2008 |
63 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Young Ha Cho,
Pal Joo Yoon,
Jaihie Kim:
Scanning Laser Radar-Based Target Position Designation for Parking Aid System.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(3): 406-424 (2008) |
62 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Byung Moon Kwak,
Jeong Soo Shim,
Pal Joo Yoon,
Jaihie Kim:
Precrash Dipping Nose (PCDN) Needs Pedestrian Recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(4): 678-687 (2008) |
61 | EE | Dongjae Lee,
Kyoungtaek Choi,
Hee-seung Choi,
Jaihie Kim:
Recognizable-Image Selection for Fingerprint Recognition With a Mobile-Device Camera.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(1): 233-243 (2008) |
60 | EE | Youn Joo Lee,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Sung Joo Lee,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Jaihie Kim:
A New Method for Generating an Invariant Iris Private Key Based on the Fuzzy Vault System.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(5): 1302-1313 (2008) |
59 | EE | Kar-Ann Toh,
Jaihie Kim,
Sangyoun Lee:
Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion.
Pattern Recognition 41(11): 3373-3392 (2008) |
58 | EE | Kar-Ann Toh,
Jaihie Kim,
Sangyoun Lee:
Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization.
Pattern Recognition 41(3): 1066-1082 (2008) |
57 | EE | Jain Jang,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim,
Yillbyung Lee:
New focus assessment method for iris recognition systems.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(13): 1759-1767 (2008) |
56 | EE | Kar-Ann Toh,
Youngsung Kim,
Sangyoun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Fusion of visual and infra-red face scores by weighted power series.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(5): 603-615 (2008) |
55 | EE | Jae Kyu Suhr,
Ho Gi Jung,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Jaihie Kim:
Outlier rejection for cameras on intelligent vehicles.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(6): 828-840 (2008) |
2007 |
54 | EE | Sowon Yoon,
Ho Gi Jung,
Jae Kyu Suhr,
Jaihie Kim:
Non-intrusive Iris Image Capturing System Using Light Stripe Projection and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera.
CVPR 2007 |
53 | EE | MinYi Jeong,
Jeung-Yoon Choi,
Jaihie Kim:
Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve Matching Performance of Changeable biometrics from Combining PCA and ICA Methods.
CVPR 2007 |
52 | EE | Andrew Teoh Beng Jin,
Jaihie Kim:
FuzzyHash: A Secure Biometric Template Protection Technique.
FBIT 2007: 688-694 |
51 | EE | Hyung Gu Lee,
Chulhan Lee,
Jeung-Yoon Choi,
Jongsun Kim,
Jaihie Kim:
Changeable Face Representations Suitable for Human Recognition.
ICB 2007: 557-565 |
50 | EE | Sowon Yoon,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Pan-Tilt-Zoom Based Iris Image Capturing System for Unconstrained User Environments at a Distance.
ICB 2007: 653-662 |
49 | EE | Youn Joo Lee,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Sung Joo Lee,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Biometric Key Binding: Fuzzy Vault Based on Iris Images.
ICB 2007: 800-808 |
48 | EE | Jae Kyu Suhr,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Jaihie Kim,
Ho Gi Jung:
Free Parking Space Detection Using Optical Flow-based Euclidean 3D Reconstruction.
MVA 2007: 563-566 |
47 | EE | Kyoungtaek Choi,
Hee-seung Choi,
Sangyoun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Fingerprint Image Mosaicking by Recursive Ridge Mapping.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(5): 1191-1203 (2007) |
2006 |
46 | EE | Sanghoon Lee,
Chulhan Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Model-Based Quality Estimation of Fingerprint Images.
ICB 2006: 229-235 |
45 | EE | Byoungwoo Kim,
Sunjin Yu,
Sangyoun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Rapid 3D Face Data Acquisition Using a Color-Coded Pattern and a Stereo Camera System.
ICB 2006: 26-32 |
44 | EE | Chulhan Lee,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim,
Sung-Jae Kim:
Preprocessing of a Fingerprint Image Captured with a Mobile Camera.
