
Daniel Stronger

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11EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Maximum likelihood estimation of sensor and action model functions on a mobile robot. ICRA 2008: 2104-2109
10EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Polynomial Regression with Automated Degree: a Function Approximator for Autonomous Agents. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 17(1): 159-174 (2008)
9EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: A Comparison of Two Approaches for Vision and Self-Localization on a Mobile Robot. ICRA 2007: 3915-3920
8EEUli Grasemann, Daniel Stronger, Peter Stone: A Neural Network-Based Approach to Robot Motion Control. RoboCup 2007: 480-487
7 Daniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Expectation-Based Vision for Self-Localization on a Legged Robot. AAAI 2006
6EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Polynomial Regression with Automated Degree: A Function Approximator for Autonomous Agents. ICTAI 2006: 474-480
5EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Selective Visual Attention for Object Detection on a Legged Robot. RoboCup 2006: 158-170
4EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Towards autonomous sensor and actuator model induction on a mobile robot. Connect. Sci. 18(2): 97-119 (2006)
3EEPeter Stone, Mohan Sridharan, Daniel Stronger, Gregory Kuhlmann, Nate Kohl, Peggy Fidelman, Nicholas K. Jong: From pixels to multi-robot decision-making: A study in uncertainty. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(11): 933-943 (2006)
2 Daniel Stronger, Peter Stone: Simultaneous Calibration of Action and Sensor Models on a Mobile Robot. ICRA 2005: 4563-4568
1EEDaniel Stronger, Peter Stone: A Model-Based Approach to Robot Joint Control. RobuCup 2004: 297-309

Coauthor Index

1Peggy Fidelman [3]
2Uli Grasemann [8]
3Nicholas K. Jong [3]
4Nate Kohl [3]
5Gregory Kuhlmann [3]
6Mohan Sridharan [3]
7Peter Stone [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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