2009 |
94 | EE | Rainer Koschke,
Stanislaw Jarzabek,
James R. Cordy,
Katsuro Inoue:
Third International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC).
CSMR 2009: 269-270 |
2008 |
93 | EE | Nicola Zeni,
Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
James R. Cordy,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos:
Annotating Regulations Using Cerno: An Application to Italian Documents - Extended Abstract.
ARES 2008: 1437-1442 |
92 | EE | Chanchal Kumar Roy,
James R. Cordy:
Towards a mutation-based automatic framework for evaluating code clone detection tools.
C3S2E 2008: 137-140 |
91 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
Travis D. Breaux,
Annie I. Antón,
James R. Cordy,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos:
Automating the Extraction of Rights and Obligations for Regulatory Compliance.
ER 2008: 154-168 |
90 | EE | Chanchal Kumar Roy,
James R. Cordy:
Scenario-Based Comparison of Clone Detection Techniques.
ICPC 2008: 153-162 |
89 | EE | Chanchal Kumar Roy,
James R. Cordy:
NICAD: Accurate Detection of Near-Miss Intentional Clones Using Flexible Pretty-Printing and Code Normalization.
ICPC 2008: 172-181 |
88 | EE | Scott Grant,
James R. Cordy,
David B. Skillicorn:
Automated Concept Location Using Independent Component Analysis.
WCRE 2008: 138-142 |
87 | EE | Manar H. Alalfi,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
SQL2XMI: Reverse Engineering of UML-ER Diagrams from Relational Database Schemas.
WCRE 2008: 187-191 |
86 | EE | Chanchal Kumar Roy,
James R. Cordy:
An Empirical Study of Function Clones in Open Source Software.
WCRE 2008: 81-90 |
85 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
Decision-Based Specification and Comparison of Table Recognition Algorithms.
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition 2008: 71-103 |
2007 |
84 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
Travis D. Breaux,
Annie I. Antón,
James R. Cordy,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos:
Extracting rights and obligations from regulations: toward a tool-supported process.
ASE 2007: 429-432 |
83 | EE | Andy Y. Mao,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Automated conversion of table-based websites to structured stylesheets using table recognition and clone detection.
CASCON 2007: 12-26 |
82 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
Luisa Mich,
James R. Cordy,
John Mylopoulos:
Annotating Accommodation Advertisements Using CERNO.
ENTER 2007: 389-400 |
81 | EE | Manar H. Alalfi,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
A Survey of Analysis Models and Methods in Website Verification and Testing.
ICWE 2007: 306-311 |
80 | EE | Nicola Zeni,
Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos,
James R. Cordy:
A Lightweight Approach to Semantic Annotation of Research Papers.
NLDB 2007: 61-72 |
2006 |
79 | | James R. Cordy,
Ralf Lämmel,
Andreas Winter:
Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering, 17.-22. April 2005
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
78 | EE | Elizabeth Dancy,
James R. Cordy:
STAC: software tuning panels for autonomic control.
CASCON 2006: 146-160 |
77 | EE | Adrian D. Thurston,
James R. Cordy:
A backtracking LR algorithm for parsing ambiguous context-dependent languages.
CASCON 2006: 39-53 |
76 | EE | Andrew Walenstein,
James R. Cordy,
William S. Evans,
Ahmed E. Hassan,
Toshihiro Kamiya,
Cory Kapser,
Ettore Merlo:
06301 Working Session Summary: Presentation and Visualization of Redundant Code.
Duplication, Redundancy, and Similarity in Software 2006 |
75 | EE | Andrew Walenstein,
Mohammad El-Ramly,
James R. Cordy,
William S. Evans,
Kiarash Mahdavi,
Markus Pizka,
Ganesan Ramalingam,
Jürgen Wolff von Gudenberg:
Similarity in Programs.
Duplication, Redundancy, and Similarity in Software 2006 |
74 | EE | Chanchal Kumar Roy,
Thomas Noll,
Banani Roy,
James R. Cordy:
Towards automatic verification of Erlang programs by pi-calculus translation.
