
Thomas Stricker

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25EEFelix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: OS Support for a Commodity Database on PC clusters - Distributed Devices vs. Distributed File Systems. ADC 2005: 145-154
24EEBennet Uk, Michela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch: Combining Task- and Data Parallelism to Speed up Protein Folding on a Desktop Grid Platform. CCGRID 2003: 240-
23EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker: A Performance Monitor Based on Virtual Global Time for Clusters of PCs. CLUSTER 2003: 64-72
22EEChristian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Zero-Copy for CORBA - Efficient Communication for Distributed Object Middleware. HPDC 2003: 4-13
21EEChristian Kurmann, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Cost/Performance Tradeoffs in Network Interconnects for Clusters of Commodity PCs. IPDPS 2003: 196
20EEBennet Uk, Michela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni, Andrea Cavalli: Implementation and Characterization of Protein Folding on a Desktop Computational Grid - Is CHARMM a Suitable Candidate for the United Devices MetaProcessor? IPDPS 2003: 50
19EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Gerard Roos, Peter Güntert: On the Migration of the Scientific Code Dyana from SMPs to Clusters of PCs and on to the Grid. CCGRID 2002: 93-101
18EEMichela Taufer, Egon Perathoner, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch, Thomas Stricker: Performance Characterization of a Molecular Dynamics Code on PC Clusters: Is There Any Easy Parallelism in CHARMM?. IPDPS 2002
17EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Roger Weber: Scalability and resource usage of an OLAP benchmark on clusters of PCs. SPAA 2002: 83-94
16 Felix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Optimizing the distribution of large data sets in theory and practice. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(3): 165-181 (2002)
15EEFelix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Comments on "transparent user-level process checkpoint and restore for migration" by Bozyigit and Wasiq. Operating Systems Review 36(3): 8-9 (2002)
14 Christian Kurmann, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Speculative Defragmentation - Leading Gigabit Ethernet to True Zero-Copy Communication. Cluster Computing 4(1): 7-18 (2001)
13EEFelix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Partition Repositories for Partition Cloning - OS Independent Software Maintenance in Large Clusters of PCs. CLUSTER 2000: 233
12EEFelix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Partition Cast - Modelling and Optimizing the Distribution of Large Data Sets in PC Clusters (Distinguished Paper). Euro-Par 2000: 1118-1131
11EEChristian Kurmann, Michael Müller, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Speculative Defragmentation - A Technique to Improve the Communication Software Efficiency for Gigabit Ethernet. HPDC 2000: 131-138
10 Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: A Comparison of Three Gigabit Technologies: SCI, Myrinet and SGI/Cray T3D. Scalable Coherent Interface 1999: 39-68
9EEThomas Stricker, Thomas R. Gross: Global Address Space, Non-Uniform Bandwidth: A Memory System Performance Characterization of Parallel Systems. HPCA 1997: 168-
8 Thomas Stricker, Jonathan C. Hardwick: From AAPC Algorithms to High Performance Permutation Routing and Sorting. SPAA 1996: 200-203
7EEThomas Stricker, Thomas R. Gross: Optimizing Memory System Performance for Communication in Parallel Computers. ISCA 1995: 308-319
6EEThomas Stricker, James M. Stichnoth, David R. O'Hallaron, Susan Hinrichs, Thomas R. Gross: Decoupling Synchronization and Data Transfer in Message Passing Systems of Parallel Computers. International Conference on Supercomputing 1995: 1-10
5EESusan Hinrichs, Corey Kosak, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Stricker, Riichiro Take: An Architecture for Optimal All-to-All Personalized Communication. SPAA 1994: 310-319
4 Thomas R. Gross, Susan Hinrichs, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Stricker, Atsushi Hasegawa: Communication Styles for Parallel Systems. IEEE Computer 27(12): 34-44 (1994)
3EEAnja Feldmann, Thomas Stricker, Thomas E. Warfel: Supporting Sets of Arbitrary Connections on iWarp Through Communication Context Switches. SPAA 1993: 203-212
2EEThomas Stricker: Supporting the Hypercube Programming Model on Mesh Architectures: A Fast Sorter for iWarp Tori. SPAA 1992: 148-157
1EEAnja Feldmann, Thomas R. Gross, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Stricker: Subset Barrier Synchronization on a Private-Memory Parallel System. SPAA 1992: 209-218

Coauthor Index

1Amedeo Caflisch [18] [24]
2Andrea Cavalli [18] [20] [24]
3Anja Feldmann [1] [3]
4Thomas R. Gross [1] [4] [6] [7] [9]
5Peter Güntert [19]
6Jonathan C. Hardwick [8]
7Atsushi Hasegawa [4]
8Susan Hinrichs [4] [5] [6]
9Corey Kosak [5]
10Christian Kurmann [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [21] [22]
11Michael Müller [11]
12David R. O'Hallaron [1] [4] [5] [6]
13Egon Perathoner [18]
14Felix Rauch [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [21] [25]
15Gerard Roos [19]
16Giovanni Settanni [20] [24]
17James M. Stichnoth [6]
18Riichiro Take [5]
19Michela Taufer [17] [18] [19] [20] [23] [24]
20Bennet Uk [20] [24]
21Thomas E. Warfel [3]
22Roger Weber [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)