
Peter Arbenz

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26EEHans-Joachim Bungartz, Javier D. Bruguera, Peter Arbenz, Bruce Hendrickson: Topic 10: Parallel Numerical Algorithms. Euro-Par 2008: 778-779
25EEPeter Arbenz, G. Harry van Lenthe, Uche Mennel, Ralph Müller, Marzio Sala: Multi-level mu -Finite Element Analysis for Human Bone Structures. PARA 2006: 240-250
24EEPeter Arbenz, Martin Becka, Roman Geus, Ulrich Hetmaniuk, Tiziano Mengotti: On a parallel multilevel preconditioned Maxwell eigensolver. Parallel Computing 32(2): 157-165 (2006)
23EEPeter Arbenz, Helmar Burkhart, Erik Maehle, Olaf Schenk: Special section: SPEEDUP Workshop on Modern algorithms in computational science and information technology. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1249-1250 (2005)
22EEOscar Chinellato, Peter Arbenz, Matthias Streiff, Andreas Witzig: Computation of optical modes in axisymmetric open cavity resonators. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1263-1274 (2005)
21EEPeter Arbenz, Rolf Hempel, David Walker: Topic 7: Applications on High Performance Computers. Euro-Par 2004: 476
20EEPeter Arbenz, Martin Becka, Roman Geus, Ulrich Hetmaniuk: Towards a Parallel Multilevel Preconditioned Maxwell Eigensolver. PARA 2004: 831-838
19EEPeter Arbenz, Torsten Braun: SPEEDUP workshop on distributed computing and high-speed networks. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(1): 99-100 (2003)
18EEPeter Arbenz, Efstratios Gallopoulos, Bernard Philippe, Yousef Saad: Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA '02). Parallel Computing 29(9): 1117-1119 (2003)
17EEPeter Arbenz: A Comparison of Factorization-Free Eigensolvers with Application to Cavity Resonators. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 295-304
16EEPeter Arbenz, Andrew J. Cleary, Jack Dongarra, Markus Hegland: A Comparison of Parallel Solvers for Diagonally Dominant and General Narrow-Banded Linear Systems II. Euro-Par 1999: 1078-1087
15 Peter Arbenz: Towards an Efficient Implementation of the Eigenstate Expansion Method for Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations. LSSC 1999: 119-127
14EEPeter Arbenz, Roman Geus: Parallel Solvers for Large Eigenvalue Problems Originating from Maxwell's Equations. Euro-Par 1998: 771-779
13 Peter Arbenz, Markus Hegland: The Stable Parallel Solution of Narrow Banded Linear Systems. PPSC 1997
12 Peter Arbenz, Walter Gander, Michael Oettli: The Remote Computation System. Parallel Computing 23(10): 1241-1428 (1997)
11 Peter Arbenz: On Experiments with a Parallel Direct Solver for Diagonally Dominant Banded Linear Systems. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 11-21
10 Peter Arbenz, Walter Gander, Michael Oettli: The Remote Computation System. HPCN Europe 1996: 662-667
9 Peter Arbenz, Walter Gander, Hans Peter Lüthi, Urs von Matt: Sciddle 4.0, or, Remote Procedure Calles in PVM. HPCN Europe 1996: 820-825
8 Peter Arbenz, Martin Billeter, Peter Güntert, Peter Luginbühl, Michela Taufer, Urs von Matt: Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cray Clusters using the SCIDDLE-PVM environment. PVM 1996: 142-149
7 Peter Arbenz, Walter Gander: Direct Methods for Banded Linear Systems on Massively Parallel Processor Computers. PPSC 1995: 506-507
6 Volker Strumpen, Peter Arbenz: Improving Scalability by Communication Latency Hiding. PPSC 1995: 778-779
5EEPeter Arbenz, Christoph Sprenger, Hans Peter Lüthi, Stefan Vogel: SCIDDLE: A tool for large scale distributed computing. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(2): 121-146 (1995)
4 Peter Arbenz, Hans Peter Lüthi, Christoph Sprenger, Stefan Vogel: SCIDDLE: A Tool for Large Scale Cooperative Computing. HPCN 1994: 326-327
3 Peter Arbenz, Michael Oettli: Block Implementations of the Symmetric QR and Jacobi Algorithms. CONPAR 1992: 827-828
2EEPeter Arbenz, Hans Peter Lüthi, John E. Mertz, Walter Scott: Applied Distributed Supercomputing in Homogeneous Networks. International Journal of High Speed Computing 4(2): 87-108 (1992)
1 Peter Arbenz: Divide and conquer algorithms for the bandsymmetric eigenvalue problem. Parallel Computing 18(10): 1105-1128 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Becka [20] [24]
2Martin Billeter [8]
3Torsten Braun [19]
4Javier D. Bruguera [26]
5Hans-Joachim Bungartz [26]
6Helmar Burkhart [23]
7Oscar Chinellato [22]
8Andrew J. Cleary [16]
9Jack Dongarra [16]
10Efstratios Gallopoulos [18]
11Walter Gander [7] [9] [10] [12]
12Roman Geus [14] [20] [24]
13Peter Güntert [8]
14Markus Hegland [13] [16]
15Rolf Hempel [21]
16Bruce Hendrickson [26]
17Ulrich Hetmaniuk [20] [24]
18G. Harry van Lenthe [25]
19Peter Luginbühl [8]
20Hans Peter Lüthi [2] [4] [5] [9]
21Erik Maehle [23]
22Urs von Matt [8] [9]
23Tiziano Mengotti [24]
24Uche Mennel [25]
25John E. Mertz [2]
26Ralph Müller [25]
27Michael Oettli [3] [10] [12]
28Bernard Philippe [18]
29Yousef Saad [18]
30Marzio Sala [25]
31Olaf Schenk [23]
32Walter Scott [2]
33Christoph Sprenger [4] [5]
34Matthias Streiff [22]
35Volker Strumpen [6]
36Michela Taufer [8]
37Stefan Vogel [4] [5]
38David Walker [21]
39Andreas Witzig [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)