Erlang Workshop 2006: 38-50 |
73 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy:
A Service-Sharing Methodology for Integrating COTS-Based Software Systems.
ICCBSS 2006: 177-186 |
72 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy:
Integrating Reverse Engineering Tools Using a Service-Sharing Methodology.
ICPC 2006: 94-99 |
71 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
Luisa Mich,
James R. Cordy,
John Mylopoulos:
Text Mining Through Semi Automatic Semantic Annotation.
PAKM 2006: 143-154 |
70 | EE | James R. Cordy:
Source transformation, analysis and generation in TXL.
PEPM 2006: 1-11 |
69 | EE | Adrian D. Thurston,
James R. Cordy:
Evolving TXL.
SCAM 2006: 117-126 |
68 | EE | James R. Cordy:
The TXL source transformation language.
Sci. Comput. Program. 61(3): 190-210 (2006) |
67 | EE | Hongyu Zhang,
Jeremy S. Bradbury,
James R. Cordy,
Jürgen Dingel:
Using source transformation to test and model check implicit-invocation systems.
Sci. Comput. Program. 62(3): 209-227 (2006) |
66 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Harald Gall,
Jonathan I. Maletic:
Guest editorial.
Software Quality Journal 14(3): 185-186 (2006) |
2005 |
65 | | James R. Cordy,
Anatol W. Kark,
Darlene A. Stewart:
Proceedings of the 2005 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, October 17-20, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
IBM 2005 |
64 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Anatol W. Kark:
Workshops of CASCON 2005/Ateliers de CASCON 20005.
CASCON 2005: 283-291 |
63 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
Recognition Tasks Are Imitation Games.
ICAPR (1) 2005: 209-218 |
62 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
James R. Cordy,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos:
Applying Software Analysis Technology to Lightweight Semantic Markup of Document Text.
ICAPR (1) 2005: 590-600 |
61 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
Historical Recall and Precision: Summarizing Generated Hypotheses.
ICDAR 2005: 202-206 |
60 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
The Recognition Strategy Language.
ICDAR 2005: 565-569 |
59 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy:
Ontology-Based Software Analysis and Reengineering Tool Integration: The OASIS Service-Sharing Methodology.
ICSM 2005: 613-616 |
58 | EE | Jeremy S. Bradbury,
James R. Cordy,
Jürgen Dingel:
An empirical framework for comparing effectiveness of testing and property-based formal analysis.
PASTE 2005: 2-5 |
57 | EE | Hongyu Zhang,
Jeremy S. Bradbury,
James R. Cordy,
Jürgen Dingel:
Implementation and Verification of Implicit-Invocation Systems Using Source Transformation.
SCAM 2005: 87-96 |
56 | EE | Derek M. Shimozawa,
James R. Cordy:
TETE: A Non-Invasive Unit Testing Framework for Source Transformation.
STEP 2005: 137-146 |
55 | EE | Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya,
Nicola Zeni,
James R. Cordy,
Luisa Mich,
John Mylopoulos:
Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotations for Web Documents.
SWAP 2005 |
54 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Ralf Lämmel,
Andreas Winter:
05161 Executive Summary - Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering.
Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering 2005 |
53 | EE | Jurgen J. Vinju,
James R. Cordy:
How to make a bridge between transformation and analysis technologies?.
Transformation Techniques in Software Engineering 2005 |
52 | EE | Lei Wang,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Enhancing Security Using Legality Assertions.
WCRE 2005: 35-44 |
51 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy:
Factbase Filtering Issues in an Ontology-Based Reverse Engineering Tool Integration System.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(3): 65-75 (2005) |
50 | EE | Timothy Cassidy,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean,
Jürgen Dingel:
Source Transformation for Concurrency Analysis.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(4): 57-75 (2005) |
2004 |
49 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean,
Nikita Synytskyy:
Practical language-independent detection of near-miss clones.
CASCON 2004: 1-12 |
48 | EE | Jeremy S. Bradbury,
James R. Cordy,
Jürgen Dingel,
Michel Wermelinger:
A survey of self-management in dynamic software architecture specifications.
