
Glenn H. MacEwen

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26EEAyaz Isazadeh, David Alex Lamb, Glenn H. MacEwen: Behavioral Views for Software Requirements Engineering. ECBS 1996: 300-307
25 Sam K. Oh, Glenn H. MacEwen: Task Behavior Monitoring for Adaptive Real-Time Communication. Real-Time Systems 11(2): 173-195 (1996)
24EEAyaz Isazadeh, Glenn H. MacEwen, Andrew J. Malton: Behavioral patterns for software requirement engineering. CASCON 1995: 33
23EEJanice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen, Prakash Panangaden: A Logic for Reasoning About Security. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 10(3): 226-264 (1992)
22 Glenn H. MacEwen, Janice I. Glasgow: A Proof of Secrecy for a Network Security Model. CSFW 1991: 176-181
21 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen, Prakash Panangaden: A Logic for Reasoning about Security. CSFW 1990: 2-13
20 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen: Obligation as the Basis of Integrity Specification. CSFW 1989: 64-70
19 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen: An Operator Net Model for Distributed Systems. Distributed Computing 3(4): 196-209 (1989)
18 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen, Prakash Panangaden: Reasoning about Knowledge and Permission in Secure Distributed Systems. CSFW 1988: 139-146
17 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen, Prakash Panangaden: Security by Permission in Databases. DBSec 1988: 197-205
16 Glenn H. MacEwen, David B. Skillicorn: Using Higher-order Logic for Modular Specification of Real-time Distributed Systems. FTRTFT 1988: 36-66
15 Glenn H. MacEwen: Effects of Distributed System Technology on Database Security: A Survey. DBSec 1987: 253-261
14 Glenn H. MacEwen, V. W. W. Poon, Janice I. Glasgow: A Model for Multilevel Security Based on Operator Nets. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1987: 150-160
13 Janice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen: A Computational Model for Distributed Systems Using Operator Nets. PARLE (2) 1987: 243-260
12EEJanice I. Glasgow, Glenn H. MacEwen: The Development and Proof of a Formal Specification for a Multilevel Secure System. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 5(2): 151-184 (1987)
11 Michael F. Coulas, Glenn H. MacEwen, Genevieve Marquis: RNet: A Hard Real-Time Distributed Programming System. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(8): 917-932 (1987)
10 Chantal Belzile, Michael F. Coulas, Glenn H. MacEwen, Genevieve Marquis: RNet: A Hard Real-Time Distributed Programming System. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1986: 2-13
9 Glenn H. MacEwen, B. Burwell, Z.-J. Lu: Multi-Level Security Based on Physical Distribution. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 167-179
8 Glenn H. MacEwen: The Design for a Secure System Based on Program Analysis. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(3): 289-299 (1983)
7 Glenn H. MacEwen: Correction to "Information Flow Certification Using an Intermediate Code Programm Representation". IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(4): 446 (1982)
6 Allan L. Mennie, Glenn H. MacEwen: Information Flow Certification Using an Intermediate Code Program Representation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(6): 594-607 (1981)
5EEGlenn H. MacEwen, T. Patrick Martin: Abstraction hierarchies in top-down design. Journal of Systems and Software 2(3): 213-224 (1981)
4 Glenn H. MacEwen: A Simulation Sequencing Algorithm. Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(2): 165-172 (1977)
3EEC. C. Gotlieb, Glenn H. MacEwen: Errata: ``Performance of Movable-Head Disk Storage Devices''. J. ACM 22(1): 172 (1975)
2 Glenn H. MacEwen: On Instrumentation Facilities in Programming Languages. IFIP Congress 1974: 198-203
1EEC. C. Gotlieb, Glenn H. MacEwen: Performance of Movable-Head Disk Storage Devices. J. ACM 20(4): 604-623 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Chantal Belzile [10]
2B. Burwell [9]
3Michael F. Coulas [10] [11]
4Janice I. Glasgow [12] [13] [14] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
5Calvin C. Gotlieb (C. C. Gotlieb) [1] [3]
6Ayaz Isazadeh [24] [26]
7David Alex Lamb [26]
8Z.-J. Lu [9]
9Andrew J. Malton [24]
10Genevieve Marquis [10] [11]
11Patrick Martin (T. Patrick Martin) [5]
12Allan L. Mennie [6]
13Sam K. Oh [25]
14Prakash Panangaden [17] [18] [21] [23]
15V. W. W. Poon [14]
16David B. Skillicorn [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)