
Kwanghoon Sohn

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24EEKiwon Yoo, Jae Hun Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn: VLSI architecture design of motion vector processor for H.264/AVC. ICIP 2008: 1412-1415
23EEDong Bo Min, Donghyun Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn: 2D/3D freeview video generation for 3DTV system. ICIP 2008: 1760-1763
22EEDong Bo Min, Juhyun Oh, Kwanghoon Sohn: Asymmetric post-processing for stereo correspondence. ICPR 2008: 1-4
21EEDaehyun Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn: Static text region detection in video sequences using color and orientation consistencies. ICPR 2008: 1-4
20EEDong Bo Min, Donghyun Kim, SangUn Yuri, Kwanghoon Sohn: Freeview rendering with trinocular camera. ISCAS 2008: 3446-3449
19EEDong Bo Min, Kwanghoon Sohn: Cost Aggregation and Occlusion Handling With WLS in Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(8): 1431-1442 (2008)
18EEJeongseok Ki, Yong-Moo Kwon, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D Gaze Tracking and Analysis for Attentive Human Computer Interaction. FBIT 2007: 617-621
17EEHyoungchul Shin, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D Face Recognition with Geometrically Localized Surface Shape Indexes. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
16EEHwanjong Song, Ukil Yang, Sangyoun Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Shape Indexes with Dynamic Programming. ICB 2006: 99-105
15EEHansung Kim, Itaru Kitahara, Kiyoshi Kogure, Kwanghoon Sohn: A Real-Time 3D Modeling System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras for Free-Viewpoint Video Generation. ICIAR (2) 2006: 237-249
14EEDong Bo Min, Kwanghoon Sohn: Edge-preserving Simultaneous Joint Motion-Disparity Estimation. ICPR (2) 2006: 74-77
13EESangUn Yoon, Dong Bo Min, Kwanghoon Sohn: Fast Dense Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Window in Hierarchical Framework. ISVC (2) 2006: 316-325
12EEDong Bo Min, SangUn Yoon, Kwanghoon Sohn: Segment-Based Stereo Matching Using Energy-Based Regularization. MRCS 2006: 761-768
11EEYonguk Lee, Hwanjong Song, Ukil Yang, Hyungchul Shin, Kwanghoon Sohn: Local Feature Based 3D Face Recognition. AVBPA 2005: 909-918
10EEHansung Kim, Dong Min, Kwanghoon Sohn: Real-Time Stereo Using Foreground Segmentation and Hierarchical Disparity Estimation. PCM (1) 2005: 384-395
9EEHwanjong Song, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D head pose estimation using range images for face recognition. ICARCV 2004: 1256-1261
8EEHansung Kim, Itaru Kitahara, Kiyoshi Kogure, Norihiro Hagita, Kwanghoon Sohn: Sat-Cam: Personal Satellite Virtual Camera. PCM (3) 2004: 87-94
7 Hansung Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn: Hierarchical disparity estimation with energy-based regularization. ICIP (1) 2003: 373-376
6EEHansung Kim, Seung-Jun Yang, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D Reconstruction of Stereo Images for Interaction between Real and Virtual Worlds. ISMAR 2003: 169-177
5EEHwanjong Song, Ukil Yang, Jaihie Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn: A 3D Head Pose Estimation for Face Recognition. SIP 2003: 133-138
4EEHwanjong Song, Ukil Yang, Kwanghoon Sohn: 3D Face Recognition under Pose Varying Environments. WISA 2003: 333-347
3 Woo-Young Jang, Byung-Hoan Chon, Seh-Woong Jeong, Kwanghoon Sohn: Grouped zerotree wavelet image coding for very low bit rate. ICIP (3) 2002: 261-264
2 Kwanghoon Sohn, Chulhee Lee, Woo-Young Jang: Error-resilient video coding technique based on wavelet transform. VCIP 2000: 209-218
1 Kwanghoon Sohn, Jung H. Kim, Winser E. Alexander: A mean field annealing approach to robust corner detection. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(1): 82-90 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Winser E. Alexander [1]
2Byung-Hoan Chon [3]
3Norihiro Hagita [8]
4Woo-Young Jang [2] [3]
5Seh-Woong Jeong [3]
6Jeongseok Ki [18]
7Daehyun Kim [21]
8Donghyun Kim [20] [23]
9Hansung Kim [6] [7] [8] [10] [15]
10Jaihie Kim [5]
11Jung H. Kim [1]
12Itaru Kitahara [8] [15]
13Kiyoshi Kogure [8] [15]
14Yong-Moo Kwon [18]
15Chulhee Lee [2]
16Jae Hun Lee [24]
17Sangyoun Lee [16]
18Yonguk Lee [11]
19Dong Min [10]
20Dong Bo Min [12] [13] [14] [19] [20] [22] [23]
21Juhyun Oh [22]
22Hyoungchul Shin [17]
23Hyungchul Shin [11]
24Hwanjong Song [4] [5] [9] [11] [16]
25Seung-Jun Yang [6]
26Ukil Yang [4] [5] [11] [16]
27Kiwon Yoo [24]
28SangUn Yoon [12] [13]
29SangUn Yuri [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)