WOSS 2004: 28-33 |
47 | EE | Andrea De Lucia,
James R. Cordy,
John Mylopoulos:
Autom. Softw. Eng. 11(1): 5-6 (2004) |
46 | EE | James R. Cordy:
TXL - A Language for Programming Language Tools and Applications .
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 110: 3-31 (2004) |
45 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
A survey of table recognition.
IJDAR 7(1): 1-16 (2004) |
2003 |
44 | EE | Nikita Synytskyy,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Robust multilingual parsing using island grammars.
CASCON 2003: 266-278 |
43 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Transparent Reverse Engineering Tool Integration Using a Conceptual Transaction Adapter.
CSMR 2003: 399-408 |
42 | EE | James R. Cordy:
Generalized Selective XML Markup of Source Code Using Agile Parsing.
IWPC 2003: 144-153 |
41 | EE | James R. Cordy:
Comprehending Reality - Practical Barriers to Industrial Adoption of Software Maintenance Automation.
IWPC 2003: 196-206 |
40 | EE | Xinping Guo,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Unique Renaming of Java Using Source Transformation.
SCAM 2003: 151-160 |
39 | EE | Nikita Synytskyy,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Resolution of Static Clones in Dynamic Web Pages.
WSE 2003: 49 |
38 | EE | Thomas R. Dean,
James R. Cordy,
Andrew J. Malton,
Kevin A. Schneider:
Agile Parsing in TXL.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 10(4): 311-336 (2003) |
2002 |
37 | EE | Kevin A. Schneider,
James R. Cordy:
AUI: A Programming Language for Developing Plastic Interactive Software.
HICSS 2002: 281 |
36 | EE | Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy,
Richard Zanibbi:
Applying Compiler Techniques to Diagram Recognition.
ICPR (3) 2002: 123-126 |
35 | EE | Dean Jin,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean:
Where's the Schema? A Taxonomy of Patterns for Software Exchange.
IWPC 2002: 65-74 |
34 | EE | Thomas R. Dean,
James R. Cordy,
Andrew J. Malton,
Kevin A. Schneider:
Grammar Programming in TXL.
SCAM 2002: 93- |
33 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(11): 1455-1467 (2002) |
32 | | James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean,
Andrew J. Malton,
Kevin A. Schneider:
Source transformation in software engineering using the TXL transformation system.
Information & Software Technology 44(13): 827-837 (2002) |
2001 |
31 | EE | Hoda Fahmy,
Richard C. Holt,
James R. Cordy:
Wins and Losses of Algebraic Transformations of Software Architectures.
ASE 2001: 51-62 |
30 | EE | Kevin A. Schneider,
James R. Cordy:
Abstract User Interfaces: A Model and Notation to Support Plasticity in Interactive Systems.
DSV-IS 2001: 28-48 |
29 | EE | Richard Zanibbi,
Dorothea Blostein,
James R. Cordy:
Baseline Structure Analysis of Handwritten Mathematics Notation.
ICDAR 2001: 768-773 |
28 | EE | Thomas R. Dean,
James R. Cordy,
Kevin A. Schneider,
Andrew J. Malton:
Using Design Recovery Techniques to Transform Legacy Systems.
ICSM 2001: 622-631 |
27 | EE | Andrew J. Malton,
Kevin A. Schneider,
James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean,
Darren Cousineau,
Jason Reynolds:
Processing Software Source Text in Automated Design Recovery and Transformation.
IWPC 2001: 127-134 |
26 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Kevin A. Schneider,
Thomas R. Dean,
Andrew J. Malton:
HSML: Design Directed Source Code Hot Spots.
IWPC 2001: 145-156 |
25 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Thomas R. Dean,
Andrew J. Malton,
Kevin A. Schneider:
Software Engineering by Source Transformation-Experience with TXL.
SCAM 2001: 170-180 |
1995 |
24 | EE | Thomas R. Dean,
James R. Cordy:
A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(4): 302-313 (1995) |
1994 |
23 | EE | Rateb Abu-Hamdeh,
James R. Cordy,
T. Patrick Martin:
Schema translation using structural transformation.
