11. LICS 1996:
New Brunswick,
New Jersey
11th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,
New Brunswick,
New Jersey,
27-30 July 1996. IEEE Computer Society Press
- J. Antonio Medina, Neil Immerman:
A Generalization of Fagin's Theorem.
2-12 BibTeX
- Jerzy Marcinkowski:
DATALOG SIRUPs Uniform Boundedness is Undecidable.
13-24 BibTeX
- Michael Benedikt, Leonid Libkin:
On the Structure of Queries in Constraint Query Languages.
25-34 BibTeX
- Ian Stark:
A Fully Abstract Domain Model for the pi-Calculus.
36-42 BibTeX
- Marcelo P. Fiore, Eugenio Moggi, Davide Sangiorgi:
A Fully-Abstract Model for the pi-Calculus (Extended Abstract).
43-54 BibTeX
- Gian Luca Cattani, Vladimiro Sassone:
Higher Dimensional Transition Systems.
55-62 BibTeX
- V. Natarajan, Rance Cleaveland:
An Algebraic Theory of Process Efficiency.
63-72 BibTeX
- Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn:
The Subtyping Problem for Second-Order Types is Undecidable.
74-85 BibTeX
- David Aspinall, Adriana B. Compagnoni:
Subtyping Dependent Types (Summary).
86-97 BibTeX
- Thorsten Altenkirch, Martin Hofmann, Thomas Streicher:
Reduction-Free Normalisation for a Polymorphic System.
98-106 BibTeX
- Kousha Etessami, Thomas Wilke:
An Until Hierarchy for Temporal Logic.
108-117 BibTeX
- Ramaswamy Ramanujam:
Locally Linear Time Temporal Logic.
118-127 BibTeX
- Helmut Seidl:
A Modal Mu-Calculus for Durational Transition Systems.
128-137 BibTeX
- David A. McAllester, Robert Givan, Carl Witty, Dexter Kozen:
Tarskian Set Constraints.
138-147 BibTeX
- Andrew M. Pitts:
Reasoning about Local Variables with Operationally-Based Logical Relations.
152-163 BibTeX
- Stephen D. Brookes:
The Essence of Parallel Algol.
164-173 BibTeX
- Guy McCusker:
Games and Full Abstraction for FPC.
174-183 BibTeX
- Rowan Davies:
A Temporal-Logic Approach to Binding-Time Analysis.
184-195 BibTeX
- Patrice Godefroid, David E. Long:
Symbolic Protocol Verification With Queue BDDs.
198-206 BibTeX
- Rajeev Alur, Thomas A. Henzinger:
Reactive Modules.
207-218 BibTeX
- Rajeev Alur, Kenneth L. McMillan, Doron Peled:
Model-Checking of Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects.
219-228 BibTeX
- C.-H. Luke Ong:
A Semantic View of Classical Proofs: Type-Theoretic, Categorical, and Denotational Characterizations (Preliminary Extended Abstract).
230-241 BibTeX
- Martín Abadi, Marcelo P. Fiore:
Syntactic Considerations on Recursive Types.
242-252 BibTeX
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis:
On the Expressive Power of Simply Typed and Let-Polymorphic Lambda Calculi.
253-263 BibTeX
- Iliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning:
A Linear Logical Framework.
264-275 BibTeX
- Thomas A. Henzinger:
The Theory of Hybrid Automata.
278-292 BibTeX
- Bernard Willems, Pierre Wolper:
Partial-Order Methods for Model Checking: From Linear Time to Branching Time.
294-303 BibTeX
- Girish Bhat, Rance Cleaveland:
Efficient Model Checking via the Equational µ-Calculus.
304-312 BibTeX
- Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Karlis Cerans, Bengt Jonsson, Yih-Kuen Tsay:
General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State Systems.
313-321 BibTeX
- Orna Kupferman, Shmuel Safra, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Relating Word and Tree Automata.
322-332 BibTeX
- Tirza Hirst, David Harel:
More About Recursive Structures: Descriptive Complexity and Zero-One Laws.
334-347 BibTeX
- Phokion G. Kolaitis, Moshe Y. Vardi:
On the Expressive Power of Variable-Confined Logics.
348-359 BibTeX
- Gregory L. McColm:
Zero-One Laws for Gilbert Random Graphs.
360-369 BibTeX
- Abbas Edalat:
The Scott Topology Induces the Weak Topology.
372-381 BibTeX
- Abbas Edalat, Martín Hötzel Escardó:
Integration in Real PCF.
382-393 BibTeX
- Vincent Danos, Hugo Herbelin, Laurent Regnier:
Game Semantics & Abstract Machines.
394-405 BibTeX
- Shekhar Pradhan:
Semantics of Normal Logic Programs and Contested Information.
406-415 BibTeX
- P. N. Benton, Philip Wadler:
Linear Logic, Monads and the Lambda Calculus.
420-431 BibTeX
- Peter Selinger:
Order-Incompleteness and Finite Lambda Models (Extended Abstract).
432-439 BibTeX
- César Muñoz:
Confluence and Preservation of Strong Normalisation in an Explicit Substitutions Calculus.
440-447 BibTeX
- Inge Bethke, Jan Willem Klop, Roel C. de Vrijer:
Completing Partial Combinatory Algebras With Unique Head-Normal Forms.
448-454 BibTeX
- David A. Basin, Harald Ganzinger:
Complexity Analysis Based on Ordered Resolution.
456-465 BibTeX
- Paliath Narendran:
Solving Linear Equations over Polynomial Semirings.
466-472 BibTeX
- Robert Nieuwenhuis:
Basic Paramodulation and Decidable Theories (Extended Abstract).
473-482 BibTeX
- Juha Nurmonen:
Counting Modulo Quantifiers on Finite Linearly Ordered Trees.
484-493 BibTeX
- Anatoli Degtyarev, Yuri Matiyasevich, Andrei Voronkov:
Simultaneous E-Unification and Related Algorithmic Problems.
494-502 BibTeX
- Anatoli Degtyarev, Andrei Voronkov:
Decidability Problems for the Prenex Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic.
503-512 BibTeX
- V. Wiktor Marek, Anil Nerode, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
On the Complexity of Abduction.
513-522 BibTeX
- Yuri Matiyasevich, Géraud Sénizergues:
Decision Problems for Semi-Thue Systems with a Few Rules.
523-531 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:28:47 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)