ICB 2006: 348-355 |
43 | EE | Eui Chul Lee,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Fake Iris Detection by Using Purkinje Image.
ICB 2006: 397-403 |
42 | EE | Dae Sik Jeong,
Hyun-Ae Park,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Iris Recognition in Mobile Phone Based on Adaptive Gabor Filter.
ICB 2006: 457-463 |
41 | EE | Jaehyuck Lim,
Hyobin Lee,
Sangyoun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Invertible Watermarking Algorithm with Detecting Locations of Malicious Manipulation for Biometric Image Authentication.
ICB 2006: 763-769 |
40 | EE | Sunjin Yu,
Hyobin Lee,
Jaihie Kim,
Sangyoun Lee:
Robust Design of Face Recognition Systems.
ICCSA (2) 2006: 96-105 |
39 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Yun Hee Lee,
Pal Joo Yoon,
Jaihie Kim:
Radial Distortion Refinement by Inverse Mapping-Based Extrapolation.
ICPR (1) 2006: 675-678 |
38 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Yun Hee Lee,
Pal Joo Yoon,
In Yong Hwang,
Jaihie Kim:
Sensor Fusion Based Obstacle Detection/Classification for Active Pedestrian Protection System.
ISVC (2) 2006: 294-305 |
37 | EE | Kwanghyuk Bae,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
3D Head Position Estimation Using a Single Omnidirectional Camera for Non-intrusive Iris Recognition.
MRCS 2006: 167-174 |
36 | EE | Hyun Hee Park,
Hyung Gu Lee,
Seung-In Noh,
Jaihie Kim:
An Area-Based Decision Rule for People-Counting Systems.
MRCS 2006: 450-457 |
35 | EE | Chulhan Lee,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
A Study of Touchless Fingerprint Recognition System.
SSPR/SPR 2006: 358-365 |
34 | EE | Hyun Park,
Hyung Lee,
Seung-In Noh,
Jaihie Kim:
Development of a Block-Based Real-Time People Counting System.
SSPR/SPR 2006: 366-374 |
33 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Dong Suk Kim,
Pal Joo Yoon,
Jaihie Kim:
Structure Analysis Based Parking Slot Marking Recognition for Semi-automatic Parking System.
SSPR/SPR 2006: 384-393 |
2005 |
32 | EE | Kangrok Lee,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jain Jang,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
A Study on Multi-unit Fingerprint Verification.
AVBPA 2005: 141-150 |
31 | EE | Kyoungtaek Choi,
Hee-seung Choi,
Jaihie Kim:
Fingerprint Mosaicking by Rolling and Sliding.
AVBPA 2005: 260-269 |
30 | EE | Dongjae Lee,
Wonchurl Jang,
Doeksoo Park,
Sung-Jae Kim,
Jaihie Kim:
A Real-Time Image Selection Algorithm: Fingerprint Recognition Using Mobile Devices with Embedded Camera.
AutoID 2005: 166-170 |
29 | EE | Ho Gi Jung,
Dong Suk Kim,
Pal Joo Yoon,
Jaihie Kim:
Stereo Vision Based Localization of Free Parking Site.
CAIP 2005: 231-239 |
28 | EE | Seung-In Noh,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
A New Feature Extraction Method Using the ICA Filters for Iris Recognition System.
IWBRS 2005: 142-149 |
27 | EE | Jonghyon Yi,
Chulhan Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Online signature verification using temporal shift estimated by the phase of Gabor filter.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(2-2): 776-783 (2005) |
26 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
A real-time focusing algorithm for iris recognition camera.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 35(3): 441-444 (2005) |
25 | EE | Seung-In Noh,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
A New Iris Recognition Method Using Independent Component Analysis.
IEICE Transactions 88-D(11): 2573-2581 (2005) |
24 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Real-Time Facial and Eye Gaze Tracking System.
IEICE Transactions 88-D(6): 1231-1238 (2005) |
2004 |
23 | EE | Dongjoe Shin,
Jaihie Kim:
Point to Point Calibration Method of Structured Light for Facial Data Reconstruction.
ICBA 2004: 200-206 |
22 | EE | Kangrok Lee,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification.
