents. CHI 2007: 1187-1190
3EEArjan Geven, Peter Strassl, Bernhard Ferro, Manfred Tscheligi, Harald Schwab: Experiencing real-world interaction: results from a NFC user experience field trial. Mobile HCI 2007: 234-237
2EEArjan Geven, Reinhard Sefelin, Manfred Tscheligi: Depth and breadth away from the desktop: the optimal information hierarchy for mobile use. Mobile HCI 2006: 157-164
1EEArjan Geven, Johann Schrammel, Manfred Tscheligi: Interacting with embodied agents that can see: how vision-enabled agents can assist in spatial tasks. NordiCHI 2006: 135-144

Coauthor Index

1Bernhard Ferro [3]
2Norman Höller [5] [6]
3Michael Leitner [6]
4Markus Mayer [5]
5Johann Schrammel [1] [4]
6Harald Schwab [3]
7Reinhard Sefelin [2] [4] [5]
8Peter Strassl [3]
9Özge Subasi [6]
10Manfred Tscheligi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)