CASCON 1994: 1 |
1993 |
22 | | Thomas R. Dean,
James R. Cordy:
Software Structure Characterization Using Connectivity.
ICSE Workshop on Studies of Software Design 1993: 33-48 |
21 | | James R. Cordy,
Mario Barbacci:
Introduction to the Special Issue on ICCL '92.
Comput. Lang. 19(2): 63-64 (1993) |
1992 |
20 | | James R. Cordy,
Mario Barbacci:
ICCL'92, Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Languages, Oakland, California, USA, 20-23 Apr 1992
IEEE 1992 |
19 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Medha Shukla:
Practical metaprogramming.
CASCON 1992: 215-224 |
1991 |
18 | | James R. Cordy,
Charles D. Halpern-Hamu,
Eric Promislow:
TXL: A Rapid Prototyping System for Programming Language Dialects.
Comput. Lang. 16(1): 97-107 (1991) |
1990 |
17 | | James R. Cordy,
T. C. Nicholas Graham:
GVL: A Graphical, Functional Language for the Specification of Output in Programming Languages.
ICCL 1990: 11-22 |
16 | | James R. Cordy,
Eric Promislow:
Specification and Automatic Prototype Implementation of Polymorphic Objects in TURING Using the TXL Dialect Processor.
ICCL 1990: 145-154 |
15 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Nicholas L. Eliot,
Michael G. Robertson:
TuringTool: A User Interface to Aid in the Software Maintenance Task.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(3): 294-301 (1990) |
14 | | James R. Cordy,
Richard C. Holt:
Code Generation Using an Orthogonal Model.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(3): 301-320 (1990) |
1989 |
13 | | David T. Barnard,
James R. Cordy:
Automatically Generating SL Parsers From LL(1) Grammars.
Comput. Lang. 14(2): 93-98 (1989) |
1988 |
12 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Charles D. Halpern-Hamu,
Eric Promislow:
TXL: a rapid prototyping system for programming language dialects.
ICCL 1988: 280-285 |
11 | | Richard C. Holt,
James R. Cordy:
The Turing Programming Language.
Commun. ACM 31(12): 1410-1423 (1988) |
10 | | David T. Barnard,
James R. Cordy:
SL Parses The LR Languages.
Comput. Lang. 13(2): 65-74 (1988) |
9 | EE | Stephen G. Perelgut,
James R. Cordy:
Turing Plus: a comparison with C and Pascal.
SIGPLAN Notices 23(1): 137-143 (1988) |
1987 |
8 | EE | James R. Cordy,
T. C. Nicholas Graham:
Design of an interpretive environment for Turing.
PLDI 1987: 199-204 |
1984 |
7 | | James R. Cordy:
Compile-Time Detection of Aliasing in Euclid Programs.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(8): 755-768 (1984) |
1982 |
6 | EE | Richard C. Holt,
James R. Cordy,
David B. Wortman:
An Introduction to S/SL: Syntax/Semantic Language.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 4(2): 149-178 (1982) |
1981 |
5 | EE | David B. Wortman,
Richard C. Holt,
James R. Cordy,
David R. Crowe,
Ian H. Griggs:
Euclid: a language for compiling quality software.
AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 257-263 |
4 | | David B. Wortman,
James R. Cordy:
Early Experiences with Euclid.
ICSE 1981: 27-33 |
1979 |
3 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Richard C. Holt,
David B. Wortman:
Semantic charts: A diagrammatic approach to semantic processing.
SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1979: 39-49 |
1978 |
2 | EE | Richard C. Holt,
David B. Wortman,
James R. Cordy,
David R. Crowe:
The Euclid Language: a progress report.
ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 111-115 |
1977 |
1 | EE | Richard C. Holt,
David B. Wortman,
David T. Barnard,
James R. Cordy:
SP/k: A System for Teaching Computer Programming.
Commun. ACM 20(5): 301-309 (1977) |