
Clark D. Thomborson

Clark D. Thompson

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55EEClark D. Thomborson: A Model for New Zealand's Identity Verification Service. TRUST 2008: 92-106
54EEStephen Drape, Anirban Majumdar, Clark D. Thomborson: Slicing Aided Design of Obfuscating Transforms. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 1019-1024
53EEAnirban Majumdar, Stephen Drape, Clark D. Thomborson: Slicing obfuscations: design, correctness, and evaluation. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2007: 70-81
52EEAnirban Majumdar, Stephen Drape, Clark D. Thomborson: Metrics-based Evaluation of Slicing Obfuscations. IAS 2007: 472-477
51EEStephen Drape, Clark D. Thomborson, Anirban Majumdar: Specifying Imperative Data Obfuscations. ISC 2007: 299-314
50EEChristian S. Collberg, Clark D. Thomborson, Gregg M. Townsend: Dynamic graph-based software fingerprinting. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(6): (2007)
49EEAnirban Majumdar, Clark D. Thomborson: Manufacturing opaque predicates in distributed systems for code obfuscation. ACSC 2006: 187-196
48EEMatt Barrett, Clark D. Thomborson: Frameworks Built on the Trusted Platform Module. COMPSAC (2) 2006: 59-62
47EEAnirban Majumdar, Clark D. Thomborson, Stephen Drape: A Survey of Control-Flow Obfuscations. ICISS 2006: 353-356
46EEWilliam Zhu, Clark D. Thomborson: Extraction in software watermarking. MM&Sec 2006: 175-181
45EEWilliam Zhu, Clark D. Thomborson, Fei-Yue Wang: Applications of Homomorphic Functions to Software Obfuscation. WISI 2006: 152-153
44EEWilliam Zhu, Clark D. Thomborson: Algorithms to Watermark Software Through Register Allocation. DRMTICS 2005: 180-191
43EEWilliam Zhu, Clark D. Thomborson, Fei-Yue Wang: A Survey of Software Watermarking. ISI 2005: 454-458
42EEWilliam Zhu, Clark D. Thomborson: On the QP Algorithm in Software Watermarking. ISI 2005: 646-647
41EEAnirban Majumdar, Clark D. Thomborson: On the Use of Opaque Predicates in Mobile Agent Code Obfuscation. ISI 2005: 648-649
40EEAnirban Majumdar, Clark D. Thomborson: Securing Mobile Agents Control Flow Using Opaque Predicates. KES (3) 2005: 1065-1071
39EEAkito Monden, Antoine Monsifrot, Clark D. Thomborson: Tamper-Resistant Software System Based on a Finite State Machine. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 112-122 (2005)
38EEClark D. Thomborson, Jasvir Nagra, Ram Somaraju, Charles He: Tamper-proo ng Software Watermarks. ACSW Frontiers 2004: 27-36
37EEAkito Monden, Antoine Monsifrot, Clark D. Thomborson: A Framework for Obfuscated Interpretation. ACSW Frontiers 2004: 7-16
36EEJasvir Nagra, Clark D. Thomborson: Threading Software Watermarks. Information Hiding 2004: 208-223
35 Andrew M. Colarik, Clark D. Thomborson, Lech J. Janczewski: Update/Patch Management Systems: A Protocol Taxonomy with Security Implications. International Information Security Workshops 2004: 67-80
34EELarry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante, Clark D. Thomborson: Folklore confirmed: reducible flow graphs are exponentially larger. POPL 2003: 106-114
33EEChristian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Edward Carter, Clark D. Thomborson: Graph-Based Approaches to Software Watermarking. WG 2003: 156-167
32EEJasvir Nagra, Clark D. Thomborson, Christian S. Collberg: A Functional Taxonomy for Software Watermarking. ACSC 2002: 177-186
31EEChristian S. Collberg, Clark D. Thomborson: Watermarking, Tamper-Proofing, and Obfuscation-Tools for Software Protection. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(8): 735-746 (2002)
30EEChristian S. Collberg, Clark D. Thomborson: Software Watermarking: Models and Dynamic Embeddings. POPL 1999: 311-324
29EEChristian S. Collberg, Clark D. Thomborson, Douglas Low: Breaking Abstractions and Unstructuring Data Structures. ICCL 1998: 28-38
28EEChristian S. Collberg, Clark D. Thomborson, Douglas Low: Manufacturing Cheap, Resilient, and Stealthy Opaque Constructs. POPL 1998: 184-196
27EEClark D. Thomborson: The Economics of Large-Memory Computations. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(5): 263-268 (1998)
26 Linda L. Deneen, Gary M. Shute, Clark D. Thomborson: A Probaby Fast, Provably Optimal Algorithm for Rectilinear Steiner Trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 5(4): 535-558 (1994)
25 Clark D. Thomborson: Does Your Workstation Computation Belong on a Vector Supercomputer? Commun. ACM 36(11): 41-49, 94 (1993)
24 Pak K. Chan, Martine D. F. Schlag, Clark D. Thomborson, Vojin G. Oklobdzija: Delay Optimization of Carry-Skip Adders and Block Carry-Lookahead Adders Using Multidimensional Dynamic Programming. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(8): 920-930 (1992)
23 Prabhakar Raghavan, Clark D. Thompson: Multiterminal Global Routing: A Deterministic Approximation Scheme. Algorithmica 6(1): 73-82 (1991)
22 Gary M. Shute, Linda L. Deneen, Clark D. Thomborson: An O(n log n) Plane-Sweep Algorithm for L_1 and L_\infty Delaunay Triangulations. Algorithmica 6(2): 207-221 (1991)
21 Christos Kaklamanis, Anna R. Karlin, Frank Thomson Leighton, Victor Milenkovic, Prabhakar Raghavan, Satish Rao, Clark D. Thomborson, A. Tsantilas: Asymptotically Tight Bounds for Computing with Faulty Arrays of Processors (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1990: 285-296
20 Belle W. Y. Wei, Clark D. Thompson: Area-Time Optimal Adder Design. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(5): 666-675 (1990)
19EEClark D. Thomborson, Belle W. Y. Wei: Systolic Implementations of a Move-to-Front Text Compressor. SPAA 1989: 283-290
18 Clark D. Thomborson, Linda L. Deneen, Gary M. Shute: Computing a Rectilinear Steiner Minimal Tree in nO(sqrt(n)) Time. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures 1987: 176-183
17 Richard M. Karp, Frank Thomson Leighton, Ronald L. Rivest, Clark D. Thompson, Umesh V. Vazirani, Vijay V. Vazirani: Global Wire Routing in Two-Dimensional Arrays. Algorithmica 2: 113-129 (1987)
16 Pavol Duris, Ondrej Sýkora, Clark D. Thompson, Imrich Vrto: A Minimum-Area Circuit for l-Selection. Algorithmica 2: 251-265 (1987)
15 Prabhakar Raghavan, Clark D. Thompson: Randomized rounding: a technique for provably good algorithms and algorithmic proofs. Combinatorica 7(4): 365-374 (1987)
14EEAntony P.-C. Ng, Clark D. Thompson, Prabhakar Raghavan: A language for describing rectilinear Steiner tree configurations. DAC 1986: 659-662
13 Clark D. Thompson: Military Direction of Academic CS Research (Viewpoint). Commun. ACM 29(7): 583-585 (1986)
12 Prabhakar Raghavan, Clark D. Thompson: Provably Good Routing in Graphs: Regular Arrays STOC 1985: 79-87
11 Clark D. Thompson: VLSI Design With Multiple Active Layers. Inf. Process. Lett. 21(3): 109-111 (1985)
10 Pavol Duris, Ondrej Sýkora, Imrich Vrto, Clark D. Thompson: Tight Chip Area Lower Bounds for Discrete Fourier and Walsh-Hadamard Transformations. Inf. Process. Lett. 21(5): 245-247 (1985)
9 Michael J. Carey, Clark D. Thompson: An Efficient Implementation of Search Trees on (lg N + 1) Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(11): 1038-1041 (1984)
8 Richard M. Karp, Frank Thomson Leighton, Ronald L. Rivest, Clark D. Thompson, Umesh V. Vazirani, Vijay V. Vazirani: Global Wire Routing in Two-Dimensional Arrays (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1983: 453-459
7 Clark D. Thompson: Fourier Transforms in VLSI. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(11): 1047-1057 (1983)
6 Clark D. Thompson: The VLSI Complexity of Sorting. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(12): 1171-1184 (1983)
5 Clark D. Thompson: Area-Time Complexity for VLSI STOC 1979: 81-88
4 Clark D. Thompson: Generalized Connection Networks for Parallel Processor Intercommunication. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(12): 1119-1125 (1978)
3EEJon Louis Bentley, H. T. Kung, Mario Schkolnick, Clark D. Thompson: On the Average Number of Maxima in a Set of Vectors and Applications. J. ACM 25(4): 536-543 (1978)
2 Clark D. Thompson, H. T. Kung: Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer. Commun. ACM 20(4): 263-271 (1977)
1 Clark D. Thompson, H. T. Kung: Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer STOC 1976: 58-64