ICBA 2004: 395-402 |
21 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
A Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera.
ICBA 2004: 410-417 |
20 | EE | Jeong Jun Lee,
Seung-In Noh,
Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Iris Recognition in Wearable Computer.
ICBA 2004: 475-483 |
19 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Gaze Detection by Dual Camera and Dual IR-LED Illuminators.
MICAI 2004: 622-631 |
2003 |
18 | EE | Dongjae Lee,
Kyoungtaek Choi,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Fingerprint Fusion Based on Minutiae and Ridge for Enrollment.
AVBPA 2003: 478-485 |
17 | EE | Kyoungtaek Choi,
Dongjae Lee,
Sanghoon Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
An Improved Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm Based on the Triplet Approach.
AVBPA 2003: 584-591 |
16 | EE | Kwanghyuk Bae,
Seung-In Noh,
Jaihie Kim:
Iris Feature Extraction Using Independent Component Analysis.
AVBPA 2003: 838-844 |
15 | EE | Seung-In Noh,
Kwanghyuk Bae,
Yeunggyu Park,
Jaihie Kim:
A Novel Method to Extract Features for Iris Recognition System.
AVBPA 2003: 862-868 |
14 | EE | Siwook Nam,
Hanjoo Kim,
Jaihie Kim:
Trajectory Estimation Based on Globally Consistent Homography.
CAIP 2003: 214-221 |
13 | EE | Hwanjong Song,
Ukil Yang,
Jaihie Kim,
Kwanghoon Sohn:
A 3D Head Pose Estimation for Face Recognition.
SIP 2003: 133-138 |
12 | EE | Hyeonjoon Moon,
Jaihie Kim:
Biometrics Identification and Verification Using Projection-Based Face Recognition System.
WISA 2003: 380-394 |
2002 |
11 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jeong Jun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Facial and Eye Gaze Detection.
Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 368-376 |
10 | EE | Dongjae Lee,
Kaekyoung Choi,
Jaihie Kim:
A Robust Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using Local Alignment.
ICPR (3) 2002: 803-806 |
9 | EE | Kang Ryoung Park,
Jeong Jun Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Gaze position detection by computing the three dimensional facial positions and motions.
Pattern Recognition 35(11): 2559-2569 (2002) |
2001 |
8 | EE | Seonjoo Kim,
Dongjae Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of False Minutiae in Fingerprint Images.
AVBPA 2001: 235-240 |
2000 |
7 | EE | Yeunggyu Park,
Hoonju Yun,
Myongseop Song,
Jaihie Kim:
A Fast Circular Edge Detector for the Iris Region Segmentation.
Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 417-423 |
1998 |
6 | | Jonghyon Yi,
Min Suk Lee,
Jaihie Kim:
A Map Mosaicking Method Using Opportunistic Search Approach with a Blackboard Structure.
Document Analysis Systems 1998: 322-335 |
1997 |
5 | EE | Kyung Shik Jang,
Jonghyon Yi,
Jin Young Jung,
Jaihie Kim,
Kyu Hwan Chang:
A Recognition of Map Using the Geometric Relations between Lines and the Structural Information of Objects.
ICIP (3) 1997: 150-153 |
4 | | Byung Hwan Jun,
Chang Soo Kim,
Hong-Yeop Song,
Jaihie Kim:
A New Criterion in Selection and Discretization of Attributes for the Generation of Decision Trees.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(12): 1371-1375 (1997) |
1996 |
3 | EE | Jaihie Kim,
J. R. Yu,
S. H. Kim:
Learning of prototypes and decision boundaries for a verification problem having only positive samples.
Pattern Recognition Letters 17(7): 691-697 (1996) |
1995 |
2 | EE | Byung Hwan Jun,
Moo Young Kim,
Chang Soo Kim,
Woo Seong Kim,
Jaihie Kim:
On-line cursive Korean character recognition by using curvature models.
ICDAR 1995: 1051-1054 |
1 | EE | Seong Hoon Kim,
Myoung Soo Park,
Jaihie Kim:
Applying personalized weights to a feature set for on-line signature verification.
ICDAR 1995: 882-885 |