Coauthor Index

1Matt Barrett [48]
2Jon Louis Bentley [3]
3Michael J. Carey [9]
4Edward Carter [33]
5Larry Carter [34]
6Pak K. Chan [24]
7Andrew M. Colarik [35]
8Christian S. Collberg [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [50]
9Linda L. Deneen [18] [22] [26]
10Stephen Drape [47] [51] [52] [53] [54]
11Pavol Duris [10] [16]
12Jeanne Ferrante [34]
13Charles He [38]
14Lech J. Janczewski [35]
15Christos Kaklamanis [21]
16Anna R. Karlin [21]
17Richard M. Karp [8] [17]
18Stephen G. Kobourov [33]
19H. T. Kung [1] [2] [3]
20Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [8] [17] [21]
21Douglas Low [28] [29]
22Anirban Majumdar [40] [41] [47] [49] [51] [52] [53] [54]
23Victor J. Milenkovic (Victor Milenkovic) [21]
24Akito Monden [37] [39]
25Antoine Monsifrot [37] [39]
26Jasvir Nagra [32] [36] [38]
27Antony P.-C. Ng [14]
28Vojin G. Oklobdzija [24]
29Prabhakar Raghavan [12] [14] [15] [21] [23]
30Satish Rao [21]
31Ronald L. Rivest [8] [17]
32Mario Schkolnick [3]
33Martine D. F. Schlag [24]
34Gary M. Shute [18] [22] [26]
35Ram Somaraju [38]
36Ondrej Sýkora [10] [16]
37Gregg M. Townsend [50]
38A. Tsantilas [21]
39Umesh V. Vazirani [8] [17]
40Vijay V. Vazirani [8] [17]
41Imrich Vrto [10] [16]
42Fei-Yue Wang [43] [45]
43Belle W. Y. Wei [19] [20]
44William Zhu [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)